How does blockchain support web3.0

What is exploding Web 3.0? So far there is no completely correct standard and definition. But there is no denying that Web 3.0 is a combination of new technological capabilities, such as blockchain, private computing, cross-chain, predictor, VR/AR, digital people, etc.

Compared with the platform centralization feature of Web2.0, Web3.0 is committed to realizing the "decentralized" network ecology owned and co-built by users.

To use the analogy of a game app, users can easily enter a game world without restrictions from third parties. Users are free to embed their favorite characters/avatars into the game, and can even make characters move across platforms/domains, whereas in the Web2.0 era, you can't decide which character to choose. UTONMOS platform will soon launch a chain game, is based on Web3.0 development, and players together to create a digital era!

Blockchain is the backbone of web3.0:

Blockchain is at the heart of a truly decentralized Internet, redefining the data structure at the back end of the network and introducing a layer of governance on top of our current Internet. Blockchain technology has changed the way data is stored and managed, with its unique architecture allowing multiple nodes to agree on the current state of a data set without a centralized source of facts.

As self-executing code activated by users for decentralized execution, smart contracts are an important part of the encryption puzzle, implementing many of the revolutionary functions of blockchain. So value transfer can take place without the knowledge of each other.

Blockchain is an underlying feature that enables developers and engineers to build innovative applications and services that enhance the current Internet experience. Blockchain continues to prove its disruptive potential as it expands its use cases into more and more domains. While blockchain technology is already at the heart of a decentralized Internet, it is critical to the continued success of innovative and revolutionary ecosystems such as Web3.0.

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