Dreaming of picking up a lot of gold jewelry, main, bracelets, and transshipment beads unmarried

Dreaming of picking up a lot of gold jewelry, main, bracelets, and transshipment beads unmarried

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  1. Ask 165: What is the meaning of our dreams at night?
    In dreams are a kind of information transmission of us and the spiritual world. Some dreams are significant. Essence Dreams can be given to us

    It some inspiration or prompts, but not too attached to the dream.
    It some dreams can't remember, or if it is fragmented, it doesn't make much sense.
    It if some dreams are similar to what you think in reality, it may be that there is something dreamed of dreamer and no reference value.
    It some dreams such as eating ravioli and killing may be a dream test. Please refer to the "Buddhist Questions and Answers 90: Questions about Dream Exams"
    Dreaming about ancient or war years, it is likely to be the dream of the past There is no need to think about it if there is no special plot. The past has passed, and it is not good for it to say more. If you dream of your own past or death, you generally mean that there will be robbery in the near future.
    The dead people in the dream, no matter what scene, it comes through. You need to read the name of the Buddhist classic combination. Generally, at least 7 photos. open.
    Those who dreamed of being chased by others and asking for money are their own.
    It dreaming that you are pregnant (in reality that you are not pregnant or asking for a child), or when you dream of a child, you usually have a child who has a abortion by himself. Dreaming that the child is clean and beautiful, bid farewell, or is taken away, or dreamed of being pregnant, indicating that some children have gone away.
    Animals such as dreamed of dead poultry are usually small animals that have been killed before.
    For some bad dreams, such as dark dreams, fear, disaster, unknown things (snakes, cats, bugs, shoes, etc.), it indicates trouble disorder. The magic mantra, the dying mantra, if you dream of the shoes, you still need to add the mantra, and insist on the classic combination of Buddhist Buddhist classics to the person who goes to the leaders, combined with release and wish.
    It's bright and beautiful in the dream, happy, the director or the bodhisattva or the monk Dade, the Swiss beast, fresh food, etc. are all good dreams.
    It some common dreams are available for reference.
    Animal category:
    Rotten beast (such as dragon, peacock, phoenix, unicorn, etc.): All are good, there will be good luck.
    Fish: Dreaming of living fish is good luck and wealth; dreaming that dead fish is frustrated, and you have to read the spell. (Similar livestocks are basically good if they are alive)
    Dogs: Dogs represent friends in their dreams. If you dream that the dog is very friendly to you, it means that friends are good to you, and vice versa.
    Turtles: extended life. (Sometimes different plots will have different explanations)
    snakes, cats, mice, beasts (tigers, crocodiles, wolves, bears and other fierce beasts), bats, crows, spiders, etc. If you are not smooth, you must read the auspicious magical mantra and the mantra of the disaster.
    It bugs: generally troublesome, karma. Especially when you dream of many bugs on your body, there will be a karma outbreak.
    Puffy: If it is dead or aggressive, it usually has this killing in this regard.
    The items:
    This: Dreaming that there is a problem with the teeth, generally it indicates that the loved ones will not have a good health, or the relationship with the family is not good. The upper teeth represent the elders, and the lower teeth represent the juniors.
    Orice fruits: Fresh fruits and vegetables are good, indicating that they are well cultivated and there will be good luck; not fresh or bad fruits indicate that the fruits are not good. Pay attention to whether there is something that is not as good as the law, or or whether There is omissions.
    food (cake, chocolate, etc.): Fresh food is good luck, moldy is not good.
    dumplings: there will be reunion.
    Noodles: extended life.
    C means of transportation (cars, trains, airplanes, ships, etc.): Normal car car is good and progressive; if it is broken, blocked, there is trouble and unsuccessful.
    New clothes: Go to the old welcoming and eliminate business.
    Shoes: Generally, it indicates that it is not smooth and troublesome.
    hair: Hair is troublesome. The dream is long explained to the trouble, and you need to read more about the sutra; the short cut is to eliminate the troubles.
    Eyes and glasses: Eyes represent the soul. Generally, the eyes dream of seeing the eyes clearly, indicating that the soul is very clean. If the eyes are very vague, the mind is not too clean. Optical lenses represent the glass of the windows in the heart. The glasses are broken and dirty, which means that it is not clean. The view of the problem is wrong and cannot be seen clearly.
    umbrella: There are some relationships in the description.
    key, lock: The mind is the lock method, the key is the key. Fortunately and unfortunate mixed race. If the dream feels justified, it will usually have some fortune.
    Coffin: If the dream is bright and happy, there will be wealth; if you feel scared, or you feel that you prepare for the family, you may have a bad health.
    This: Dreaming of normal feces is fortune. Dreaming of animal dung is unlucky.
    If Buddha: If you dream that the Buddhist platform is not clean, fragrant, the oil lamps are extinguished, flowers, etc., it means that the dedication is not as good as the law, or the mind is dishonesty, and the thought is not clean. Check the reflection of confession; if the Bodhisattva statue is gone or falling, it means that the Bodhisattva has gone; if the Bodhisattva statue on the Buddha is changed, it feels dark and horrible. The Buddhist classic combination to the house is gone to the house, and the worship is sincere and respectful.
    The Buddha and Bodhisattva God: Explain that there is a Buddha, or it has been well cultivated recently.
    Celebrities, leaders: There will be good luck.
    The dead people: As long as you dream of the dead, they all come through and need to surpass the dead. Dreaming of the death of the dead re -died, heralding a child, you can ask for the Bodhisattva and overwhelm it as soon as possible.
    The people in the world: If there is no special plot, it means that there is a fate. If you dream of being abnormal, fierce in the world, disadvantage to you or asking you for money, etc., it means that you owe each other, you must recite the classic combination of Buddhist Buddhism.
    Stime black and white impermanence: indicates that it has created a great cause or a big robbery. You need to make a big wish, and you must recite the confession of the Buddhist Buddhist confession sincerely, and wish a large number of Buddhist classic combinations and a large number of releases.
    The things:
    Quarrete: The quarrel between the dreams and knowing indicates that it will reach some consistency and you can read the curse.
    Moving: To represent some changes, the good movement in the dream represents the direction of the good direction.
    The mountain climbing and elevator: As long as it is all good, it is downhill.
    Losting: It indicates that there will be trouble.
    Then clothes: Explain that there is a karma. Before doing bad things, I ca n’t see it.
    The fire: fire or burning or hurting yourself is trouble. Little fire may be a little good.
    This leakage: Generally, there will be trouble at home. If it is very clean and very small, there will be money.
    swimming: good swimming is smooth, vice versa.
    The test: good exams, it will go smoothly. Generally, it also means that it has been well cultivated recently. On the contrary, it is not smooth.
    The release and spending people: It is also a good thing to do merit in the dream, and in reality, do more. If you dream that the fish is dead or there is a bad scene after the release, you may pay attention to whether there is a good law in the release, such as the weight, the place, etc. If you dreamed that the fish died, pay attention to chanting the scriptures and other scriptures.
    If bath: eliminate karma.
    cleaning, cleaning, etc.: eliminate karma.
    The rain and snow: heavy rain and snow are troublesome, and small rain and small snow are good luck.
    Death: Dreaming of death in the world indicates that he will be bad or troublesome.
    In illness: indicates that your body is bad. In reality, it is generally lighter than the degree of appearing in dreams.
    It toilet: eliminate business barriers.
    Come -month things: It indicates that gynecology will not be good, pay attention to the body, and at the same time insist on reading the scriptures.
    Vomiting: It may indicate that the stomach and throat are not good; if it feels easily and comfortable after vomiting, then it is to eliminate the industry.
    The read scriptures: Explain that this scripture reads well and has entered the eight -conscious field; or a certain class of scriptures need to be strengthened recently.

    Is should not be proclaimed excessively, saying that more missing and more, it is easy to disperse good luck, and if you do n’t practice well, the forecast of good dreams will also change with improper personal practice. To achieve bad dreams, you need to be more cautious and advanced.
    It is not recommended to solve dreams for people who do not believe, and it is easy to recite karma.

    -Questions and Answer

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