5 thoughts on “How to clean the gold jewelry”

  1. 1. The chemicals of detergent will change the color of the gold, so you should take off the gold jewelry before doing cleaning.

    2. Perfume and glue will damage gold jewelry. It is best to wear jewelry after makeup, and pay attention not to hook the jewelry when changing clothes.

    3. Gold jewelry should be removed when bathing and swimming, so as not to be injured or lost.

    4. When storage, use a velvet cloth and put it in the jewelry box to avoid friction and damage to each other.

    5. The gold is relatively soft and easy to deform, so do not pull the necklace and other accessories to avoid deformation.

    6. When cleaning the gold jewelry, you can soak it with a neutral warm soapy water, use a soft brush to remove the dirt, and then clean and dry it. If you feel that the effect of cleaning your own cleaning is not very good, you can go to the professional golden trim store regularly.

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    The maintenance method that pure gold jewelry needs to pay attention to:

    1. Avoid high volatile substances such as perfume and glue Contact, otherwise it will easily cause gold decoration to fade.

    2. Do not let gold jewelry contact chemicals, such as cleaners.

    3. The gold decoration should be removed when swimming to avoid chemical changes in the surface layer after encountering seawater or pool water.

    4. The gold jewelry after wearing is often lost due to stains and dust stains. At this time, as long as the gold decoration is placed in the neutral detergent, Just dry it.

    5. Pure gold jewelry will have a chemical reaction when it encounters water and silver, and white spots appear. When cleaning, you can restore the original color as long as you grill under the alcohol lamp for a while.

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    Golden jewelry cleaning tips
    This can be immersed in the heat solution for 2 hours. The thermal solution should be prepared in advance: 100 grams of water, add 15 grams of bleaching powder, sodium 15 grams of bicarbonate and 5 grams of salt. Then use hot water and sodium bicarbonate solution (1 kg of water plus 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate).

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    -cleaning of gold jewelry

    The composition of K gold, the cleaning method is similar

    (1) General cleaning At the time, you can soak it in alcohol for a few minutes and take it out. The general sweat will volatilize with the alcohol.

    (2) When the sweat is often loaded and stacked, the old toothbrush can be dipped in the bottom of the table with a neutral cleaning solution or a commercially available jewelry cleaning solution, as well as the fine seams of the diamond. Otherwise, the gem will be lost because of the overall transparency.

    (3) The ultrasound cleaning provided by the general store, but carefully check whether the claws are loose before cleaning, otherwise it will be more loose because of the vibration of its high frequency. As a result, the chance of falling will increase.

    (4) In addition to cleaning, the K gold surface will be covered with small wear marks due to long -term friction, which also reduces brightness. The effect, but it is best to do grinding and gilding treatment once in 2 to 3 years, and the jewelry can reply to the beautiful and bright light at the beginning.

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- rn金首饰清洗方法: rnrn 要保护黄金饰品的光泽,可在上面薄薄地涂一层无色Nail polish.

    If the surface of the gold decoration already has black silver film, 2 grams of salt, 7 grams of soda, 8 grams of bleaching powder, 60 ml of water, and make it into a "golden device cleaning agent" to place the gold jewelry on the gold jewelry on the jewelry In a bowl, pour the cleaning agent. After 2 hours, remove the golden jewelry, rinse with water (preferably not hard water), buried in the wood chips to dry, and then wipe it with a soft cloth.

    The gold rings of the gemstone can roll a piece of cotton with a match stick. After wetting in the mixture of flower dew and glycerin, scrub the gemstone and its frame, and then use a velvet cloth to lighten the ring. Do not scrape it with a kind of sharp objects.

    The synthetic cleaning agent with salt and vinegar, using it to wipe the pure gold jewelry, which can make it new for a long time. Or wipe it with a toothpaste to restore the gloss of gold jewelry.

    or the best to bring back to the mall to let the professionals clean and check for you.

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    Platinum diamond jewelry must "beauty"

    while beauty diamond reflects your luxury and purity, it is also preserving and value-added Under the concept trend, platinum diamond jewelry has become our favorite thing. Although the diamond has a strong side, it is also more fragile, and it also needs our careful care.

    The diamonds are sticky to fat, such as skin oil, soap, cosmetics, etc. Therefore, when you do housework, do not let the wearing diamond decoration dyed oil or bleach water. Oil pollution will affect the diamond ornaments. The luster, bleaching water can make the metal spots.

    The following simple methods can let it wash the "face".

    Clash bath method: first immerse the diamond in a small plate of warm water, then gently scrub the diamond with a small brush, and then place the diamond on the consideration of warm water. Finally use cloth to dry water.

    The cold water immersion method: Use half a cup of Almania water, add water of the same capacity, immerse the diamond in the solution and gently stir, take it out with paper to suck dry rinse.

    The fast immersion method: Buy a set of gem cleaning solution and wash diamonds according to the instructions.

    It other care methods: When doing housework, do not let diamond decorations stick to bleaching water. Although bleaching water does not damage the diamond, it will cause metal inlaid to fade or produce spots. In the end, it is not advisable to wear diamond ornaments for heavy work. Although the diamond is hard and wear -resistant, it may also be damaged if it is hit according to its texture direction.

    It do not put the diamond jewelry with other jewelry in a drawer or jewelry box, because the diamond will scrape other jewelry when rubbing. At the same time, platinum jewelry should not be worn at the same time as gold jewelry at the same time. Because gold is soft, if rubbing each other, it will not only damage the gold jewelry, but also make the gold dye on the platinum, make it yellow, and it is difficult to remove it.

    This Platinum jewelry to the jewelry shop every year to check whether the diamond and inlay are loose and worn to renovate in time.

  2. 1. Use a small toothbrush to dip some toothpaste, wash the gold jewelry, and then rinse it with water to restore the gloss as new; you must think of a small toothpick with a dead ends, otherwise the more dirty, especially the gold ring, often bring it with the gold ring. It is easy to stick dirty things with operators.
    2, you can get a little cotton switch to dew water, wipe the golden jewelry;
    3, the second method may not be wiped into the corner of the jewelry, then use the remaining rice water in the home, soak it A bubble jewelry not only soaked the dirty things, but also increases the brightness;
    4, or simply buy a new gold jewelry, apply a layer of nail polish on the surface of the jewelry. If you fall off, you think that the nail polish that deducts off will also wear the surface of the jewelry. Good nail polish can protect the gloss of gold jewelry;
    5. If there is a layer of black film on the surface of the jewelry, you need to use a professional metal cleaning solution You can use 2 grams of salt, 7 grams of soda, 8 grams of bleaching powder, 60 ml of water, and place it together. Put the gold jewelry in the cleaning agent. After 1-2 hours, take it out and wash it with water. New.

  3. A good way to emotional gold jewelry, cleanliness
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  4. Teach you to clean the gold jewelry at home
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  5. Do n’t clean it in the gold and silver jewelry, teach you a trick, you ca n’t get the gram after washing
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