1 thought on “How to change the number of golden pieces”

  1. The number of gold = volume × gold density changes slightly due to the density and purity and temperature of gold. The density of gold at room temperature is 19.29-19.37 grams/cubic centimeter.

    In a round gold coin weight (gram) = radius × radius × 3.1415 × gold density = 5 × 5 × 3.1415 × 19.33 (middle value) = 1518﹒13 grams

    1 gram gold is equal to 0.02. One or two gold is one or two gold in mainland China, so one or two gold is equal to 50 grams. However, in neighboring countries and regions, different places, one or two concepts are different. Gold jewelry is generally calculated when replacing the old. Therefore, when we buy gold jewelry, it is not cost -effective to buy it, because his number is often much lower than your actual price.

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