Keep up! Take you on a journey into the metaverse

In recent years, with the rise of the metaverse, countries around the world are actively arranging the metaverse, and many cities in China have put forward plans to accelerate the development of the metaverse industry. At the same time, capital rushed into the bureau, the Internet technology giants have been deployed to seize the metaverse track.

So what new business models or economic forms will emerge from the metaverse in the future? Today let's imagine new business models for the future metaverse.

1. Metaverse construction services

The metaverse is a new virtual world, and a dynamic world naturally needs development. Perhaps people have limited energy and time in the construction of the metaverse; Or the landowner of this metaverse is an institution that wants to hire a more professional team for construction, decoration, design, etc. This has led to the creation of third-party contractors for Metaverse construction services, which help users build and complete their desired buildings or places.

2. Metaverse Real Estate Lease

The metaverse is a virtual world where people can buy and sell virtual land. What about renting virtual land? The answer is yes, and there are companies digging deep into this space, such as Metaverse Property. Metaverse Property is a leading virtual real estate company. Metaverse Property facilitates the acquisition of virtual Property and provides a suite of virtual property-centric services consisting of cryptography, blockchain, and NFTS.

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As well as profits, the metaverse could also spawn new office models. As you may have noticed, online collaboration software has brought convenience during the coronavirus pandemic, but there are some limitations in usage scenarios. In the metaverse, digital conference rooms can be created to simulate real meeting scenarios and optimize the work experience while retaining the convenience of telecommuting.

4. Sales of digital collectibles

In the virtual world, there will also be artwork creation, called NFT abroad, domestic is digital collection, in the trading rules and regulatory level have different definitions. Yet our assets in the metaverse are necessarily digital assets. Now foreign NFT is hot, many people think that the future of NFT will play an important role in the metaverse, and hope to layout early, to seize the opportunity. Since it is a virtual world, digital collectibles have certain collection value, as well as reasonable resale and transaction value.

5. Immersive experience and entertainment

Immersive experiences occur when people become so focused on the designed space that they forget the real environment. At Universal Studios, you may feel like you're experiencing it in your body, but you're actually immersed in your spirit. Just sit in a chair and soar through the air with Harry Potter, jump from skyscraper to skyscraper with Transformers, and cheer with minions. Built on professional architecture and 3D technology, Metaverse is the perfect place to get an immersive experience.

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The metaverse can never replace certain aspects of the real world, such as food, clothing and transportation. Clothing e-commerce sales are developing towards 3D direction, from the original 2D picture introduction to anchors trying on clothes during live broadcast. But there's a difference between seeing someone wear it and wearing it yourself. With a 3D scanner, people will be able to wear 3D clothes on their virtual selves.

7. Advertising

In its Metaverse plan, Meta has stated that advertising will be an important source of Metaverse revenue in the future. Obviously, where there is traffic, there will be advertising. The more traffic, the more valuable advertising will be, we can also set up billboards in the metaverse like the real world, advertising. Now there is a company committed to advertise in the yuan universe, Metaverse Billboards.

8. Data service provider of the Metaverse

The metaverse, a virtual world, naturally generates a lot of data that doesn't take as long to verify for validity or authenticity as the real world does. The data in the meta-universe has a very high reliability due to the nature of blockchain. And having that data is a great way to understand how the metaverse evolved or what it is today.

There are actually many other infinite possibilities, but they require very advanced technology. Every new frontier of human beings is a process of discovering "incremental market" from "stock market", and the metaverse means a larger market scale. As the result and beneficiary of the development of Internet technology, the prevalence and development of the concept of metaverse will also bring more power to the development of e-commerce, and even reshape the business model of e-commerce.

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