The metasurverse is not the same as the Internet

When the idea of a meta-universe was first mentioned, we could only see how it would change our social interaction. Now, the metasemes that we see are no longer just social, but pervasive in every industry. Everything can be meta universe, has become a relatively fashionable topic.

At first glance, when everything is possible, the development of the meta-universe seems to have entered a new stage of development, behind which is the advent of the meta-universe age. There are some parallels with the Internet. Thus, those who have occupied the dominant position of the meta-universe began to be complacent, thinking that they have occupied the commanding heights of the meta-universe age. Just as we've seen players grow into giants in the Internet era, they will become giants in the metasverse.

But is this really the case? If the development of the meta-universe still follows the development logic of the Internet, and if the end of the meta-universe still follows the development destination of the Internet, then perhaps the so-called meta-universe era should not become the meta-universe era, but should be called the Internet era. Therefore, as the development of the metasurverse begins to look more and more like the Internet, we need to be wary of the development of the metasurverse falling into internet-like conventions; We need to be wary of the metasverse becoming synonymous with the Internet.

The development logic of the metasurverse and the Internet is very different

Superficially, the development logic of the metasomes and the Internet is the same. They are both processes that gradually become the way people produce and live, and they will fundamentally change the way people produce and live. As a result, many people began to think simply that the logic of the development of the meta-universe was the same as that of the Internet. As long as we get ahead of the curve like we did in the Internet era, we can do what the Internet giants did.

So what we're seeing is that more and more players are starting to focus on traffic and capital, and meta-universe + as a priority; As a result, we see more and more scenarios and industries becoming associated with the metasomes, and more and more traffic being pulled under the metasomes. In addition, the push of capital, but also so that such a development trend of the meta-universe has been supported, an era of everything can be meta-universe seems to have come.

bd94eafaba29b91b5147f70d6acaa8ebObviously, such a deja vu development logic of the meta-universe has completely entered the strange circle of the Internet. Rather than call the current development of the metasomes the metasomes, it is better to see the development of the metasomes as the continuation of the Internet. Obviously, this is not the true meaning of the meta-universe, the meta-universe should have its own distinctive characteristics and unique development logic.

The author believes that the development logic of the meta-universe and the Internet is completely different. The meta-universe is not an existence that regards traffic as the ultimate pursuit like the Internet. Its more functions and functions lie in the deep transformation of traditional life style and production mode. On the basis of such transformation, the traffic that has been silent can be activated. In this process, flow is not the most important thing for the metaverse, but whether it can truly change the traditional way of life and production is the most important thing.

Therefore, blindly enlarging the scale of the universe, blindly binding the flow of the universe, have deviated from the development logic of the universe should have. How to make the meta-universe deeply integrated with our life and our production, and make it really change, our production and life, is the key to ensure that the meta-universe can continue to develop.

The industrial form of the meta-universe and the Internet is completely different

Theļ¼Œunderstanding of the industrial form of the meta-universe is vague, and even the industrial form of the meta-universe is classified into the category of the Internet, which also brings the development of the meta-universe into a dead end. As we all know, in the Internet era, our industrial form is virtual and real separated, and even can be said to be virtual and real opposition. Because of this, we see the rise of the virtual economy, the decline of the real economy, the online economy is hot, offline brick-and-mortar stores are cold. If a word is used to describe the industrial form of the Internet era, the virtual and real opposition and the separation of the virtual and real, is undoubtedly the most accurate.

As the development of the metasomes began to take off, especially as more and more players associated the metasomes with concepts related to virtual assets, digital assets, digital people, etc., what we saw was that the development of the metasomes began to reflect more and more on the virtual economy side. Obviously, this is completely contrary to the nature and original meaning of the meta-universe. Simply viewing and landing the metasverse in this way will only take the development of the metasverse into a whole new dimension.

In fact, the industrial form of the meta-universe is completely different from the Internet. To be more precise, the industrial form of the meta-universe is to make up for the short board of the industrial form of the Internet. Different from just taking the meta-universe as a virtual existence, the author thinks that the industrial form of the meta-universe in the real sense should be a combination of virtual and real existence.

Only when the deep integration of virtual industry and real industry is realized, especially when virtual industry and real industry are regarded as fusion and connection, can the development of the meta-universe be truly complete and comprehensive. If we only interpret the meta-universe by the virtual, if we only regard the meta-universe as the pronoun of the new virtual economy, then the development of the meta-universe will still fall into a new development dilemma.

Only by recognizing the difference between the industrial form of the meta-universe and the Internet and using such a new industrial form to interpret the meta-universe, can the development of the meta-universe really jump out of the development cycle of the Internet type and truly enter a new stage of development. Only in the development of the meta-universe can we jump out of the development cycle of the Internet and truly find our own new development model.

3a1639458a2a465f99d2bbdd961a33d0The meta-universe is very different from the underlying technology of the Internet

To this day, we have not established the dominant technology of the metasverse. When it comes to the metasverse, we usually associate technologies like big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence and virtual reality. So, in many cases, the metasemes are just a hodgepodge, a laundry list. On the face of it, the connection of the metasexes with a host of new technologies does attract the attention of capital markets to a certain extent. However, if we fail to establish the dominant technology of the metasverse, its development will always be patchy.

One of the important reasons for the detour we're seeing in the metasomes today is that we haven't really established the dominant technology in the metasomes, and we even think of Internet technology as the dominant technology in the metasomes. In fact, the leading technology in the true sense of the meta-universe should be blockchain technology, and let blockchain technology really play the role of connecting and activating other new technologies and functions.

But the players who can make a difference in the metasverse are the ones who have mastered blockchain technology. In the future, when the development of the meta-universe industry has entered a new stage of development, more specifically, it has entered a technology-led stage of development. Whoever can make innovations and achievements in blockchain technology will be able to take the lead in development.

Only by recognizing the difference between the underlying technology of the meta-universe and the Internet, can we constantly get rid of the dependence on the Internet in the process of practice, and truly look at the meta-universe from a new perspective to practice it, so that the development of the meta-universe can truly enter a new stage of development. When we establish the status of blockchain in the era of the meta-universe, the development of the meta-universe can get rid of the hindrance of Internet technology and truly enter a new stage of development.


For the meta-universe, the current development is hot, is manic. However, in such a fanatical development background, what we see more and more is that the development of the meta-universe began to appear more and more shadow of the Internet, began to fall more and more into the development of the Internet cycle. It is clear that simply interpreting and practicing the development of the metasomes in the way of the Internet will only lead the development of the metasomes to new dead ends.

To realize the essential difference between the meta-universe and the Internet, especially to get rid of the dependence and imitation of the Meta-universe on the Internet, and really walk out of a correct development path in line with the meta-universe, the development of the meta-universe can really get rid of the Internet, and truly enter a new stage of development.

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