4 thoughts on “Babies often drag their hair. What is the reason?”

  1. Many mothers who have given birth to babies will feel this way: when you are pregnant, look forward to unloading every day and start a beautiful parenting life. As we all know, after "unloading", the "difficult" of the baby has just begun.
    Xiaoli is a novice mother, and her postpartum hair loss is very serious, so she often spit off her friends. Recently, the baby has learned a new skill, that is, pulling the hair. Whenever Xiaoli hugs her baby, the baby will definitely grab Xiaoli's long hair without putting it. Sometimes Xiaoli will suspect that he is bald.
    This day, Xiaoli washed her hair and looked at many hair on the ground, and felt very frustrated. After the baby was blowing, he woke up before he had time to tie his hair. He ran over and hugged the baby.
    The painful pain made Xiaoli unable to hold the baby's hand for a while, and the baby suddenly cried. When she saw a crying baby, Xiaoli regretted it and quickly calmed down.
    I believe many novice mothers, like Xiaoli, always make their hair "attack" by their baby. But when mothers know the real reason behind the baby's hair, I believe they can't bear to scold them.
    1. This is the process of exploring the world in the baby
    As the baby grows, the baby's little hand is clenched at birth, slowly open, and practice grasping. He had an emotional interest in the surrounding things and tried to catch them. For them, hands are another pair of "eyes" to gain knowledge.
    When the mother's hair meets the baby, the baby's little hand will want to catch it, hold it tightly, keep it for a while, and feel what kind of hair is, and keep pulling when he is excited.
    In fact, if you observe it carefully, you will find that babies not only like hair, but also like mothers' clothes collar, small accessories and necklaces. So the baby's hair is just curious.
    2. Like a mother
    M mother is a person who has been taking care of her baby, and the baby will rely more and more. But at a young age, he cannot express his thoughts in words, and can only express emotions through some crawling movements.
    For example, his mother happened to be by her, and he would pull her hair to convey her love for her. Especially if the baby finds that as long as she holds her mother's hair, the mother responds because of pain, she will instinctively think that this action can win the mother's attention, which is very fun, so the more they are more addicted.
    3. Babies have no cognition. I do n’t know that licking hair will hurt
    Most babies have limited cognitive ability before half a year old. Even if you tell him that his hair hurts, and even hit his little hand, it is difficult for him to understand that even his hair is not related to the pain.
    For him, this is just a simple and interesting action. He did not realize that it hurt his mother. If the mother loses her temper to her baby, she will scare the baby. The baby will continue to pull the mother's hair next time, and the problem has not been solved. Although the baby likes to pull the hair for various reasons, the mothers still can't stand the baby's pull, after all, it is really painful.
    The mother does not want to be pulled by the baby, just try these methods
    It for the baby to find a substitute
    The baby likes to pull the hair, so we can find some dolls as our alternative. Some wool dolls are wearing wigs of knitted knit on the head of wool dolls. The slender shape can satisfy the baby's desire, and the fluffy texture attracts the baby's interest. When the mother interacts with the baby, you can put the wool doll next to the baby. When he noticed that he wanted to grab his hair, he handed the wool doll to him. And there is a baby around his daily life that makes him feel security. There are also many woven dolls on the Internet. Moms couldn't help but use the wool DIY and woven the mother's love with one stitch.
    2 The attention of the baby
    In the baby was always hot for three minutes. Once the baby wants to pull his hair again, they can try to divert their attention. With some bright, cute and safe ratings, gently shake it on the baby's ears. They will be attracted and their hair will be released.
    It, vocal toys, dawn, small paper towels, etc. It is suitable for babies to play, satisfy the baby's desire to explore, and exercise small fingers. It turns out that the world is so colorful, and he is no longer just addicted to his mother's hair.
    tie hair
    The hair loss is very serious after giving birth. Some mothers simply put their hair down and make their hair look fuller. However, it is recommended to sacrifice your personal image when taking care of your baby.
    It has many benefits to getting hair. Both are refreshing and easy to use, and they do not tie the baby's hair and take care of their tender small skin. The point is that the baby is not enough to get the hair of the mother, so naturally I don't remember pulling it.
    The conclusion: The hair is not a naughty baby, but a sign of their growth and development. Looking at the needs of the baby, the problem is naturally solved. On the way for parents, let's see what we can do. Let's experience the happiness of taking care of the baby together.

  2. It may be caused by calcium deficiency. Increased excitability of babies in the nervous system of babies is often accompanied by sweating. As the baby's sweating increases, it often causes itching of the baby's scalp, so the hair may occur. You can take your baby to the hospital to improve the examination. At the same time, expose the sun to promote the skin, vitamin D synthesis, and promote calcium absorption. In addition to calcium deficiency, we must also consider whether the baby has rashes.

  3. On the one hand, it may be because the baby's scalp itchy, so it causes the baby to take such a behavior. On the other hand, it may be because the baby is too good, there is no toy in the hands

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