Gold worth 520,000, after the express delivery is gone, who should be responsible for it?

5 thoughts on “Gold worth 520,000, after the express delivery is gone, who should be responsible for it?”

  1. According to online reports. Cases that have been lost after the delivery of 520,000 yuan together have attracted attention on the Internet after the delivery of the express delivery. Next, we will sort out the incident.
    The party parties to the incident Mr. Huang opened a gold shop in Hai Liang Plaza, Hohhot, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The main business in the store is the business of recycling gold jewelry. For processing in other places, he usually uses SF Express when he sends these gold. Essence
    So Mr. Huang held accountable SF Express on this matter, but after investigation, SF Express did not find the object. SF Express also determined that there were major mistakes in the courier.
    The value of the loss of 520,000, and Mr. Wang also presented the relevant proof that he did send 1.4 kilograms of gold. In the case of SF, if you couldn't find something, he had to agree to compensate Mr. Wang first to compensate Mr. Wang first 400,000, and when you find something, return the gold to Mr. Huang.
    The event essence of Article 47 of the "Postal Law" stipulates that "if the non -insured price is lost, damaged, or the internal parts are short, the maximum compensation amount does not exceed 3 times the fee charged; If the registered letter is lost and damaged, the compensation shall be compensated according to the three times the fee charged ", that is, the amount that the courier shall bear the liability for damage compensation may exceed more than three times the charge for the charge.
    According to relevant laws, SF Express is undoubtedly responsible for the incident.
    The performance of SF Express in the last SF Express is still worthy of recognition. First of all, we can see that after the loss, SF's response is quite timely. Model, this is undoubtedly a reasonable solution, which can also see SF sincerity.
    What do you think of this incident? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

  2. Express company. The courier company took the business. If it was not sent to the customer, the problem was definitely in the express company, and they should be responsible.

  3. Express company, found out in which link, and then investigate later. After all, 520,000 gold is not a decimal number, so the courier company must be responsible.

  4. I do n’t know if I ask, it may be guilty, and the sender has paid the premium on this. That responsibility can be completely passed on to the thief. It is learned from relevant reports that Mr. Huang, the owner, sends expensive items through X Feng, and therefore.

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