Blockchain is reshaping order


Just keeping the NFT in the NFT itself, and just keeping the metadverse in the metadverse itself, is in no way able to pry into their internal development logic. On the surface, the emergence of new species represented by NFT and the metasverse has indeed subverted people's imagination to some extent. However, without a clear understanding of exactly what causes NFT and metasurses to occur, the cult of NFT and metasurses is a fad.

Rather than simply seeing NFT and the metaduct as separate entities, I prefer to see NFT and the metaduct as a continuation of blockchain. To some extent, their emergence is an important symbol of the maturity of blockchain. Some people may say that the emergence of Bitcoin is also a sign of the maturity of blockchain. However, in my opinion, Bitcoin is only a catalyst at best, until a series of applications based on blockchain technology are constantly landing and appearing, and the era of blockchain maturity in the real sense will be truly arrived.

At present, we are in the mature stage of blockchain. With the emergence of a series of applications originating from blockchain, the era of blockchain maturity in the true sense will come. Starting from this, blockchain will reshape the order constructed by the Internet and truly bring people's production and life into a new era based on numbers and data.

It may sound alarmist, but if we combine the maturity of blockchain technology with the ongoing digital economy, perhaps we can get a more complete answer. Standing at such a time node, to recognize the impact of blockchain on our production and life, and to find new development opportunities from these impacts, perhaps, is the key to ensure that we can enter a new stage of development.

Blockchain is becoming commonplace

Let's go back to the moment when we first learned about blockchain. At that time, the blockchain as we know it was just an existence deeply bound to digital currency. Without digital currency, blockchain is nothing. As a result, we see almost all blockchain players looking at digital currency as a place to settle down. However, all blockchain applications are deeply bound to digital currency.

Although the chaos of digital currency makes us see that blockchain application without entity is just a dream, we still cannot deny that digital currency has given blockchain its most basic nutrition at its weakest moment. Behind people's enthusiasm for digital currency, more is the subversive performance of blockchain technology itself, but they do not realize this, they just regard the popularity of digital currency as inevitable.

When people's understanding of digital currency becomes in-depth, the role of blockchain in which more and more people began to find. More and more people are beginning to realize that the popularity of so-called digital currency is not the magic of digital currency, but the reconstruction and reconstruction of traditional financial order initiated by blockchain technology. It is in this context that more and more players begin to focus their attention on blockchain and start to think about new applications of blockchain beyond digital currency.

Blockchain + insurance, blockchain + law, blockchain + copyright and a series of blockchain applications began to take root and sprout. When this series of applications about blockchain began to become in-depth and perfect, blockchain began to be limited to the existence of digital currency only, to become an existence of everything can be linked. Blockchain starts to become common from small, from isolated to open, from single to ecological.

Thus, blockchain began to construct a set of new order completely different from the Internet. Under such a set of new technology, people no longer need to rely on the platform, no longer need to rely on the center can easily realize transactions, easily realize communication and exchange. Blockchain began to replace the Internet as a new choice for more and more people, and a whole new way of life began to emerge. It is under such circumstances that the new order constructed by blockchain began to emerge.

Blockchain is going from infancy to maturity

Without the maturity of blockchain technology, the new order we now see constructed by blockchain would not have been possible in any case. In other words, the maturity of blockchain makes the application of blockchain diversified and in-depth. Without the maturity of blockchain, it's all nonsense.

If we describe the blockchain that is the twin of digital currency, many people will simply regard point-to-point data transmission, encryption technology and decentralization as the core, and such a simple and immature blockchain technology underpins the early development of blockchain. We can see that the initial implementation and application of blockchain are so few, to a large extent, due to the immature blockchain technology.

As blockchain technology continues to mature, what we are seeing is a series of innovations and changes that are beginning to spawn on blockchain technology. Whether it is data transmission technology, or encryption technology, or decentralized technology, we can now find traces of evolution from the current blockchain technology.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, one of the most direct results is that its application is no longer limited to the digital currency itself, but also extends to new areas. The metasemes we see now, as well as the current popular web3.0, are basically derived from blockchain technology. When more and more players start to participate in it, and more and more industries start to have blockchain, the original order built on the Internet technology starts to be broken, and a new world dominated by blockchain technology takes its place.

Blockchains are moving from fragments to chains

If the application of blockchain is just a fragment, then its function and role will not play its maximum function and role. This is the fundamental reason why we could not see a breakthrough in blockchain at the beginning. Whether it is digital currency or other blockchain applications, they only make changes in certain processes and links, but they do not really connect those processes and links changed by blockchain into a complete chain. Such a broken and severed blockchain application can only be a solution, but cannot become a complete business model.

Only when the applications of blockchain can be connected in series and become a complete chain can its functions and functions be brought into full play. We are now experiencing such a new era of blockchain dominated by NFT and meta-universe. It is such an era of connecting the applications of blockchain into a network to form a complete ecology.

The author believes that the application of blockchain in different scenarios and different industries builds an industry ecology similar to "Internet +" for blockchain. After realizing such an industry ecology, the application of blockchain in digital currency completes the final closed-loop opening. In such a situation, we see the emergence of the metasomes, we see the emergence of web3.0.

When blockchain starts to become a complete chain, we can complete production and life in the new order constructed by blockchain. In fact, this is the beginning of the block chain to reconstruct a new order. Different from the dual economic form of virtual economy and real economy, which is constructed in the Internet era, the new order constructed by blockchain is more of a unitary economic form of deep integration of virtual economy and real economy.

The meta-universe we see is basically the prototype of such a new economic form reconstructed by blockchain. As people's understanding of the metasverse deepens and improves, we will see more evolution and improvement of the metasverse. In the future, there will be a new way of life that is deeply connected by different technologies and industries connected by blockchain.


What we're seeing is a whole new development of blockchain that is ripe for the taking, rather than just a gamble with digital currencies in the early days. Reshaping the order constructed by the traditional era and the Internet era, to create a new world completely different from the two, is becoming an increasingly clear development context. Blockchain is reshaping order, ushering in a new future dominated by a remix of the physical and virtual worlds.

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