Can the meta-universe really benefit humanity in its plight?


Technological development has expanded the boundaries of imagination, and epidemic home has made people pay attention to the construction of virtual scenes. As the extension and expansion of the real world, the "meta-universe" has attracted attention from many fields. Is it a new outlet of the Internet?

With the theme of "Meta-universe: Space of Theoretical Imagination and Practice", the Institute of Literature of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences hosted an online young academic salon, where young scholars discussed from different perspectives such as media theory, philosophy of technology, urban culture and cultural industry. Literature in Shanghai academy of social sciences institute of elvis tsui, yuan the universe is not only a play to the imagination of art and literature, and philosophy, politics, law, ethics, and communication technology, the industry development closely related, "looking forward to academia on the existing research results, and puts forward more realistic meaning and theoretical value, which really benefit the troubled human yuan universe."

"The current occurrence of meta-cosmological propositions on a global scale largely stems from the concept of co-marketing between Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Spielberg's alliance with Zuckerberg expresses the meta-universe as a consumer landscape based on audio-visual perception. Has the involvement of the film industry in the discourse of new technologies caused old visual cultural habits to suppress the imagination of new media technologies represented by video games?" Zhao Yi, associate professor of The School of Film and Media, Shanghai Normal University, discussed the artistic ontology of electronic games as new technologies with the title "Information of Electronic Games: Extension of interface". Compared with movies, video games emphasize the principle of productivity and openness of user operation, which shows the extension of media developed by new technologies.


"Thinking about the meta-universe is questionable if we can only passively accept a single vision offered by technology companies." Yu Cheng, an associate professor at the School of Literature and Journalism at Qingdao University, believes that with current technology, Internet culture needs to examine expressions such as "do things in any situation", "be more efficient" and "be more wonderful". "From a social psychological perspective, embracing the metasomes is a psychological portrayal of a group that refuses to explore outwards. If the human race is truly 'bound to move toward the meta-universe,' perhaps we need to imagine a meta-universe that slows down, a meta-universe that alleviates the spiritual crisis of modernity, and a meta-universe that keeps in touch with the 'sea of stars.'"

Zhu Tianhua, an assistant researcher at the Institute of Literature of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, believes that the meta-universe revieves the "remote presence" and locates people in a "space" different from physical space. The meta-universe continues the metaphorical model of spatializing computer networks since "Cyberspace", and integrates these originally scattered and different positions to present them in a visual and tactile way.

Game designer Fan Ziyi warns that a person's sense of worth comes from active efforts, and when media technology is able to touch people's senses more directly, the less people spend in the "meta-universe", the less value it will have.

Tongji university college of arts and media lecturer Zhang Yan phenomenology from technical Angle, yuan universe as more is a kind of discourse and imagination, "yuan universe has opened up a vision of the future technology development, the vision is for the current technical reality caused by the segregation of dissatisfaction and benefit, will by architecture, virtual reality to overall improve existing social networks."

Du Liang, assistant researcher of The Institute of Literature of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, focuses on "the media ontology attribute of the meta-universe". The ontology construction of the meta-universe needs to take the application of virtual reality technology as the axis, from the perspectives of scene construction, human-machine dialogue and subject extension, etc., and the multi-faceted subject closely combined with machinery moves freely. The way of human existence is expected to be further moved to the "post-human" stage.

Zhao Dongchuan, editor of Art Studies, points out that the current discussion of the "meta-universe" lacks conceptual consensus, which hinders effective academic dialogue.

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