What exactly is a blockchain? What role can it play in digital collections?

On July 14, the 2022 Trusted Blockchain Ecology Conference and the first Trust Technology Conference was held in Beijing. With the theme of "Science and technology create Trust", the conference focused on key topics such as enabling the development of digital economy, promoting the market circulation of data elements, and building the trusted base of value Internet. Many industry, university and research experts in the industry discussed the latest progress of blockchain technology, industry and ecology.


Blockchain is an important part of the new generation of information technology. It is a chain composed of one block after another. Each block holds a certain amount of information, which is linked in a chain in the chronological order of its own generation. The chain is stored on all the servers, and as long as one server in the system works, the whole blockchain is safe. These servers, called nodes in a blockchain system, provide storage space and computing power for the entire blockchain system. Tampering with information in a blockchain is extremely difficult because it requires the consent of more than half of the nodes and modification of all the nodes, which are usually in the hands of different parties.

Compared with traditional networks, blockchain has two core features: data is hard to tamper with and it is decentralized. Based on these two characteristics, the information recorded by blockchain is more authentic and reliable, which can help solve the problem of distrust among people. So blockchain can create value by creating trust. In recent years, blockchain has been gradually applied to various fields, and the application of scenario-based demonstration has been deepening, and the industry as a whole shows a trend of vigorous development. At present, the main application in the field of digital collections in China is alliance chain, such as the Kina chain used by the metadata collection, which is a kind of block chain. Supported by blockchain technology, digital collections have the characteristics of verifiability, transparency, effectiveness and non-portability, which can ensure the uniqueness, authenticity and permanence of digital assets and improve the transaction liquidity of digital assets.

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