The meta-universe has an international organization! The two Chinese companies are founding members

The first international metasurtical Standards Alliance was officially announced recently, named "Metasurtical Standards Forum", consisting of dozens of global technology industry giants, including Microsoft, Meta, Nvidia and other American companies, as well as Huawei, Alibaba and other Chinese enterprises. Apple is notably absent.

A number of experts said that the purpose of the establishment of the international Standards Alliance is to achieve interoperability between software and hardware in the application scenario of the metasuruniverse, so as to achieve user information sharing and promote the arrival of the metasuruniverse era.

The standardization of meta-cosmic technology is on the agenda

Recently, a group of tech giants announced the formation of an organization called the Metasurverse Standards Forum to promote the development of industry standards that will make the emerging digital worlds they each promote compatible with each other.

According to the launch statement, the metasurverse Standards Forum will include Meta, Microsoft, Epic, Nvidia, Qualcomm, SONY and other 36 metasurverse tech giants, including chip makers, gaming companies and established standards-setting bodies such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). China's Huawei and Alibaba's Dharma Courtyard are also among the founding members.

fe35f36572faabf429c1cc4b9633be03Since the beginning of this year, tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft and Meta have all released strategies related to the metasverse. Since changing its name last year, Meta has staked its future on the development of the meta-universe and invested heavily in hardware.

"Alibaba is pleased to join the Metasurtical Standards Forum and we look forward to accelerating constructive dialogue with global industry leaders to advance new development initiatives in the metasurtical field," said Tan Ping, head of XR Lab at Alibaba Dharma Institute.

The meta-universe is a concept that has caught fire in the last two years. The features of the 5G era, such as "higher Internet speed, low latency, high reliability, and low-power mass connection", have provided suitable soil for a large number of innovations in the "meta-universe". And new technologies, including network and computing technology, artificial intelligence, VR/ AR display technology, blockchain technology, etc., are making the metaverse concept come true.

Yi Huanhuan, one of the authors of the book, said the meta-universe involves a lot of software and hardware, and there will be many application scenarios in the future. Common technical specifications and international standards need to be established for compatibility and interworking between upstream and downstream as well as different terminals. Just like the ERA of 3G and 4G, the Global Alliance for Mobile Communications set international standards for the industry, so that phone calls can be made unimpeded.

He believes that huawei and Ali joining the alliance first will help them keep track of the international pace and lead the development of software and hardware in the metasverse.

4b9430fc198c64674e7e0a5a2b548c2aWhy Apple is absent

Apple, the global consumer electronics giant, is notably absent from the list of founding members. Roblox and Niantic were also absent from the forum.

Is apple not taking the metasverse seriously? In fact, in the past, Apple has been heavily involved in creating standards such as HTML5, the next generation of the Web. For 3D content in the metasverse, Apple worked with Pixar to develop the "USDZ" file format, and worked with Adobe to make sure it was supported.

In addition, as apple's September event nears, more details are emerging about the iPhone14. Analysts say Apple plans to release new AR glasses by late 2024. As for AR/VR headsets, the analyst predicts Apple will release the first generation of AR/VR headsets in early 2023.

Since Apple is embracing the metasomes, why not join the metasomes International Alliance? Yi Huanhuan said Apple and Facebook are in competition. For example, when Google launched the smartphone Android system, it formed the Android Alliance with 50 companies. There is no Apple in the Android Alliance. For Apple, what he has been building is an Apple closed system, where only Apple can use iOS hardware and software. In the future, Apple is likely to dominate the metasverse.

China's space industry is in full swing

How is China's meta-cosmic industry chain developing?

Zhao Guodong, secretary-general of Zhongguancun Big Data Alliance and chief strategy officer of Cape Cloud, said that in the era of mobile Internet, new technologies and industries such as touch screen, APP and mobile browser have brought great changes to society and life. The meta-universe is also a great industrial revolution that will bring many new things, and People in the Chinese tech industry are also actively embracing the next generation of technological revolution. China's yuan space industry has presented a state of flowering.

According to the introduction, the metasurverse has started applications, such as online meetings, remote joint sports, online games... But now the whole metasuuniverse is still in the primary state, large-scale application still needs software and hardware technology upgrade.

Zhao Guodong is a practitioner of the meta-universe. In December last year, they built the world's first meta-universe industrial base in Fengtai, Beijing, and transformed Beijing Dahongmen Clothing Mall into a meta-universe industrial base. Yihuanhuan revealed that it has invested in a number of innovative companies, some of which are engaged in the development of products and platforms related to the meta-universe, including digital collections. "One of the metasexes is finding the right application scenarios; One is to solve some of the technical bottlenecks." Yi Huanhuan said.

Shangqi Digital Technology Co., LTD., an industrial big data research institution, believes that the meta-universe will not only become the next new growth point of the digital economy, but also provide a new path for China's digital transformation. In the "Picture Report on Investment and Financing of China's Meta-space Industry", Shanghai Oddke predicts that the size of China's meta-space market will exceed 600 billion yuan in 2025, with an annual compound rate of over 20%, accounting for one third of the total economic scale and about 37% of the global related market. Of the total, 200 billion yuan was spent on IT related to the metasexes.

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