Blockchain was born to solve the problem of "decentralized collaboration"

As an innovative technology, blockchain is bound to play a positive role as long as it can be used in the right applicable scenarios. At present, according to the incentive mechanism of blockchain, blockchain can be divided into the following two categories: one is "blockchain with Token (Token) as incentive mechanism", the other is "blockchain without Token as incentive mechanism". The blockchain represented by the Token as an incentive is "Bitcoin and the public chain that maintains the normal operation of Bitcoin"; Blockchain without Token as incentive is mostly reflected in the alliance chain built by government affairs, enterprises and other organizations, such as "Chang 'an chain, Wenchang chain, etc.".

As a technological innovation, blockchain, like 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of things and cloud computing, is the embodiment of scientific and technological progress. The birth of blockchain is to solve the problem of "decentralized collaboration". The application of decentralized technology can be used in scenarios such as "improving cooperation efficiency, improving confidentiality level, and confirming the right of digital assets". Blockchain with tokens as incentives is similar to building a trusted blockchain network, and the network itself feeds back the contributions made by the co-founders in the form of tokens, and enables participants to get paid by trading each person's work certificate in the secondary market; Blockchain without Token as incentive is essentially still paid by a specific boss to participate in the construction of blockchain, but this kind of blockchain technology is stored data through a distributed server to ensure that no centralized independent third party can control the data, solving the problem of trust mechanism.

As for the role of these two blockchains on social development, the author tries to describe two scenarios to explain:

Scenario 1: so convenient navigation map, we use today are costly through early map development company, hire a professional personnel, prefabricated professional equipment, cost billions to build, for the first time in our country start map development company, is the familiar "gold map".

b58fb181044413c0f1c4b0351d432e06In fact, before AmAP started offline data collection, many map companies also had this idea, but it was a huge workload, such as the need to call on and manage a large number of participants; Second, it costs a lot of money, and it is difficult for enterprises to make profits by collecting data in a short time. This two factors would lead to a lot of have the idea of the company backed out, yes, today is so convenient and of great value to social science and technology innovation to stagnation, if it weren't for alibaba put vast amounts of money, I'm afraid I meet national gold map every street, every village live will continue to slow pace of the construction of the data. Through this case, we imagine that if there is a project of great value to the society in the real world, but it needs a huge amount of money or personnel to participate in the development and construction of the project, in the early stage of the lack of funds and personnel, can we solve this problem through blockchain technology?

For example, AmAP issued an announcement, calling on people from all parts of the country to participate in the collection of real map data without payment in the early stage, and then issuing "work certificates" (POW) based on the collected data, which can be used as free or preferential access to the future projects of AmAP. Or if AmAP's future project is profitable, it can participate in the project profit sharing based on the work certificate. At the same time, once the Amap project is completed, the work is similar to showing that shares can be traded on a dedicated secondary market (exchange), from which participants can profit. In this way, AmAP can spend almost no cost in the early stage, and can call on such a large number of participants to jointly build issues of great value to society; At the same time, participants will not have no profit at all. This kind of personnel involved in project construction is similar to investment behavior. Once the project is successful, they can enjoy the right to use and profit of the project and trade in the secondary market with their work certificate, which may be much more beneficial than the initial payment.

Scene 2: Our country's civil law divides "property" (commodity) into "movable property" and "immovable property". The ownership of "movable property" is mostly realized through "possession", that is to say, if you control it, it belongs to you; On THE LAW "REAL ESTATE" PAY ATTENTION TO IS REGISTERED, AS CREDIBLE THIRD PARTY GOVERNMENT PROPERTY RIGHTS REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT, property rights trading center registered this house belongs to you, JUST BE you. So, how do virtual data tell who it belongs to? As we all know, once trademarks and other intellectual property rights are presented in the form of virtual data, they can be registered and confirmed by the intellectual property related departments established by the state.

9a67e387980494ec20e908b69986b230However, if virtual data does not meet the relevant standards of intellectual property protection, but it is also valuable, then how to determine the rights to it? If the government with reliable credibility is expected to register and record all virtual assets and declare ownership, it seems unrealistic in terms of workload and efficiency of administrative resources. Here, blockchain technology does it. Whether there is a blockchain with or without a Token as an incentive mechanism, their principle is to "de-trust the network", that is, through POW, POS (proof of interest) and other consensus mechanisms to confirm the right of the assets on the chain, and public announcement to the whole network, its security is ensured by the whole network.

Finally, the virtual asset is hashed to the user name by means of public and private keys. Today, the fire of NFTS, game equipment in chain games, land, and virtual assets in the metaverse are using this principle. Generally speaking, the physical form of virtual assets, as a string of numbers, is naturally replicable and easy to tamper with. However, blockchain technology gives it a set of special production, tracing and recording methods, which can issue "identity proof" and "circulation record" for these virtual assets. Therefore, master the Token of the identification of the "identity", in theory, that is, the ownership of the virtual assets, but here may be different from the traditional civil law in the "property law" theory.

Through the description of the scene, we can intuitively feel the landing of blockchain decentralization technology. It can be used as a special collaborative way to solve the problems of efficiency, cost and trust that are difficult to be solved by centralization. In addition, in terms of the right confirmation of digital assets, blockchain solves the ownership disputes of digital assets that are difficult to solve by traditional methods. This is the benefit and value of the technology. However, technology is also a double-edged sword. No matter how good the technology is, it must be combined with beneficial scenes in order to exert positive social effects.

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