Blockchain is not linked to capital

When the development of blockchain enters a new stage of development, we see the emergence of many new species derived from blockchain, whether it is the popularity of digital collections, or the rapid development of the meta-universe, all of which are the direct embodiment of this phenomenon. Indeed, after the early precipitation and accumulation, the development of blockchain has entered such a stage of development. At such a stage of development, we need to see the emergence of a series of blockchain-based species. Only in this way can we truly enter the era of blockchain worthy of the name.

Yet talk of a "blockchain era" has been around for years. From the beginning of the capital big shot, people have already focused on the focus of the block chain. The development of blockchain has clearly proved to us that the so-called blockchain era is not achieved overnight, nor can it be realized quickly and easily with the help of capital. It requires a process, and only after going through such a process can we truly enter the blockchain era.

This point, we can see from the Internet body some clues. Long before the Internet became mainstream, we saw countless people crying out for the so-called "Internet age". However, by the time the real meaning of the Internet era comes, those people crying out for the "Internet age" are long gone. Through the development of blockchain, we can clearly see that the so-called blockchain is indeed something that can bring changes to our production and life. It is because of this that it will go through countless baptisms and still stand firm. Similarly, through the development of blockchain, we can also see that its development does not only require capital. Compared with capital, blockchain requires more complex conditions.

The important role played by the power of capital in the Internet era has directly affected people's understanding and views on blockchain. Some people even believe that as long as we can apply capital to blockchain, we can achieve the same effect as in the Internet era. As a result, we see the relationship between capital and blockchain is beginning to be cut and cut. However, after countless developments, we are beginning to realize more and more that so-called capital is not the decisive factor of blockchain. In order for blockchain to develop rapidly and even enter the blockchain era, we need more conditions.

6ceee8b0d12e4fa146701e9c4ba25ed91. The driving force of blockchain comes from itself

Different from Internet technology, blockchain technology is a more low-level, more fundamental technology. This characteristic of blockchain determines that we cannot use the relationship between Internet and capital to interpret the relationship between blockchain and capital. Blockchain needs to find a more suitable development path for itself. Instead of blindly attributing the development momentum of blockchain to capital, the author believes that the driving force of blockchain comes from the blockchain itself.

Capital can't bring lasting development to blockchain, much less the immediate effects of the Internet era. If the development of blockchain is to be sustained and lasting, it must be realized through the iteration and upgrading of blockchain technology itself. The author always believes that those players who really go far and develop well in the field of blockchain are definitely not those who are sought after by capital, but those who really master the core technology of blockchain and can really apply and implement blockchain.

This is the fundamental reason why we see the most up-and-coming blockchain players these days being players who are not very much tied to capital. Only by recognizing this can we truly jump out of the capital-led development mode of the Internet era and truly think and look at problems from the perspective of blockchain. Only in this way can the development of blockchain be truly successful and lasting.

2. Blockchain itself is incompatible with capital

The Internet and capital complement each other. One of the important reasons for this is that there are common needs and development directions between the Internet and capital. No matter it is the Internet or capital, they need to constantly do large-scale, constantly expand the boundary, to build scale effect, so as to achieve their own rapid development. Thus, we see that in the Internet era, capital can always call the wind and rain. Those who get capital get the world, also became the "golden rule" of Internet players.

e4dcd1734f4f1210fa58c9c6e8733f02However, what works well with capital on the Internet does not work well with blockchain. In-depth analysis of the reasons, the author believes that the most fundamental reason is that there is a mutually exclusive relationship between blockchain and capital, which is the root cause of this phenomenon. Unlike the Internet, which needs to constantly expand its scale and boundaries to achieve its own development, blockchain needs to release the existing platformization and centralization barriers through decentralization to achieve new development.

At this moment, if we make use of the power of capital to achieve the development of blockchain, then it is bound to bring the development of blockchain back into the development of the Internet. At the moment, blockchain is no longer a way and method to release the platform and center, but a means for the platform and center to continue to expand themselves and continue the traditional development logic. What can be confirmed is that such a development logic does not conform to the spiritual connotation of blockchain, which will lead the development of blockchain to where.

3. Blockchain is not yet ready for fission

One of the important reasons why capital pays so much attention to blockchain is that they try to continue their development model in the Internet era through blockchain. That is, just with the help of capital, blockchain players can get rapid development, geometric growth, so as to continue to dig gold in such development.

However, although the development of blockchain can indeed bring us such development, although blockchain can indeed make our production and life have a profound and thorough change, but only from the current development of blockchain, it does not have such potential. At least from the current development situation, the development of blockchain is still immature, is still primary, is still primitive. At such a stage, we will link blockchain with capital, only disrupt the original pace of development of blockchain, and even will bring the development of blockchain into a dead end.

The author believes that the current blockchain does not have the conditions for fission, at least from the current implementation and application of blockchain is such. Although we have been emphasizing the landing and application of blockchain, and although blockchain appears in many scenarios, blockchain is still a small and isolated existence. However, when the implementation and application of blockchain has not formed a large ecology and has not built scale effect, its development will not have the conditions for fission. At such a time, it is still inappropriate to blindly bind capital and blockchain, or even to regard capital as the fundamental endogenous kinetic energy of blockchain development.

4. Blockchain still needs to evolve again

One of the important reasons why there are still such problems in the blockchain field and the application of blockchain is still subject to such and such restrictions is that the blockchain technology is not mature and complete. The author always believes that at the current stage of development, what we really need is to enrich and develop blockchain technology, so that blockchain can transform from a primary and primitive existence into a mature and advanced existence, rather than just reaping capital in a hurry. For the majority of capital players, it is also necessary to find a coordinated development and continuous evolution path with blockchain technology, rather than just dabbling in it.

This point, we can see some clues in the meta-universe players. In a sense, those who can really develop well, really can go for a long time in the meta-universe, must be in the blockchain technology breakthrough and innovation players. If the lack of innovation and evolution of blockchain technology, but only blindly use the original technology to expand the development boundary of the meta-universe, then when the energy of the original blockchain technology is released, the development of the meta-universe will still fall into a dilemma. Therefore, in order to make a new breakthrough for blockchain, it is necessary to take technology as the starting point and find a breakthrough for development through technological innovation. When blockchain achieves technological innovation and breakthrough, its development can truly enter a new stage of development.

If there is no breakthrough in blockchain technology, but just use capital to overdraw the blockchain, then the development of the so-called blockchain will inevitably fall into a new dead end. From this point of view, the development of blockchain still needs to seek breakthroughs from the underlying technology, rather than just placing all hopes on capital. Only when the underlying technology of blockchain has a breakthrough, and then amplified by the power of capital, can the synergistic development relationship be established between capital and blockchain, and the development of blockchain can truly enter a benign and healthy development track.


The mutual binding of capital and blockchain ultimately gives people the illusion that the development of blockchain and capital are mutually reinforcing and interlinked. However, although capital plays a relatively important role in the development of blockchain, it does not mean that the development of blockchain and capital are linked. Only by recognizing such a relationship between capital and blockchain and finding a development path of harmonious coexistence between capital and blockchain can they truly jump out of the Abnormal circle of Internet development and truly walk out of a new development path with distinctive characteristics of their own.

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