Blockchain and cloud computing

Technological development is never independent, but reconstructs and grows on the basis of other technologies.

1. The development history of blockchain 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

Bitcoin represents blockchain 1.0 and smart contract technology 2.0. There are two main technology schools in the blockchain 2.0 era. The first was Ethereum, and the second was Hyperledger.

Ethereum is based on standard smart contracts that allow all users to be transparent in a public chain system in an open and transparent manner, including the recognition of digital assets on the public chain and the liquidity premium generated by exchanges.

Hyperledger Fabric builds an alliance for an enterprise. If the chain is used internally, it is called a private chain. Hyperledger Fabric has the underlying blockchain technology based on smart contracts and the concept of distributed ledger DLT, which is representative in the blockchain 2.0 era.

Blockchain 3.0 requires industry applications to conduct related businesses and operations on the chain. Blockchain 3.0 represents blockchain + various industries, similar to the era of Internet + various industries.

An important part of blockchain 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 as technology evolves is called consensus algorithms. In a public chain system, anyone can join a node, vote or join me.

You don't need any permission to join the entire public network, consensus algorithms have to exist.

With the addition of Hyperledger structure, some changes have taken place in blockchain technology system.

An alliance is a business network constructed by a business group or a business alliance. Joining a commercial network requires a certain authentication mechanism, strict commercial norms and terms. They join the business chain only when business norms and business terms are agreed upon.

Therefore, the characteristic of Hyperledger Fabric federation chain is that it can only join the federation chain system as a node through licensed nodes or licensed commercial organizations.

b0dae013d4928b773d6431e468af8b772. The relationship between cloud computing and public chain and alliance chain.

Cloud computing generally refers to server computing and storage network resources used by enterprises, individuals, and customers for development, testing, and production.

There is a deployment relationship between cloud computing and public chain. All public chains have nodes that require server resources to run. Cloud computing companies can provide the basic operating environment for common chain nodes.

Since the emergence of professional mining machines and mining machines, public chain nodes based on POW consensus mechanism can not use the traditional CPU provided by cloud computing companies to mine, instead, they are professional mining machines with ASIC chips. However, many computing platform systems are still deployed in cloud computing companies.

The relationship between cloud computing and affiliate chains is that blockchain is a trusted transaction, just like the Http protocol is based on the Internet. Every one of us will contact the Internet HTTP protocol every day, as a basic protocol for browsing web pages, so that every one of us can enjoy the convenience of the Internet.

Blockchain is not an alternative to the Internet, but a trusted transaction. On the basis of information Internet connection, build credible transaction and realize value Internet. In a blockchain network, assets can be transferred, especially digital assets.

3. What is the difference between the decentralization of blockchain and the centralized cloud provision of cloud computing vendors? Contradiction?

First, the public chains are relatively distributed. Bitcoin is decentralized to some extent because it doesn't have a very clear centralized organization responsible for the operation of the entire network nodes, which is relatively decentralized or weakly centralized.

Second, alliance chains do not lend themselves to decentralization. In the alliance chain system, we are talking about disintermediation. Members of the Alliance share information in a timely and transparent manner through blockchain technology, and digital assets can be traded, enabling organizational and process optimization and reducing or lowering intermediary costs.

Although a cloud computing company is responsible for the operation management of cloud computing vendors, cloud computing vendors were the first to embrace distributed technology, turning a large number of centralized applications into distributed applications.

Cloud computing companies have a wide range of data centers, basically all over the world. Therefore, there is no centralized cloud computing vendor. The only centralized one is unified operation and maintenance management.

ea0a15de267a3d272206f2728337463d4. Will blockchain disrupt cloud vendors in the future?

These days, cloud computing vendors are responsible for most of the fees. Users register and open accounts on the platform of cloud computing vendors according to the price tag and choose to buy their own cloud services. Cloud services can also be charged on a daily, monthly or hourly basis. This flexible charging method is the existing cloud computing charging model.

While the market is talking about "blockchain can disrupt cloud computing vendors in the future", it may think that blockchain users can purchase cloud computing resources in the monetary payment system as long as they hold tokens. Resources are completely transparent to the user and are provided by many cloud providers. As long as they meet the requirements, they can be purchased by Token.

This model is essentially a hybrid cloud or cloud economy. For example, game manufacturers who buy Jinshan Cloud can use Ali Cloud or Tencent cloud at the same time, and the network between multiple public cloud manufacturers can be interconnected.

For users, application deployment and migration can be smoothly switched across the network.

This model is also achieved in the blockchain world by grafting mature business models. Its consumption pattern is who keeps the books, or a token as the consumer, but only if it has enough traffic.

At present, there is no public chain that can match the user scale of existing cloud computing vendors. Thus, blockchain's decentralized advantages upend cloud vendors. That statement is currently untenable.

From another perspective, such as the large-scale alliance chain, EOS 21 super node model, each node needs to use a large amount of computing resources.

But EOS nodes running dozens or hundreds of high-end servers are enough. Cloud computing vendors have tens of thousands of servers, as well as multiple data centers with completely interconnected networks. So replacing cloud computing with supernodes is impossible, too small.

One possibility is that the resources needed by the growing number of applications on supernodes, including computing and storage networks, are born out of the chain and must be big enough to compete with cloud computing vendors.

Based only on the two premises of large number of users and application scale, it can be said that the decentralized advantages of blockchain can compete with cloud computing vendors for traffic.

f4ee275d4892e8a0f8a1641160bf61c85. How to combine the distributed storage of blockchain?

Blockchain's distributed storage uses storage space in a personal device, such as a router or set-top box, as a cache. Bring the nodes of the CDN closer to the client, even if those nodes are in your home.

In this way, when users watch videos or picture files, they can directly pull relevant resources from their own nodes or very close nodes to improve efficiency.

In order to allow individual users to contribute their own storage space and improve the efficiency of the entire cache network or CDN network, users can be encouraged to join the blockchain distributed storage network.

In a sense, it is an extension of cloud computing to edge computing. We think of cloud computing as a kind of relatively centralized computing, and then we extend the centralized computing outward, which is edge computing.

In distributed storage, the core is used for excitation. How much space I contribute should be rewarded accordingly, especially if the space I contribute is used by users and realized commercial realization through CDN. In commercial implementation network, part of storage space and network cost can be saved, which is equivalent to realizing a closed loop service.

6. Why is mining by storage better than computing resources?

Mining through computation is purely resource consuming, such as solving hashes, and actually does no good to the industry. It just assigns an accounting right, and it's a consensus algorithm.

But the contribution of storage is achieved by storage, and then people are encouraged to contribute storage to store cached files.

Users can release some backbone network resources and pull resources through their own edge networks. In this way, the backbone network consumption is reduced and core storage resources are further saved.

So distributed storage of blockchain, including storage of cloud and edge computing, complement each other, and edge computing can never replace cloud computing.

Cloud computing is big enough that edge computing is in its growth phase. There's a lot of technology and standards to work on. The trend is for edge computing to become more and more integrated with cloud computing as a complement.

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