Is 2022 the year bitcoin retail investors will be wiped out?


Enter 2021, encryption community seems to have been not peaceful, between the occurrence of too many events. First came the 519 pullout, then the bitcoin crash, countless retail investors sold out. Musk, Wood sister, Sun Cut, investment institutions, and so on, have come out to support bitcoin, Shouting that bitcoin should rise to 50 thousand, but the reality is exactly the opposite bitcoin not only does not rise but falls. The decline accelerated when Musk tweeted about bitcoin's power consumption.

El Salvador declared bitcoin its legal currency, starting a bottom-fishing campaign, and the Central African Republic followed suit. Bitcoin's bull market has been a bumpy ride. It's not going as smoothly as previous bull markets. After the test of faith collapse again and again, the retail investors are constantly cleared out, and the future trend is that the retail investors have less and less chips, and the institutions have more and more chips, and the retail investors are being eliminated.

Bitcoin after this round of shock cycle, chips have been secretly changed hands. Luna was shorted by A Soros-style bet that wiped out retail assets overnight. Wall Street institutions raked in more than 100, 000 bitcoins on empty hands.

Bitcoin has come to the era of national and institutional investment, they hold a huge amount of chips in their hands, the future trend that is ever-changing, can not be described as a simple bull market bear market, institutional Bitcoin rose to 1 million, at that time, there is nothing to do with retail investors, you have no money. Because they are more professional, retail investors were only cut leek, retail investors want to live on the road ahead is too difficult, only constantly learning to improve cognition, lying flat, plus less toss is retail investors were cut the best way out.

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