How to distinguish the naked eye

How to understand the information in the product from the number of barcodes in the product? Or more things

2 thoughts on “How to distinguish the naked eye”

  1. 1. Note that all barcodes are composed of black and white lines. Black and white are alternately, and they are part of the barcode.
    2. To understand, there are 4 levels of thickness of each line. We assume that the finest line level is "1", the thicker is "2", and the thickest is "3", and the thickest is "4".
    3. Each UPC code (universal barcode) starts with 101 and ends at 101 (black, white, black). In the middle of the barcode, you can see two fine black lines divide the numbers into half. In the middle of the black line is a white thin line, and there are white thin lines on both sides of the black line. They are arranged 01010. Each UPC code is 01010.
    4. From the next step, let's understand the corresponding relationship between each Arabic numeric and barcode form. Each Arabic numeral is composed of four lines of black and white stripes in the barcode. The difference is that the thickness of each stripe is different.我们要记住的就是条纹粗细程度与数字的对应关系(刚才我在第二点提到,条纹粗细分为四个级别:1、2、3、4rn0=3211,1=2221, 2 = 2122, 3 = 1411, 4 = 1132, 5 = 1231, 6 = 1114, 7 = 1312, 8 = 1213, 9 = 3112.
    The corresponding numbers of the barcode thickness level are all 7. For example, the number 3, the corresponding level is 1411, 1 4 1 1 exactly equal to 7. All are like this.

  2. The naked eye cannot be distinguished. The only rows of numbers under the barcode you have to distinguish it, because the barcode is not understood by the code read, but the number is specified. It is the international standard code. Domestic products are based on the manufacturer's number (some weighing products, the weight and amount of fresh products can be found in the barcode) and the last one after 69) and the last one. Like some supermarkets, scan the barcode or enter the barcode number to read the information of the product. This is actually recorded in the computer in advance, not the barcode itself contains this information.

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