Is it bad for sleeping in necklaces to sleep?

As the title, we all know that wearing jewelry is not good to sleep, but how can we wear a red rope for sleep? Although jade helps to sleep, I can't figure the bracelets and necklaces. I can't figure it out. I sleep naked

3 thoughts on “Is it bad for sleeping in necklaces to sleep?”

  1. Wearing a necklace will not sleep well, but it will have some impact.
    Because the material of the metal can be injured or scratched the skin of people, it may hinder the blood of some parts of the blood, so it is best not to sleep with the metal material, or you can touch it when you sleep when you sleep. place.
    Igly: When sleeping, it is best to remove all gold and silver jewelry. Although it cannot be said to have great harm, it is not advisable to wear sleep for a long time.

  2. Dai jewelery is not good to sleep. Don't say the necklace. There is no rope and things similar to 'sets'. Simply superstitious and not superstition will give people mental stress. Your amulet will make you restless.
    In it next to it. It is really inseparable from it.

  3. There are more metal content in jewelry. Of course, it is not good for the body and sometimes it will be very naked
    . As for the amulets and jade, it may not be much beneficial to the body, but since it is auspicious and peaceful, especially for faith in ghosts and gods, For people, sleeping with jade may make people feel secure. In fact, it depends on what people think.

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