1 thought on “Diversity plot of anti -drug hero 2”

  1. Episode 8
    The Wei Xiaoming mysteriously meets Chen Haodong. There will be a transaction, but he must get the deposit first. Chen Haodong deliberately teased him and gave a corner of money. And declare that no rabbits do not scatter the eagle. Wei Xiaoming was worried that Chen Haodong would not have so much money, and one million was not enough. Chen Haodong took Wei Xiaoming to the bank to withdrawn machine, letting Wei Xiaoming witness the deposit in the bank card as high as 60 million. Even so, Wei Xiaoming still shook his head proudly, it was not enough, and the zero head was not enough. Chen Haodong did not believe that there were so many drugs. Wei Xiaoming said, at that time, I can only divide you a little. How big you can wear how big you can wear. Chen Haodong said that how much drugs can eat themselves. Cash is a deposit, and you can open an account for Wei Xiaoming at the Swiss Bank. Wei Xiaoming agreed to trade at that time. Dynasties Hotel rooftop, Chen Haodong reported to Du Li's progress, and there may be a large number of transactions. Du Li is not worried, because Wei Xiaoming's launch is Wang Tianyou. If he is Brother K, we can treat it optimistically. Green -headed pigeons took off. Wei Xiaoming found Chen Haodong and asked for a deposit. Chen Haodong quickly looked at Wei Xiaoming's million cash in the bank card, Wei Xiaoming was overjoyed. Fan Jian asked Fan Jinwu why he had to wait for the pigeon to come back. Fan Jinwu told him that this was a secret contact method set by the leader for the safety of buyers. The pigeon comes back and proves that the buyer is safe. Otherwise, we deliver the goods in the past. Fan Jian asked the buyer to cooperate with the leader for so long. Why is it so troublesome? Fan Jinwu smiled, they didn't know. Their contact is only through the "key", but Ye Chunsheng is definitely not a "key". He is either undercover or wants to touch the fish in muddy water. Therefore, this time Ye Chunsheng tested Ye Chunsheng, to send people to handle, and to protect the safety of buyers. After all, the people were our parents and food, and everyone was a grasshopper on the rope. The little demon warned Chen Haodong with a good heart that he couldn't eat hot tofu. As long as Chen Haodong listens to her, he can ensure his source of sources. If you skip the current boss, you may cause trouble. Chen Haodong discovered that Xiaoshong has been contacting another online. Wang Jianjun came out of the confinement room and lost his usual irritability. Instead, he calmly told Fang Guoan about his thinking results. He believes that Ye Chun was born with drug dealers for more than ten years. He was born and died. He could neither send it to the elderly nor to care for his family. He was too stressful and frustrated. He asked Ye Chunsheng to give Ye Chunsheng an opportunity to atone for me. If Fang Guoan agreed, Wang Jianjun would catch Ye Chunsheng back, and Ye Chunsheng surrendered himself. Fang Guoan felt that Wang Jianjun exchanged human sentiments with the law, which was ridiculous. Fang Guoan was furiously announced that if Wang Jianjun did not listen to the command, he would expel him out of the police team. Wang Jianjun shouted, I can't forget the righteousness! Fang Guoan announced that Wang Jianjun was expelled. When Wang Jianjun paid the police uniforms and the emblem in accordance with regulations, he shed his tears. He vowed to complete his duties as an ordinary people as an ordinary people. The small steel cannon was scared, and it was surprising that he did not dare to sneak into the border. Ye Chunsheng saw that the small steel cannon was fully performing, and seemed to be hiding another secret, so he showed the important role of the small steel cannon to Fan Jian. Fan Jian also understood that Ye Chunsheng lacked the situation of manpower, but Kun Da agreed to leave the small steel cannon on the grounds that the small steel cannon boldly was too small. As a result, Kun Da and Fan Jian couldn't hold it. Fan Jinwu came forward to discourage it. Finally, the lottery decided to send Fan Jian to accompany Ye Chunsheng to pretend to be an emerald merchant to cross the border. Ye Chunsheng was very frustrated and regretted. Fan Jian comforted him. Once the shipment was smooth, he would pay for him to cultivate new men. Ye Chunsheng is very grateful. However, Ye Chunsheng found that the number of drugs prepared for transportation was not large. Fan Jian directly stopped his inquiry. Ye Chunsheng was familiar with all the characteristics and procedures of anti -drug work. He threw two bait to let the border armed police arrested to restrain the police force, and then hit the team to successfully traffick to Luoshan.
    episodes 9
    . They are preparing to rush to Yundu overnight. Ye Chunsheng suddenly proposed that for the sake of safety, he lived in Luoshan in the middle of the way, which caused Fan Jian's questioning. Ye Chunsheng proposed that he used drugs as his own profits. Fan Jian smiled and promised to give Ye Chunsheng 30%of profits, as long as Ye Chunsheng agreed to cooperate with him. Fan Jian had expected that Ye Chunsheng had such a trick. As long as Ye Chunsheng still has the buyer, the profit can be higher. Ye Chunsheng is very satisfied. Taking advantage of the night, Ye Chunsheng went home to visit. Unexpectedly, when people went to the building, Du Xiaomei and Ye Mingliang disappeared. Ye Chunsheng was looking for his album and suddenly found that Fan Jian's men were already monitoring himself secretly. After arriving at Yundu, Ye Chunsheng and Fan Jian came to the wonderful jewelry shop and said secretly to Wei Xiaoming. Wei Xiaoming opened the door to meet the mountains, agreed to trade, handed money in one hand, and delivered one hand. Fan Jian was very happy, and immediately agreed to the delivery time and place. But Ye Chunsheng had to see the little demon. Wei Xiaoming seemed to be helpless, so he had to ask the Xiaoshong who was taking a bath in the bathroom to come out to see the guests. After some tentative, Ye Chunsheng was relieved, agreed to trade the highway the next day. Ye Chunsheng came to the bathing center in the night. Fan Jian came in. Ye Chunsheng was surprised. Fan Jian pulled out the scanner and did not find eavesdropping and video equipment. Then he asked Ye Chunsheng and met in secret here. Ye Chunsheng supported his words, said to relax his feet, and found the foot repair master, and Fang Guoan came in. Fan Jian and Ye Chunsheng decided to trade carefully on the way back. According to the plan, Ye Chunsheng and Fan Jianming drove a car that transported drugs around the surrounding area to observe Wei Xiaoming's performance.
    Episode 10
    Ye Chunsheng found that someone was tracking and prepared to leave the dangerous area from Fan Jian. But Fan Jian, who was anxious to get off, insisted on trading. Fan Jian took the password box from a small demon's hand. After the banknote was tested, he ordered his men to leave the car key and leave the car. It was Wei Xiaoming near the car. The plainclothes policeman was ready to follow up. Suddenly Wu Daliang led the police to come, and he flocking. Wei Xiaoming was lucky to escape. Ye Chunsheng was also discovered by Wu Daliang. Wu Daliang refused to obey Fang Guoan's order and insisted on arrest Ye Chunsheng. Another follow -up chase appeared. Ye Chunsheng escaped with Fan Jian to seize the way. In fact, Fan Jian had a preparation of prevention. In response to their Cuizhu, they led them into a secluded dead end. Ye Chunsheng's wife Du Xiaomei came out of the basement. In order to be safe, they took the door into the basement of Du Xiaomei's mother and son. Du Xiaomei asked, why Ye Chunsheng trafficked. Ye Chunsheng could only apologize to ensure that they would take their mother and son to leave. Fan Jian immediately took Du Xiaomei, Ye Mingliang, who came back from the Internet cafe, rushed in with a kitchen knife, and chopped his head. Ye Chunsheng took a kitchen knife. Ye Mingliang told him that because of a father who became a drug dealer, he lost his qualifications to protect the police school and did not have the energy to prepare for the college entrance examination. Fan Jian knew that when he was entangled, he was arrested by the police and ran away quickly. With a travel bag, Wang Jianjun, who was looking for Du Xiaomei's mother and son all the way, was surprised to find Ye Chunsheng and chased it. Ye Chunsheng and others can only continue to fled. Wang Jianjun decided to stay. Regardless of whether he agreed or not, he kept taking care of Du Xiaomei's mother and son. Ye Mingliang, who was as cold as online games, slowly cheered up. Ye Chunsheng was very frustrated about the loss of the counterfeit banknote in the password box. Fan Jian trusted and appreciated Ye Chunsheng. He felt that Ye Chunsheng could bring drugs into the country, which was his bargaining capital. Ye Chunsheng said that if Fan Jian is the boss of Lanhua Club, he still has a hint of hope for survival. Otherwise, he will lose his life when he goes back. He felt that Fan Jiangda and Haili were smarter. Fan Jian heard that he was very useful. Ye Chunsheng suggested that he went to Wei Xiaoming again and checked what problems had the Internet. Otherwise, he would be sold sooner or later. Fan Jian pretended to inadvertently ask about the situation of Wang Jianjun. Ye Chunsheng should be free. At this time, Wei Xiaoming was very proud, and the car that had been carried into the secret warehouse. He contacted Chen Haodong and agreed to meet at the nightclub. He had to get the gold card of the Swiss Bank first, and then took Chen Haodong to check the goods. Then, Wei Xiaoming ran to find the online boss -Wang Tianyou, crying crying in tears and tears that the transaction failed, accusing the other party of the police undercover, and bragging about how he bravely got rid of the police. Wang Tianyou, who is the same as Bodhisattva, comforts Wei Xiaoming, and pay attention to it later. However, Wei Xiaoming is required to recover to contact the other party and find out which link is wrong. Wei Xiaoming was very embarrassed, but he could only agree. The police arranged by Fang Guoan and Du Li have been holding the whereabouts of drug trucks and long -term fishing. Chen Haodong met Du Li and Fang Guoan and learned that Ye Chunsheng had appeared and was very excited. Maybe Ye Chunsheng has found out who Yundu's drug lord is, but he cannot pass it. Therefore, Chen Haodong's undercover mission can be canceled. Fang Guoan believes that Ye Chunsheng will definitely understand the secret words he gives. Chen Haodong is very unhappy with Ye Chunsheng's safety, and he is also a bit uneasy about Ye Chunsheng's ability. The voice of his string was heard by Fang Guoan. Fang Guoan tracked the reasons why Wu Daliang appeared at the scene. It turned out that before the transaction, there was a mysterious phone call, reporting to 110, judging from the sound, not Wei Xiaoming, maybe this person is a more intimate hand of drug lords, and even the drug lord himself. At that time, only Wu Daliang was on duty in the group, so he led the team. Fang Guoanjue inspected other hidden feelings. Ye Chunsheng called and contacted, and Fang Guoan fell due to tiredness.
    Episode 11
    Ye Chunsheng found from the hotel's service manual that calling room 181 needs to add a 5 in front, then that is, the connection can be performed in Room 181 again. This shows that Ye Chunsheng Shengsheng It wasn't alone to fight alone, and his comrades -in -arms have been around him. But he didn't have a chance to go alone. Fan Jian decided to explore the secrets of the buyer himself. When they went downstairs together, Ye Chunsheng asked for an excuse to return to the room, but found that Du Xiaomei was cleaning in the corridor. Ye Chunsheng hesitated, should he let Du Xiaomei help pass on intelligence. Du Xiaomei had found him and no one was everywhere. Du Xiaomei chased over and asked Ye Chunsheng to tell him the truth. However, Ye Chunsheng sensitively noticed that someone was tracking. Fan Jian has appeared. Ye Chunsheng introduced Fan Jian to know Du Xiaomei and asked Fan Jian to give her some money. Du Xiaomei smashed money on Ye Chunsheng's face, and she couldn't have such stolen money. Ye Chunsheng said that they would pick up their mother and son to live a good life overseas. Du Xiaomei firmly stated that she would rather live such a poor life. After Fan Jian pulled Ye Chunsheng away, Du Xiaomei cried in the corner and cried. Ye Chunsheng couldn't quickly pass the information. Chen Haodong, who was canceled, was analyzing the case by himself, and suddenly received a call from Wei Xiaoming asks to the appointment. Chen Haodong promised immediately. He used the front desk channel to meet with Du Li, who was quickly packed into a taxi driver, to explain the original committee. Du Li agreed to go to trade and dig out Brother K. Fortunately, for the huge sum of money at all, Du Li has obtained the support of the other party on the international network through the Ministry of Public Security Organization of the Interpol. Fan Jian was in the car and whether Ye Chunsheng really wanted to pick up his wife and children. Ye Chunsheng thought, but worried that Du Xiaomei and his son were so impulsive and easy to mistake. Wei Xiaoming is not in the small fairy's house, nor is it in the Internet cafe. What was even more surprised by Ye Chunsheng was that Fan Jian easily found the secret warehouse hidden in the truck. It turned out that he installed the tracking system for the truck. They decided to stay in the rabbit. Ye Chunsheng noticed that Fan Jian couldn't despise and touted him even more vigorously. Fan Jian said that the two of them cooperated sincerely, and the key is to choose the final buyer. Xiaoshong and Chen Haodong waited for Wei Xiaoming on the road. Xiao Xie Jing watched the gold card brought by Chen Haodong, and immediately began to estrus. Chen Haodong had to play in the field. Coincidentally, Xiaohua took a taxi and passed by. After seeing it, she got out of the car and rushed to the past. Du Li appeared in a timely manner, controlled Xiaohua, and forcibly took Xiaohua away. Little Fairy excuses to replenish it, so you are ready to go. She sent a warning to Wei Xiaoming in the toilet, but was captured by Chen Haodong. Chen Haodong stuffed Jin Ka into the hands of the little demon, and promised that Little Fairy could freely go to network authentication and transfer. Chen Haodong's move made Xiaoshigon hesitant. Chen Haodong sincerely stated that as long as the transaction is successful, he will marry Xiaoshong, take her to a life of Xiaoyao, and give her happiness. Xiao Fai was moved, but she didn't know. This was Chen Haodong's confession and guilt to Xiaohua in his heart. Chen Haodong also said that the two of them were absconded with the money. Xiao Fairy also understood, but was pushed back by Wei Xiaoming's pistol.
    Episode 12
    The Wei Xiaoming overheard their conspiracy and feel that he was abandoned, so he forced them to return to the Internet cafes together and check the account online, so he had to swallow this huge amount alone. The international network is very busy. In the process of waiting for the transfer to confirmation, Chen Haodong found that the little fairy was a little -minded little 喽. She must be a master of network technology, and she was abnormal and very calm. Finally, when the transfer of online banking was confirmed, Xiaofei Jixian suddenly returned to normal. Wei Xiaoming and Chen Haodong came to the warehouse. They started inspection. Ye Chunsheng and Fan Jian, who have been hiding in the car. Wei Xiaoming is eating black. He betrayed his boss and pitted the seller. Ye Chunsheng was about to attack and was stopped by Fan Jian. It turns out that the key characters have appeared. Wang Tian took someone to surround the warehouse, and Wei Xiaoming and Chen Haodong were captured. Wang Tian was deeply disgusted with Wei Xiaoming's black eating black, ready to kill Wei Xiaoming. Chen Haodong justified Wei Xiaoming. Wei Xiaoming was grateful, so he borrowed the donkey to explain that he found that there was a problem with the seller, so he sacrificed himself and preserved his boss. This explanation that could not be explained in the end was angrily angered Wang Tianyou. Wang Tian has let Wei Xiaoming execute Chen Haodong to prove that he has not betrayed himself. However, Wei Xiao was clearly unwilling to start with Chen Haodong. Fan Jian had a good opinion of Chen Haodong's buyer. When Wei Xiaoming asked for self -protection, he had to raise a gun to shoot, Ye Chunsheng and Fan Jian appeared. Ye Chunsheng said the truth of Wei Xiaoming's black eating black, and also showed Fan Jian's identity. Wang Tian has the responsibility to blame the blue flower club to destroy the rules, and there is no need to meet like this. It turned out that in order to ensure security transactions, they always adopted a single line of connection. This is also the first time to face to face. Fan Jian said that this time the transaction was to rebuild the drug trafficking channel, so it was necessary to conduct an exception for a comprehensive examination. Chen Haodong refused to believe Fan Jian's seller, because drugs were fake at all. Wang Tian heard that, haha ​​laughed, which proved that Fan Jian's identity was fine. According to the original agreement of the leader, the first transaction after the drug trafficking network had a problem, it was necessary to leave the fake to explore the road. Give people no matter the goods. Fan Jian and Wang Tian have been finalized, and Ye Chunsheng served as the contact person to deliver the goods, and the remaining things were discussed separately. Fan Jian also took Chen Haodong away and was blocked by Ye Chunsheng. Because Ye Chunsheng felt that "Tang Xianlong" was very familiar, it seemed to have seen it at a drug -proof meeting. Maybe it was the police undercover. Fan Jian was shocked. Fan Jian calmed down and more resolutely took away Chen Haodong. Wang Tian agreed quickly. Wang Tian has completely entered the vision of police monitoring. In the tea shop of Wang Tianyou, Wei Xiaoming continued to invite me to reward. He felt that he played a black and black trial to explore the salesperson. However, Wang Tian did not actually reward him. Wei Xiaoming's pretending to answer himself cleverly, and felt that he should not give up the big buyers like Chen Haodong to Fan Jian, and lost the middle difference. Wang Tian had urged the gold card. Wei Xiaoming was shocked. Fortunately, after a cover, Wang Tian had believed in him. On the road, Jin Ka had been taken back by Chen Haodong. Fan Jianruo left Chen Haodong's mobile phone number without any matter, and broke up with him, attracting Ye Chunsheng's blame. Fan Jian immediately invaded the mobile phone network and retrieved Chen Haodong, a registration material called "Tang Xianlong", and did not find any problems. Facing the facts, Ye Chunsheng still dare not believe Chen Haodong. Fan Jian said that Chen Haodong has a wonderful use. Wei Xiaoming, who was clever, was proud to deceive everyone. He was ready to abscond, and was stopped by the little demon, accusing him of abandoning himself. Wei Xiaoming's anti -lip was embarrassed, and the little fairy water was water -based poplar, caught Chen Haodong, a rich and stylish little white face. Xiao Fairy asked Wei Xiaoming to hand over the gold card, and the fists added, Wei Xiaoming decided to kill him. Xiaoshen told him that Chen Haodong had informed the Swiss Bank because of the failure of the transaction, and the transfer was canceled. Wei Xiaoming quickly verified that Golden Card really had no money. Very frustrated. Chen Haodong has always been out of peace, a little surprised. It is seeking contact with Du Li, but we have ushered in the entanglement of the little fairy. Xiaoshong wonders whether Chen Haodong is rich.

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