Did the Koreans "copy" another original god? Make it a blockchain game

From "original god" after fire, the major manufacturers have found the potential of the second yuan game, no matter what game want to Dally rub the second yuan, in an attempt to share a cup of soup.

With a number of "two countries", "Magic Tower" and other secondary +MMORPG games are numerous, already rotten street, and even in the SLG category is more core to the sex is pulled up the secondary wool:

In accordance with the big factory has been doing category fusion, broaden the user's thinking to consider the above game also belongs to the category of relatively easy to understand. But what is ridiculous is that the little brother recently found that not only ordinary games, but now even blockchain games are starting to roll quadratic elements.

Stella Fantasy is a fantasy-style quadric blockchain game developed by South Korean company Ring Games. It is expected to be the first to be released globally on PC at the end of August (the mobile end will have to wait until the end of the year). As a blockchain game that has always been "barely playable for the purpose of making money", my brother feels that the quality of these games can only be as good as this:

e4172cbaebff2ad8032e5b4636e2972dBut when I saw the Stella Fantasy promo, I realized how wrong I was:

With the help of Unreal Engine, Stella Fantasy is capable of modeling characters, graphics, and various combat effects to match the various NFT games on the market today.

The gameplay of Stella Fantasy, on the other hand, is a mix of replica combat, homeworld building, gathering, and crafting, and PVE-loving players can either challenge a replica individually for rewards or team up to fight a powerful BOSS.

In addition to the PVE, there are a few things built into the game that allow players to compete against each other. For example, players have a ranking system in single player campaign replicas, PVP, and PVE team books, and high ranking players are rewarded at the end of the season.

And to be honest, some elements of this game really look very much like Original Gods, there is a feeling of "different but not completely different", you and my brother said that he did not refer to Original Gods, my brother anyway, I don't believe, even said that he just like Original Gods popularity is completely unjustified.

Admittedly, the quality of Stella Fantasy looks good under the Unreal Engine, but as a blockchain game, everyone, including my little brother, is naturally most concerned about how to make money.

In Stella Fantasy, characters, runes, equipment, items and even your home island can be traded, and the game's higher value is a virtual currency called SFTY that can be withdrawn directly.


2d7a3ccee39c762a7f12426555e68f2bAs a result, Stella Fantasy also has an in-game currency for civilian players, called Manaring, which is available in various daily books throughout the game and is essential for leveling up characters, building equipment, etc.

Stella Fantasy has so far raised $5 million in funding due to its outstanding quality in its genre, and it recently reached the top 10 of Gamefi's most popular projects.

However, only last year did CCTV mention the need to be wary of financial Gamefi and the pitfalls in blockchain games, so I always feel that it is not reliable to make money in some blockchain games, including Stella Fantasy, or work is more practical.

However, I did some digging and found out that Ring Games, the Korean company that developed Stella Fantasy, was founded in 2019 by the former developers of King's Raid. Therefore, there is no blank space in the field of 2D Games.

Stella Fantasy is now backed by the Korea Cultural Industry Promotion Agency (KOCCA), and presumably backed by the Korean government, so it's not like the developer is running away.

(In case you run, don't come looking for your brother)

The GAME is said to be available in August, then might as well go to see, this has the appearance of "original God" of the game, what is the matter!

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