How about Langfang Mingdao Daily Products Co., Ltd.?

1 thought on “How about Langfang Mingdao Daily Products Co., Ltd.?”

  1. Langfang Mingdao Daily Products Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (natural person investment or holding) registered in Guangyang District, Langfang City, Hebei Province. The registered address is 4-1-602 in Jinjuyuan, Jinqiao Community, Guangyang District, Langfang City.
    The unified social credit code/registration number of Langfang Mingdao Daily Products Co., Ltd. is that the corporate legal person Yang Lijun is currently in the opening state. rn廊坊市明道日用品有限公司的经营范围是:一般经营项目:批发零售:日用品、化妆品、皮革、皮具护理产品、洗涤用品、办公用品、工艺礼品、服装、鞋帽、五金电料、 Household electrical appliances, local production daily, labor insurance products, electronic products, electromechanical products. Within the province, the registered capital of the current enterprise is average.
    In Baidu Enterprise Credit View Langfang Mingdao Daily Products Co., Ltd. More information and information.

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