How did the Dutch parents educate their children

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  1. Education in China is definitely the first, but most Chinese families do not understand how to educate their children and make themselves really happy. Throughout the world, we have to look at the Netherlands. Their education methods are worthy of our learning. Let's take a look together. The following is the information about the method of educating children to educate children by the Dutch parents. I hope to help you!

    The method of education for parents to educate children in the Netherlands
    Participate in work less, even if a strong woman will reduce the work spending more time to take care of the child. Because they understand that what children need most is the company's company, and the education of parents' love is definitely the best education for children. Dutch mothers are also famous part -time champions in the European Union. As long as there are young children with young children, 75%of mothers will be part -time jobs in EU countries, and only 10%of mothers work more than 35 per week. In the hour, most of the week work only 12-27 hours. It seems that the Dutch mother is hard work for her children. Moms in the Netherlands have always been based on raising their children, and they have to accompany their children anymore, and any activities in the school will not fall. Of course, Dutch dad is not willing to show weakness. Every week, he must take a day to bring the child throughout the day. In the Netherlands, children are really valued. In China, there are several families who can do so. In the child's world, the happiest thing is the company of parents, not money.

    2. Walking in the streets of China, I always see children eating junk food. Chinese parents always like to take children to KFC McDonald's and other places to eat. threaten. And the Dutch parents, think about the health of their children, and check the food for their children one by one, including ingredients, such as sugar content, salt content, fat content, etc., must ensure no artificial additives and improve antibiotics. Of course, it cannot be said that Chinese mothers do not want to give their children a healthy diet. The safety of Chinese food is also a problem. However, in the Netherlands, the safety of food is worth assured. For the Netherlands, one of the sources of milk, children's milk powder is definitely guaranteed to be quality. Eat at ease. Another point is that the breakfast of children in the Netherlands must be famous for eating and eating nutrition. We must also learn this.

    . Although Chinese parents do not want to take the trial education as the center, they are suffering from such an environment. Teachers in the school must look at people's thoughts, so that Chinese parents have to pay attention to this issue. Essence Looking up for Jackie Chan has become the ancient truth. And the Dutch parents advocated that letting the child be himself, believe that his child has his unique ability advantage. I believe that the child should be difficult to encounter frustration. He, not educating by scolding. Don't think that the Dutch parents do not put pressure on their children, they will not learn well, and their grades will be poor. Such education will make their children easier to learn, and the grades will be better. Moreover, the academic table of Dutch children has always been among the best in the world.

    . The education of Chinese children is too severe. There may be too many children who make mistakes in the society. In fact, it is too harsh. It is easier for children to have extreme ideas and more likely mistakes. Give their children a freedom, let them make friends by themselves. At the age of 16, they can let them fall in love freely. Of course, these freedoms must have certain protection measures. Parents should observe and protect them by side. If the child is playing outside at night, he will go home very late. Parents must pick him up at night. When he is appropriate, he tells him what should pay attention to and so on. If you are born in China, he is definitely scolded late, so the child does not tell his family a lot of things, but let the child complain.
    If Dutch parents of the child's money view
    "Give you 42 euros? I'm sorry, I can't do it." Do not let the children suffer, and even the child is in trouble, and at the expense of money and their own relationship to settle "trouble" for the child. But in the Netherlands, parents rarely use money to help their children solve problems, and more will encourage children to face difficulties bravely.

    The 18 -year -old daughter of a Dutch friend studying in the first grade of college. The textbooks of the Dutch University do not purchase for mandatory purchases. Students can choose to borrow from the library. In order to review the convenience, the girl spent 42 euros to buy this book, but lost the book one week before the exam. So she decided to borrow books from the library to deal with the exam, but accidentally missed the borrowing time.

    So she wanted 42 euros to her father. After listening to the matter, her father rejected her categorically. The reason he refused his daughter was: "If you lose your book, it is already a manifestation of the irresponsibility of the three hearts and two minds; and you should miss the time to borrow the book. Two behaviors, you should accept lessons and bear the consequences. You also want to expect others to help you clean up the scene?

    The child cried that night. However, she quickly cheered up, herself I found the method of solving the problem: she talked to another classmate with another book and reviewed her homework together. I think she should remember this experience for a lifetime.

    R n
    , like the Chinese, the Dutch likes to save money for money. Dutch parents have taken them to save money together from their children. .

    The small conference room in the Netherlands, there are many small conference rooms that meet customers, including financial toys and tools that make children clear at a glance, such as very cute classification of saving money cans, cartoon graphics financial toys, etc. .

    It and waiting for children to be twelve to 14 years old, this card can basically be handed over to the child. Children can freely use a live account withdrawal or swipe card, but the money of savings wealth management account cannot be It is used without authorization, which not only protects the continuity of financial management, but also allows children to freely control some money.

    In short, children have participated in the planning finance very early. With these exercises, children seem to understand and wrong from right and wrong. Understand the formation of some money concepts and learn the management of money.

    is worth mentioning that Dutch parents have instill the "charity" concept from time to time to children. In the monthly spending, some of them are always donated voluntarily, such as donating to African education institutions at 1 euro each month, so that girls can also read; or 50 euros to donate to animal protection organizations, allowing some developing countries to make some developing countries in developing countries. Donkey's random labor, etc.,

    Teremate to make a budget table

    Dutch children did not take economic support from their family as a reason.

    For example, from the beginning of elementary school, the budget of the children's school celebration activities was formulated by the children, although teachers and parents would help their children to make this budget. The group is to do a budget, a group of 2-3 children, and then the most cost-effective budget plan for PK. In order to be selected, the child will strictly formulate one of the most cost-effective plans based on the activity process. Things, children usually find relatives and friends to help, but they will not treat the money given by the family as a "zero cost". The time for the time for relatives and friends will be counted as basic cost investment.
    n n n n R n First ask three reasons for having a thing

    The Dutch parents do not directly connect money and material possession. If the child sees a very expensive thing and wants to buy it, some Chinese parents will refuse very hard: "So expensive, no money to buy." There is a disadvantage in this way, so that the child thinks that his wish cannot be achieved. This mentality is not good for future life attitudes.

    The reason and necessity of Dutch parents discussed with their children (such as toys, clothes). They will ask their children: "Why do you like this?" "Give me three reasons for having to have it."

    In this seemingly simple analysis and communication, children will treat them more rationally rationally This thing will have a clearer understanding of the necessity of buying it. The establishment of this way of thinking and logic can better help children learn to think and review, analyze and consider, and help children make any decisions in the future.

    The children of children who are nonsense will look at the advertisement and say, "I will send my girlfriend diamond ring in the future!", some domestic parents will immediately say, "You want to send your girlfriend diamond ring Then you have to have money. If you want to make money, you must read it well. "In this way, there is no analysis of the essence and necessity of the wish. Parents will link their wishes and simple academic performance.

    It parents in the Netherlands usually say this: "Why is diamond? She may like or not like diamonds. The most important thing for giving girlfriends is to send her likes, you have to spend time and To understand her, find out what she likes to give. "

    The obtaining, allocation and managing money by negotiating contracts is the strength of the Dutch, and it also affects all the daily life models and thinking of the Dutch people. Habits and education for children. The Netherlands value money, but do not abuse money, and do not exaggerate the power of money. The attitude towards money is peaceful, so the child's attitude towards money can naturally be rational.
    The education that does not encourage children in the Netherlands
    The parents in China often say a word to their children: "Eat hard and suffer, and it is a person." I once thought so.

    When I was studying in a doctorate in the Netherlands, I felt that I should do more to make more mixed performances, and always clean the laboratory. Later, the experimental manager thought that I liked to clean up the laboratory and said to me, "Since you like it, it's all package." I knew it, and I asked myself to eat hard. Because time and energy are wasted on trivial matters, and even affecting learning. Later, I only took the initiative to declare to the manager, and I didn't like these things, and I asked my colleagues to take turns to clean up in the future. Strangely, the manager was not unhappy, but became more respectful. I gradually realized that in a Netherlands that can carry a lot of differences and conflicts in the Netherlands, it is appreciated by struggling for my own interests and reasonable resistance. Compared to the Chinese people often hope to replace the recognition through "hardships", European and American people value more "the ability to negotiate, resist and dare to conflict". If you leave them a impression that they are willing to suffer, they will only think that you like to do dry work. "Missing" and let you endure hardships.

    Is after going abroad, whether in school or workplace, I am always filled with Dutch with strong autonomy and subjective initiative. They understand their strengths and weaknesses. Strive for the goals you want to achieve. At first you will feel that they are very selfish and strong, but in fact, at the beginning of team cooperation, everyone has full discussion time to allocate tasks and planning responsibilities. At this time, if you have no clear ideas and no fight, then there is no way. In the future, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the future In teamwork, you can only do things that others do not want to do and are not good at yourself.

    The first class of the master's degree in nutrition in the Netherlands is a two -month project. The theme is "developing and developing a nutritional product and completing the EU's health declaration plan." The actual combatability of the project requires a lot of planning and weighing. Without a certain self -cognitive power and choice, it is difficult for any student to fight for the best configuration for themselves. When I was unable to do it, Dutch students were familiar with it. They have been trained how they have been negotiating and planned since they were young to make themselves work and learn to enjoy life and pursue happiness. In the classroom, Dutch students can get a task that is more conducive to giving play to my specialty and more effort, but I can only stare.

    It found that a big difference between yourself and the Dutch students around me is that when they have made a clear forward in the planned life, we are still looking for the direction of life ignorant. That is to say, our choice of life and our awareness of ourselves is a big step later than them. When the children in the Netherlands experienced a painful adolescence, constantly looking for the value of life, and asking who they were, and what they wanted, Chinese children were preparing for a round of exams. There is no practical planning in life, just walking along the requirements of the parents or inertia. Because I did n’t have the time to “look up at the starry sky” when I was a kid, naturally there was no righteousness after thinking, and even many people did not know how to plan their own "life".

    has experienced a series of learning and adjustments. I finally understand that it is simple to overcome this dilemma, that is, constantly understand yourself, ask yourself a few "why", and complain about a few "what" Boldly show your position, fight for yourself, know how to resist and defend, understand the bottom line of compromise and the purpose you need to achieve. In this way, you can maintain strong subjective initiative in learning and work and achieve the best results.

    The Chinese education also likes to promote the "wooden barrel theory" and tell children that it is not the longest board for the success or failure, but the shortest one. So no matter how old the child is, parents still urge their children to correct their deficiencies. In this way, children do not know enough about their own advantages, so it is difficult to play a strong point. The most typical is the "standard sub -system" of the Chinese college entrance examination. If the candidates have a "lame department", the general branch will be greatly affected.

    is not the case in the Netherlands. Either the school exam or the company's training. The first thing you ask is what you are good at, and what you are particularly interested in. Because they think that training is better to make people good, and only things that are good at learning can make people learn quickly and use them well. So what to do with weaknesses and shortcomings? It doesn't matter. There are "teamwork" abroad. Where you are not good at, you naturally have another classmate or colleague who is good at this way to complement you and complete it together. Everyone can use their strengths to achieve maximum efficiency. But you have to recognize your advantages and deficiencies. In your studies and work, you clearly explain which places you can take advantage and where you need to support. Only in this way can you reduce the pressure of learning survival abroad, do not consume your energy, stay away from the fatigue of your body and mind, thereby optimizing your ability and managing your own time.

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