How do we get into the meta-universe?

The meta-universe is a new form of Internet application and social form that incorporates various new technologies. Based on extended reality technology, the metaverse provides immersive experiences and replicates virtual avatars of the real world through digital twin technology. The virtual world and the real world are then tightly integrated from every aspect of the economic system, the social system, the identity system and the ecosystem, allowing each user to create and edit content. The metadverse, of course, is one of the hottest concepts in technology and capital.


How do we get into this meta-universe? According to, there are currently two main technical paths into the metasemes: one is proposed by Zuckerberg of Meta, and they are implemented through VR technology (into the immersive Internet world). VR is familiar to everyone, such as VR games. AR, we have the application of response inspection in the field of 5G industrial Internet, should be relatively mature; The other is the brain-computer interface technology proposed by Elon Musk, president of Tesla, which has made some achievements in the past. In fact, he has realized the game of monkey manipulating table tennis by brain waves. Although the imported technology of brain-computer is not mature enough, it is also the direction of future development. To really get through this virtual world and the real world into this universe.

What will be the relationship between the virtual and the real in the future era of the meta-universe? As technologies related to this meta-universe, such as artificial intelligence, chips and brain-computer interfaces, mature, the virtual world and the real world will gradually become parallel from convergence. We can upload our memories into the metasomes, and then our personality, our behavior, has a real digital person, our digital person who lives in the metasomes, has his own different digital life.

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