Blockchain needs to evolve again

What we see is that when blockchain starts to move into a relatively rational phase of development, it seems to disappear. Instead, there are a series of new concepts derived from blockchain represented by NFT and metasurverse. As a result, some people start to get carried away with the idea that blockchain has long been a thing of the past, and those concepts derived from blockchain are the real future. In fact, it is too simple and arbitrary to judge the rise and fall of blockchain only based on this.

We all know how enthusiastic people were about blockchain when it first came to them. However, the later development tells us that just blindly fanatical, but did not find the way and method of blockchain implementation, no matter how much enthusiasm, still can not offset the long time. So, as the capital fever dies down, as regulation continues, what we're seeing is more and more people fleeing blockchain just as quickly as they flocked to it.

From the initial frenzy alone, it is very clear that blockchain needs to evolve again. Only in this way can blockchain truly return to its developmental state. Later, the return of blockchain from concept to application is a direct embodiment of this state. I have to say that such an evolution has indeed brought a lot of progress to the development of the blockchain industry. On the issue of blockchain, people began to return to a relatively peaceful and rational development state from the initial fanaticism.

No longer only capital supremacy, no longer only concept supremacy, is the direct embodiment of this state. Such an evolution of blockchain brings us a series of derivative and emergence of blockchain applications. More and more scenarios are starting to feature blockchain, more and more industries are starting to connect with blockchain, and more and more species are starting to derive from blockchain. Therefore, many people began to simply believe that the blockchain era has arrived, and they began to interpret such a blockchain era in their mind with new concepts represented by web3.0 and the metasverse.

738b74e468bfc12eaf034e020944df11Later developments have shown us that these concepts do not represent or explain the true state of blockchain development, they are simply concepts cobbled together by players in order to win the favor of capital. Blockchain in the real sense needs to evolve again before it can truly bid farewell to the concept-led development model and enter a new era of its own.

Blockchain and Internet need to "make peace"

For a long time, when it comes to blockchain, many people simply regard it as the opposite of the Internet, and even regard blockchain as the disrupter of the Internet era. As a result, we see that blockchain and the Internet are incompatible. Even after the rebirth, people are still irrational and radical about the relationship between blockchain and the Internet. Obviously, only such an either/or approach to the relationship between blockchain and the Internet can not achieve breakthrough development, we must find a way to reconcile blockchain and the Internet, in order to truly bring the development of the blockchain industry to a new stage of development.

If we dig deeper into the reasons that divide blockchain and the Internet, we will find that they do not really understand what blockchain is, but only see the irreconcilable contradiction between the decentralization of blockchain and the centralization of the Internet. In fact, blockchain in the real sense is actually a technology, a data transmission technology. It changes the way data is transmitted in the traditional sense, not the other way around.

The Internet is the most convenient and efficient way to obtain data. It can be said that the Internet provides a stage for blockchain to put its best foot forward. If there is no data acquisition and collection of the Internet, if there is no data built on the Internet, then the advantages of blockchain will not be maximized in any case. Therefore, we need to find a way and method to make peace between blockchain and the Internet, rather than just blindly treating blockchain and the Internet as opposites. Only in this way, from the Age of the Internet to the age of blockchain is to continue, rather than a fault.

Blockchain needs a big ecosystem

There is no denying that blockchain applications in the current situation are much richer than before. True prosperity, however, is a long way off. In my opinion, for blockchain, one of the most important problems at the present stage is the lack of a connection between the application scenarios and industries of blockchain, which eventually forms a situation of each fighting for its own.

Therefore, if we discuss the evolution of blockchain again, one of the important aspects is to think and look at the future development of blockchain from the perspective of building a huge ecology. In such a new stage of development, what we need is to find a way to realize different application scenarios of blockchain and the way and method to connect different application industries. What we need to achieve is a way and method to generate agglomeration effect of blockchain applications.

Imagine, when application scenario for the block chain and industry formed a large ecological, between them are no longer episodic, fragmented, so block chain to achieve bigger dimensions in the true sense of a decentralized, a point-to-point data transmission, so as to construct a more healthy and perfect the development mechanism of the chain block.

If we only focus on the implementation and application of blockchain in a certain scene and industry, but fail to find a better connection between these scenes and industries, and fail to construct a new consensus mechanism, then the function and role of blockchain will not be given full play in any case.


Blockchain needs to 'stand out'

One of the most immediate results of the ongoing regulation of blockchain is that people are always cautious and difficult to hide when talking about blockchain. One of the most direct results of this cautious development mode of blockchain is that blockchain has always been lost in the waves of new technologies, and the position of blockchain leader has not been established.

If the dominant role of blockchain is not established, then the post-Internet development we see is a state of chaos. Each kind of technology can form a "microclimate", but cannot form the "big climate" and "big era" similar to the Internet era. Therefore, at such a time, we need a new technology, a new business model to be able to stand out, is such a dominant era, so that can really bring us into a new era.

For blockchain, it also needs such a completely new evolution. Such a new evolution requires blockchain to establish a dominant position, and blockchain to establish connectivity between itself and other technologies. When blockchain can stand out, when blockchain really becomes the existence of connecting other technologies and integrating other technologies, then the era truly belongs to it can truly come.

This requires that blockchain constantly strengthen the connection between itself and other new technologies, especially play its universality and foundation, and constantly strengthen its positive role in promoting other new technologies. When blockchain becomes a way and method to connect other new technologies and stimulate their greater potential, its leadership role will be established and the era of blockchain will truly come.

The emergence of the metasverse, let us see the dawn of blockchain as a "leader". However, this trend is not obvious, only a hint. Because in the meta-universe, we still see a lot of new technologies, and they don't seem to achieve deep integration and connection. However, this cannot offset the function and role that blockchain should play in it. When blockchain realizes the deep integration of new technologies, especially the construction of a brand new technology ecology, its function and role can be more fully played and it can realize the real sense of standing out. At this time, the true meaning of the blockchain era can really come.


The fate of blockchain is tortuous. At the same time, the future of blockchain is bright. For blockchain, we need a new evolution after we've gone from fanaticism to rationality. Only after such an evolution, blockchain can truly bid farewell to the development state of stealth, truly stand out, become a leader, the true sense of the blockchain era can come.

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