What industry is best suited for blockchain?

Blockchain technology is considered to be the core technology with the most potential to trigger the fifth wave of disruptive revolution, following steam engine, electricity, information and Internet technologies.

What is blockchain? It is a distributed ledger technology that enables organizations to be more transparent, democratic, decentralized, effective and secure. In the next 5-10 years, blockchain has the potential to disrupt many industries, including finance, supply chain, Internet of Things, insurance and more.

At present, blockchain projects have been applied to the financial industry to improve the way of settlement, and many blockchain applications have been applied to the Internet of Things and supply chain to reduce the cost of collaboration and improve the mode of collaboration.

266844c338d2d93c1b408d2909a89e3bHowever, blockchain is most suitable for the ARTIFICIAL intelligence industry, because unlike blockchain + other industries, blockchain as a cutting-edge technology can solve problems in the field of artificial intelligence, and in turn, artificial intelligence can solve problems in the blockchain industry.

The first is the problem of blockchain itself. Since its birth, the technology has not had the ability of artificial intelligence. The first generation of blockchain innovatively created a distributed financial system, but the script language is simple, can only do simple transfer, payment; The second generation of blockchain is an optimized platform such as Ethereum, which tries to solve the function of expanding blockchain through extended scripts and virtual machines, such as writing smart contracts and developing decentralized applications of DApp. But because ethereum runs on a chain, its computing, storage and networking capabilities are still weak, and it can't run artificial intelligence's semantic understanding, machine learning and multi-layer neural networks.

The current "intelligence" of smart contracts in the Ethereum network is not real intelligence, but by introducing AI, smart contracts and blockchain systems can become real "intelligence". Develop a DApp on Ethereum. This DApp consists of a series of smart contracts, including main call contract, agency contract, governance contract, Token contract, user information management contract, etc. When the smart contract can use AI services, the AI will empower the smart contract and help the smart contract realize the AI governance of the Dapp. These innovations take a big step towards solving blockchain's problems: using artificial intelligence.

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