Does the old temple AU750 diamond ring have appreciation value?

2 thoughts on “Does the old temple AU750 diamond ring have appreciation value?”

  1. Shengshi antique, chaotic gold, can be said to have always showed a steady growth trend. Not like gold. The international gold price of more than four hundred years, now two or three hundred, of course, gold is influenced by international finance and political situation. As for whether the diamonds you say are appreciated, it depends on how big the diamond you buy, whether it is an international certificate or a NGTC certificate. If the domestic qualification within 1 carat has no room for appreciation. Even if it is 1 carats, there may not be room for appreciation for international certificates, because diamonds are good or bad, which depends on what kind of diamonds are and how accuracy and color. This is the so -called 4C. Good grade and international identity, then there is a certain amount of appreciation space. Diamonds of GIA and Forever Mark on the market can take a pawn and loan, which shows that these diamonds are fair and value.

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