Blockchain + games, the ideal blockchain games of the future

b2aec8c0a100f5db69cb9cd8afe1d78eToday is just like you to interpret the block chain + the content of the game, in recent years there has been no a special can get you anything, particularly satisfactory, especially can represent game of the chain of birth, so that a lot of special value chain swim development initially people have begun to gradually shift your attention, because of the outbreak is arguably, Many offline entertainment press the pause button, at home boring man, the frequency of online fun is also significantly promoted, so just can have, according to data from the first quarter of 2020, which is a mobile game market to march of China's revenue increased by more than forty-nine percent, nearly fifty-five billion yuan, But the block chain game has been nothing, did not set off any waves, some of the people who used to carry the banner of chain swimming, vowed to study chain swimming, but took advantage of the video number just launched that all ran to do short video, not to say that they do not do so.

Someone said that the chain can swim at the time the fire because of national chain in this area of the open policy, standing on the tuyere pigs can fly, just in such a positive cases had such a scene is very cold today, so some people come away disappointed also becomes understandable, we might as well start to simple know about the development of chain swim over the years. There are many early based on block chain technology development of the game, still impressive and can call on the name of the game, the first pure block chain should be infatuated with the cat, dog, had these, I also have plenty of other games after that, but there are hard to avoid a few problems, such as simple and crude way a single, graphics, the same, there is no big breakthrough, There is nothing to play, there is directly hanging the title of the chain tour, sitting pyramid selling of funds, this kind of scam game is a pile of boxes, like before the interesting step has been very typical, after the participation of the big factory like against the cold, together to catch the demon.

ce8b1cd0374adeef88e346b8a02888d9And we usually say that the block chain game can be roughly classified into three categories, used in popular chain technology game the block chain, blended in a certain quantitative games, chain technology of the block to a central server, the whole chain of online games like under cold, together to catch the demon can be block chain game, may be only parts of application of the technology of block chain, For example, Fuxi Tongbao, which is generated based on blockchain technology, or a cat that can be connected to the Internet, has no real effect. It gives people the impression that it has little impact on the Internet. However, our ideal and real chain game should be a full-chain online game with decentralized servers. Game manufacturers and developers can not randomly issue props, can not arbitrarily dispose of the game, game players play the world belongs to their own, those game props can be owned by the whole network circulation, can be exchanged for other game props.

Lay of these in the game you will become an asset, rather than a key can be the manufacturer and developer of reset virtual items, some might think so, chain has no blow day swim ah, in fact is not, after all, has a 2.3 billion game players of the market, for chain blocks, do have a lot of space to be developed, All that's missing is a bigger opportunity to attract more money to make better graphics and more playable chain games.

Now the country is developing this new infrastructure, which is called new infrastructure, which is also an opportunity. Because the content of the new infrastructure is roughly divided into innovative infrastructure, infrastructure and information infrastructure integration three categories, which will block linked in to the ranks of the information infrastructure, so the chain blocks the development of technology is very important, as long as there is wind, the kite is fly to heaven, as long as the chain block can get better development, The spring of chain travel will follow.

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