Do you understand the relationship between the four core technologies of blockchain?

Last time, we have mentioned the four core technologies of blockchain, namely distributed storage, consensus mechanism, smart contract and cryptography, which play the role of data storage, data processing, data application and data security in blockchain respectively. So how do they relate to each other? How does it work together? Check it out!

Their specific relationship is as follows:

First of all, distributed storage builds the basic preliminary framework of blockchain. It is equivalent to a distributed database. When a sum of data is generated, it will be stored in this database after everyone processes it.


Secondly, because distributed storage is decentralized, the structure of blockchain network presents a distributed state, so every user can freely join in and participate in the increase, deletion, change and check of data. But at the same time, it is a headache, that is, the more people participate in the network, the more difficult it is to maintain the same appeal.

Another mechanism is needed to harmonise accounts across all nodes. At this time, the consensus mechanism emerges. A set of rules is formulated to clarify the data processing process of each person, and the opinions among nodes are unified by competing for the management right. Finally, the data processed by the person who finally obtains the management right is used for the unification of the whole network. Therefore, consensus mechanism plays a role of coordinating node behavior and clarifying data processing in blockchain.


However, data entering a distributed database is not simply packaged, but the underlying data structure is determined by blockchain cryptography.

The data block packaged by the database will be processed into a chain structure through the hash function in cryptography. However, as the hash algorithm has the characteristics of unidirectional and tamper-resistant, the data can not be tampered with and can be traced as long as it is on the chain in the blockchain network.

In addition, accounts are encrypted using asymmetric encryption to ensure data security and verify data ownership.

Finally, you can on the objective conditions of distributed storage, set up smart contract, when we need to solve the "trust crisis", through the intelligent contract, can be agreed upon between the user by the code in the form of conditional filtering, and through the program execution, and block the data in the chain, will be smart to make calls, contract decomposition. So smart contracts play a role in the execution and application of data in blockchain.

In general, the four core technologies have their respective roles in blockchain. They jointly build the foundation of blockchain, and their mutual connection builds the unique charm of blockchain technology.

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