Web3.0, the inevitable of blockchain

The birth and emergence of Web3.0 did not come out of thin air, but a process of long-term accumulation. Just like the e-commerce we have seen in the past, it is the product of the continuous deep influence of Internet technology on people's production and life. Therefore, when we look at the problems of Web3.0, we should not look at it in isolation, but need to place it in a larger context, especially in the context of its matching to observe more meaningful.

The reason why there is such a judgment is mainly because when many people look at Web3.0, they just regard it as an isolated existence and do not really connect it with the real environment. Therefore, in their eyes, the so-called Web3.0 is just a concept touted by the capital market, and its essence is not too innovative connotation and significance. Although Web3.0 does have a great relationship with the capital market, it is too simple and arbitrary to blindly bind Web3.0 to the capital market, or even to regard Web3.0 as an existence born out of the capital market.

The author does not agree with the view that Web3.0 is deeply bound with the capital market, because once it is bound with the capital market, in many cases, the so-called Web3.0 actually has no essential difference and connection with the previous Internet species. Compared with simply binding Web3.0 to the capital market, the author is more willing to bind it to new technologies, especially blockchain technology. In a sense, it is because of the maturity and perfection of blockchain technology that Web3.0 will appear.


If we must find a correct way and method to look at Web3.0, I think we can get a more perfect and correct answer by looking at it from the perspective of blockchain, or even from the perspective of the meta-universe. Only then will so-called Web3.0 not be a hyped concept, but a concept with a beginning and an end.

Web3.0, the inevitable maturity of blockchain

The establishment of any mature business model must be based on the maturity of the underlying technology. Otherwise, no matter how disruptive the business model is, no matter how innovative the idea is, it is just an illusory concept. On the contrary, if a species, a business model is built on the basis of mature technology, then, even though it has gone through a series of baptism, then, it can still survive and continue to move forward.

This point, we can get proof from the block chain. I have to say that as a new technology, blockchain has experienced too many challenges. From the savage growth at the beginning, to the return to rationality later, and then to the implementation of blockchain, every step is quite difficult. However, we should also see that although the road of blockchain development is quite difficult, but in such a difficult process, blockchain has survived every time, and there are new changes.

Perhaps because of this, we will see the emergence of the meta-universe, we will see a series of implementation and application based on blockchain technology. However, when many applications related to blockchain start to appear, when blockchain-based business models start to take root, what we see is that these applications and applications, these business models, are still isolated, fragmented and difficult to integrate. While this phenomenon continues, blockchain is still not an era, but merely an alternative.

We need a new concept to define the blockchain era that has been brought, we need a new term to interpret the blockchain era that has come, it is in such a big background, Web3.0 began to appear. In a sense, Web3.0 is the inevitable maturity of blockchain, which is a series of blockchain landing and application of the aggregate. What we are seeing now is the application of blockchain represented by the meta-universe to Web3.0, just as what we have seen before is the application of the Internet represented by e-commerce to Web2.0.

Web3.0, blockchain to reshape the traditional inevitable

When Web3.0 started to appear, what we saw was a big cheer in the capital markets. In fact, one of the important reasons why the capital market places such great hopes on Web3.0 is that blockchain technology has reshaped the traditional model and Internet model we have seen before from the bottom. Both in the traditional era and the Internet era, in essence, it is a centralization-dominated model. Only, the Internet model will be the traditional era of such a development model from the line to the line.

Different from the centralization-led development model of the traditional era and the Internet era, what we see is that Web3.0 presents us with a new era of decentralization. In such an era, the relationship between people and the connectivity between businesses is no longer realized through centralized platforms and centers, but can be completed through point-to-point data transmission.

Obviously, compared with the traditional development mode dominated by centralized platform, such a decentralized mode created by Web3.0 can further improve efficiency and realize faster transmission of information to a large extent. It's a whole new species built on a whole new technology, a much lower level, much more disruptive transformation that leaves much more room for the imagination than the internet-style migration from offline to online.


It's easy to understand why, when Web3.0 came along, more and more investment institutions started to jump in and more and more players started to jump in. Because Web3.0 can give them more development space, and such a development space is much bigger than the Internet era. After all, one of the most important reasons for the magic of Web3.0 is still its underlying technology, blockchain. In a sense, it is the subversive nature of blockchain technology that enables Web3.0 to fundamentally reshape the development mode left in the traditional era and the Internet era, and truly bring people's production and life into a new stage of development.

From this point of view, Web3.0 more represents the deep transformation of traditional mode and Internet mode of blockchain, and more represents the reconstruction of traditional mode and traditional logic. This is why Web3.0 has attracted so many players, attracted so much capital, and caused such a huge impact.

Web3.0, the inevitable formation of closed loop blockchain

In the past, when dealing with capital institutions, one of the most frequently asked questions was the term "business closed loop". In other words, only when a new thing really forms a commercial closed loop in a real sense, will it attract the attention and arouse the great interest of the capital market. On the contrary, if a new species and a new business model cannot form a complete commercial closed loop and break through the commercial barriers of the whole process, then it will not arouse the interest of the capital market in any case.

When more and more capital players start to participate IN it, when more and more players start to AII IN it, what we need to see is that blockchain starts to transform from a mere "words" like implementation and application into a new commercial closed loop.

What is a business closed loop? As I understand it, the so-called commercial closed loop is more about the beginning and end of a new technology, with investment and return. In order to achieve such a state, there must be a condition, namely, commercial application, and such an application has input and output, rather than only input, but no output. After many adjustments in the past, we see that blockchain technology has found its own commercial closed loop, and such a commercial closed loop can realize its own self-supply, and even bring considerable investment returns to the capital market.

In my opinion, such a brand new business model constructed by blockchain can truly form a closed loop with the formation and improvement of its digital payment and settlement system. In other words, the digital currency represented by digital RMB as well as the maturity and improvement of the system we see. It is precisely because of the maturity and perfection of this condition that blockchain really forms a relatively complete and mature commercial closed loop.

Similarly, it was with this mature and complete commercial loop that Web3.0 emerged and attracted so many players. As the perfect commercial closed loop continues to collide with the transformation of the traditional model, it produces a new growth process of geometric progression. Such a new growth process, as we have seen before, the growth process of the Internet era. There is no doubt that the Web3.0 era is the next era that will bring us exponential growth.


To see Web3.0 only as a concept inspired by capital is to overestimate capital markets. In my opinion, without the maturity of the underlying technology, the improvement of the underlying business model and the realization of the underlying application, Web3.0 will not appear in any case. Therefore, we need to look at Web3.0 in a new way, and in particular separate the popularity of Web3.0 from the hype in the capital markets.

In a sense, it is the huge potential of Web3.0 itself that attracts the attention of the capital market, but not the attention of the capital market that makes Web3.0 hot. When we realize this, we can take a deeper look at Web3.0, and we can find the real reason for Web3.0 -- blockchain.

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