How to tap the sales potential of old products (1)

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  1. What is an old product? I believe that every marketer can give different definitions. Most people think that the product is listed for a long time is an old product, and how long it is to call Lao but not uniformly define it. Is it listed for 3-5 years? 10 years on the market? Or for 30 years? Some people define that old products are relatively new products. Compared to the upcoming or new products, all existing products can be called old products. But this definition seems to be too vague, lacks a quantitative measurement standard.nWhat is an old product? Refers to the life cycle of the product, that is, the product is in the maturity period or recession. Product Life Cycle, referred to as PLC, refers to the market life after the drug is put on the market. After a drug enters the market, its sales and profits will change over time, presenting a process from less to more to less, just like people's life, from birth, growth to maturity, and eventually decline This is the phenomenon of life cycle of the product.nThe so -called pharmaceutical life cycle refers to the process of drugs from entering the market to the market life cycle that has experienced from entering the market. It is not directly associated with time. Some products have long maintained good product vitality for ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years, maintaining a sustainable average annual growth and showing good growth. Metaphorically said that Byaspirin and Tongrentang series of Chinese medicine products; some products have just entered the market for 1-2 years, but the product base price is sold, chaotic in price system, continuous channels of channels, weak sales expansion, stagnant performance, or even performance even performance, or even performance Fast decline. Such products have been aging. Although it seems to be "not old", such products are fast, which is metaphorical to many investment products.nReasons for aging product:n1. Excessive pursuit of short -term interests: There are fewer 20 or 30 products in the production of some enterprise products, as many as hundreds. The sales of sales are more than a dozen, and the profit is only five or six, and there are only one or two pillar products. Due to the existing sales resources and sales models, in order to maximize the interests of products, many companies have signed a sales outsourcing contract for several years. The profit model of the agent decided to quickly capture product profits in the shortest time, and the product life cycle that was artificially shortened. To obtain the maximum profit in the shortest time, agents often cover the products widely and sell them quickly. Only a single requires cash to return quickly, and there is no monitoring and monitoring of the price system, sales method, and sales model of subordinates. As a result, the good -looking products were listed on the market. The agent made a lot of money, but the product has become the chicken ribs of the enterprise and no competitiveness. Remind those companies that publish a large number of investment in professional media and sell their good products as radishes and cabbage: agents have risks, and they must be cautious when choosing!n2. Lack of innovation: Products have entered the market for more than ten years. From the outsourced packaging of the product, the design of the product's promotional materials (DA, POP, brand tips), the positioning of product academics, academic promotion, etc. are lacking. Regardless of whether it is outer packaging, promotional supplies, or brand tips, there are no changes in two or three years without any new meaning. All front -line representatives have aesthetic fatigue, not to mention the prescription doctors and retail clerks of many manufacturers' representatives every day. And the academic promotion is even more true. In the early days of the product entry into the market, companies invited some KOL to do a lot of academic promotion and clinical research. The data and expert doctrine presented by the representatives are too old and old; promotional gifts and brand tips are nothing except cups, brushes, towels, and napkins. "Workers want to be good, they must first benefit their instruments." It is not that the ability is not good. It is really our weapon!n3. Single model: In the way the company is successful, it will fail in what ways. Although this sentence is a bit radical, it is not unreasonable for the reason. The success of an enterprise is the success of the product marketing model. In the current sales model, there are professional academic promotion types represented by Yang Sen, Novartis, and Ling, with Harbin Pharmaceutical and Overseas Pharmaceuticals as the OTC advertising marketing model, in -depth distribution types represented by the amendment of pharmaceuticals and sunflower medicines, with the representatives of the pharmaceutical and sunflower pharmaceutical industry. The investment agent represented by Yuheng and Bu Gang. The marketing model determines the thinking mode and sales methods of marketers. It is difficult for a person to do two things at the same time. The determination of thinking is limited to the innovation of marketing methods. When encountering a bottleneck of corporate development, many enterprises seeking a breakthrough method is to introduce new marketing models to achieve diversified expansion, such as the development of multiple business departments. Professional affairs must be done by professional people. Do not make Zhang Guan Li Dai for saving costs, otherwise it is the biggest waste.n4. Sales bottlenecks have not been resolved: Marketing is always a dynamic management process, a process of solving problems at a time. In each period of marketing, products and bottlenecks will encounter such problems and such problems. 1. Old brand packaging, old image promotion, single marketing methods 2. Convenue in price system, severe business cooperation 3. Terminal promotion strength, low end -in -end business enthusiasm 4. Stagnating sales skills, experience in personnel, experience in experience, experience in experience, experience experience, experience experience Become the biggest negative 5. Propaganda budget gradually reduced, brand influence decreased 6. Corporate diversified operations, cross -industry operations, cash flow less than 7. The company grows rapidly, lacks management talents Severe, assessing pine -leaking, management internal consumption; [nextPage]nPotential analysis of old product potential and product upgrades:n1. Analysis of the potential of old products: An important characteristic of old products is through long -term market development and marketing, and have a group of loyal patients/consumers. The cost of retaining an old patient/consumer investment is 1/7 for a new patient/consumer investment cost. To analyze: In what aspects of the old products, the unique advantage attracted patients/consumers, is it fast? Promotional means? Which diseases are the most effective? Professional (prescription doctor clerk) is promoted? Or safety? price? taste? advertise? Promotion? Word of mouth? Especially compared with major competitors, what are the core and unique advantages? After analyzing the old products, the advantages of the old products will continue to reserve to improve the disadvantage of the product. So as to upgrade old products.     n2. The way to upgrade the product:n1) Upgrade product outer packaging and specifications: The prerequisite is that the original old packaging is too long in the market. It is too important to have chaotic price systems, serious distribution of goods in various places, poor dealers' cooperation, and decline in product profits year by year. Essence Replace the existing products by changing the outer packaging or specifications. A brand new product is listed, and the performance of high -quality dealers/agents, and the performance assessment methods of existing marketers by increasing price space and re -setting the value chain of this product at all levels of each level.n2) Upgrade the formula of the original product: the prerequisite is that this type of product belongs to OTC products (external preparations, gynecological supposks, nutritional supplements, cold cough, digestive system), the original product function is single or fails to meet patients A number of treatment needs, the formula of new products upgrades and improves.n3) The function of upgrading products: The field of product treatment is based on the advancement of science and technology, the natural elimination of the market, and the upgrade of the product itself to meet the market demand. Such as: cephalosporin antibiotics such as first -generation cephalosporin, cephalosporin, the second generation: cephalosporin, cephalosporin, three -generation cephalosporite, cephalosporin, fourth -generation cephalosporin; blood lipid products such as Atorvanda, Xinpesia Bestin, Putgastin, Ruhunzanda, Pingedtin and other varieties have been upgraded into clinical treatment in turn.n4) Upgrade product segmentation: Old products in the OTC market are positioned in a certain treatment field to stabilize the functional demands of the product. When many competitive brands have successively carried out the same treatment field, the market has saturated. Simply upgrading from the function of the product will be difficult to break through. It can be subdivided through the product market: subdivided crowd (adult type, children's type, elderly type), market segment (hospital type, retail type, township hospital type), subdivided taste (orange type, lemon type) and so on Essencen5) Upgrade the extension target indication: extend the product function indication from a certain major item to a specific condition or extend the product indication. This method is mostly suitable for Chinese medicine products. For the treatment of Chinese medicines for the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular types, most of the functional indications are: beneficial qi and blood circulation, Tongluo pain relief. Original target indications: used for coronary heart disease and angina pectoris. Because of the product composition, lipids and anticoagulation can be reduced, diluted with viscosity, and the blood vessels can be used to solve the effects of atherosclerotic plaques. To cerebral thrombosis and sequelae.

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