Intel joins ant blockchain ecosystem

May 27, Intel and Ant Blockchain announced strategic cooperation and completed remote on-chain signing. Global chip giants join ant blockchain ecology, which is the first deep integration of the strongest computing power and the strongest blockchain technology. ?

In the era of Internet of Things, the ubiquitous demand for computing power drives the explosive growth of chips. The traditional business model of asset-heavy, high-investment and long-cycle chip industry is difficult to adapt to the demand of large quantities, high-flow and rapid shipment, and the flow efficiency of industrial chain is in urgent need of improvement. ?

On-chip chain promotes the innovation of traditional chip business model. After joining the ants block chain to Intel chips for the source of hardware leasing will implement the whole supply chain system block chain, leasing companies, insurance companies, financial institutions are all on the chain, all information are in the process of circulation of real cannot be changed, so as to reduce the cost of each link of mutual trust, enhance the efficiency of the supply of chips in the middle and lower reaches of the industrial chain and the financing efficiency, drive chip suppliers, distribution Inject new vitality into traditional chip industry. ?

Chip industry downstream leasing companies became the first to benefit. Take Zhusge Liang, a leasing manufacturer, for example, after joining the ant blockchain ecosystem, the order volume of users increased by 6 times, the payment timely rate increased by 200%, the bad debt rate decreased to 0.3%, and the financing scale and operation scale expanded significantly, driving the market scale of upstream chip suppliers to expand. In the chip industry, equipment leasing has become the trend instead of equipment procurement, and blockchain technology has accelerated the process. Data show that the global hardware rental market reached 800 billion yuan in 2019, while China's was only 80 billion yuan, showing huge prospects for development. ?

Jiang Guofei, vice president of Ant Group and head of Ant Blockchain, said: "The cooperation between Intel and Ant Blockchain will bring great imagination. In the era of digital economy, the trust system of multi-party cooperation can realize the transfer of asset value in the digital whole link. Ant blockchain will unleash new trust dividends in all industries by reconstructing digital collaboration across the industrial chain." ?

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