Is there any good reference for the translation of the Buddhist scriptures?

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  1. Buddhist question and answer category (Tantric No. 11)

    Li Bingnan Old layman answered

    , Tantra

    Intersection (Yongkang)
    Answer: Detailed interpretation is very complicated. If the Buddha is the same, the law is the same, and the master, the supreme master of the supreme master.
    : How many diamond guru is now? (Yongkang)
    : There are two major red and yellow factions in Tibetan, and there are other factions. They are monks in Taiwan. Teacher and wait.
    In Q: When is Norina Born? When is the silence? Where is it born? (Yongkang)
    Answer: Nona Hutuktu is Tibet. It is unknown when it is born.
    Q: Which mantra is the most beneficial to hold? (Weng Huixin)
    : The law is equal and beneficial, but the opportunity must be discussed, especially what the goal is repaired, and what can be maintained. The Buddha is the king of the doctor, the law is the elixir, the medicine must be right, and the law must be cut.
    Q: When did my country use the Dharani Sutra? Is it passed from Tibet in my country? (Yongkang)
    : The Dharani Sutra is a Sanskrit, or it is introduced from Tibet. However, in the Qing Dynasty, after the death of the princes, he was rewarded by the purpose, and ordinary officials and people were not good at use, but now they have nothing to do. After chasing up, there is no book, but it is not known.
    Q: The function of dying spells, in order to help the life, what is the function of the great tragedy and other spells? (Cai Shifang)
    : The Great Tragedy Mantra is widely used, the world ’s disaster increases, the life is confusing, and it is helpful. He has its own names, and his name can be thought about his righteousness. If the righteousness is resolved, the law is the same, and it can be used for each other.
    Q: The past mantra or name "pull all karma to have a pure land Dharani at all", how to explain? (Yongkang)
    Answer: These two names are the matter, but one more detailed ears. Those who interpret their complications, "pulling" is removal, "all karma" is called various sins, and various obstacles are born to make it difficult to achieve the deep solidarity of the "fundamental" metaphor. prison. "Getting birth to the pure land" is obtained as expected, and the birth of the life is the place where the gods are the same, and the pure land refers to the pure land of the bliss world. "Dharani" is translated as the general holding, which is the meaning of achievement. There are four categories. The lecture is that there are two large uses in this spell. First, all the sins, all the magic obstacles, although the tree has roots and the power of the Tao, and the mantra can be removed without any more than it. Second, the power of this curse determines the pure land of joy.
    : Narcrapering the mantra is the purpose of helping yourself to die. (Lu Huiliang)
    Answer: One -in -one universal, the first look at the heart and how to return.
    : The Heart Sutra "Diakes the Polo Polo Jie, Polo Monk reveals", please explain it in detail! (Zhang Mingsheng)
    Answer: This is a mantra, according to the five non -turning cases, it belongs to the secret, and the district is obedient, and it is not forced to explain.
    Is: The four sentences of the fascinating mantra "Ji Chou Chong Chong Su Shi Emperor" and so on. Can you recite it? (Huang Han)
    : The first four sentences are 偈, the following is a spell, chanting once, the curse may be thousands, also known as the instrument. Every time you want to recite each other, it is essential. However, I asked in the dialect vernacular chanting method. I feel unknown. Because of the simple text, there are Sanskrit, such as rolling into vernacular, not goodwriting, not only the segments are not available, but they must be long and more inconvenient.
    Q: 呢 呢 吽 吽 吽 吽 吽 吽 吽, please explain it in detail? (Zhang Weiming)
    Answer: This is a secret. The ancients had an example of translation (explanation in modern times). The cover of the cursed is not to understand its righteousness, and it is easy to achieve.
    : Many words in the great tragedy and other spells do not know, and the dictionary can not be found. There is no phonetic symbol in the Buddhist dictionary. I ask friends to teach, and I am worried that the pronunciation is inaccurate. Please solve! (Jiang Junyi)
    : The mantra is not too much. If there is no Diamond Master in the local area, it can be taught from the Magic monk and always hold it. If the sound is true, the Sanskrit must be Sanskrit. Hanyin has been wrong for a long time, such as the two -in -three -in -one sound of the two -in -three -in -four character, which is often read as two characters, three characters. However, the teachings of Picchu are sincere and have their own spirit.
    Q: The second sentence of the great tragedy, what is the word "A" of Nanwu Aye, what is accurate? (Tang Guilan)
    Answer: A word from the throat can get the quasi -sound.
    In Q: Change the mantra of the mantra and eat food, which can make the golden -winged bird and hungry ghost full. Why can't you return to the society? (Li Mengquan)
    Answer: Golden -winged birds are eaten dragons. Hungry Ghost has no food, so the curse changes, and the humanitarian is more food, so there is no need to change. There are foods in the first two, whether the two people have to eat or not, still watching whether there is barrier or not! The mother of the ghosts, the food side is near the mouth, that is, it becomes a fire, that is, one case. How strange people can't eat through all people. Moreover, the Buddhist scriptures and worships are often hungry. They are all extinguished, and all kinds of mantras are not returning to the hunger.
    Q: "Living Buddha", this very precious title, can the practitioners of Tantra be used, or go through a process, can it be used by Tantra with special qualifications? (Li Yongmao)
    Answer: For the Master of the Dharma, Fang Zongzun, who is not academic, can be called.
    Q: Baiyou Mantra: The first name of the Buddha was called three times, and then from the south Wufo to Poromi to Zhi Zhi to be a spell. Do you want to read three Buddha names through all over? Isn't it in front of the Buddha, maybe you can recite in any place, stand, sit, sit, or lie? (You Caihua)
    Answer: Just recite three first names. If you live, you can say that you can only make your heart turn, and you should not speak out.
    Q: Dharma is not according to law. (Temporary beam)
    Answer: Words on the paper, will it be automatically pronounced? There is no master, how can the sound be accurate? Everyone must have a teacher, so it is the only one. If the preacher does not leave the righteousness, the scholar depends on it.
    Q: Tantric Special Mantra has the most spiritual effect, some who appear to become Buddhas, have the names and names, some are wealthy and wealthy, and be smart ... Now someone is specifically holding a curse to go to go to the curse to go to the mantra to go to the mantra to go Is it possible to buy patriotic prizes? (Pan Yuquan)
    : The great use of Dharma, when it is lifted to death, the second will destroy the sin, and the suffering and joy. The sin is disappeared, the pain is exhausted, but the joy is born, but there is also a certain limit. There is a book "Maybe". The explanation is very detailed. If there is no limit, there are many things that are not divided.
    Q: What is the difference between holding and chanting merit? As you say in the Lotus Society's saying, "letting go of the fate, a word of Hong Ming" is naturally convinced, but because of the mantra to become a habit, you can't change it for a while, especially if you think that this is a good habit, can you not change it? (Zhang Wenbing)
    Answer: Do not throw off. But in addition to the curse, add the Buddha name.
    Q: I heard that there is a good job of studying Tantra, but not vegetarian. Can this kind of behavior be achieved? (Huixin)
    Answer: There are many people who learn densely, and they are not always eating meat.
    Q: Tantric Buddha Buddha, the palm of the palm is on the top, and then the first place to the mouth. What does it mean? (三三)rn 答:密宗礼佛,同时持“嗡阿轰”三字,观想色光,即将此三字安于顶喉心三处,然后方拜,合掌安三处者,即This meaning also.
    Q: Is it a mistake for the lama who convert it to the Buddha? (33)
    : This is the ritual of Tantra, Xianzong is three conversion, Tantra is the four conversion, the first convert to the King Kong master, because there is no teacher first, and he does not know the three treasures. Respect first.
    Q: Is it the destination point of the mantra (Tantra), is it also the Western Bliss World? (Victoria)
    : There are many tantrics, including the tile breaking method, etc., which are people who are happy, and the rest have their own destinations and are not consistent.
    Q: Does the Chinese people hold the Mandarin pronunciation as the correct? If the function of the dialect is pronounced, does it fail? (Cai Shifang)
    : The mantra belongs to the secret part. It is taught in accordance with the tantric ritual in accordance with the arbitrary ceremony. Master King Kong is the teacher inherited the Sanskrit, which is accurate according to this. However, the Brahma is not like a Chinese character, one word and one sound, every more two -in -two or even four -in -law. The first ",", which is the voices of "唵 唵", reads "hum", and generally reads the word "唵". Those who learn the density of the sect, then the second -line "hum" sound. According to the above, the voice of the pronunciation can be read by the Division of Diamond, otherwise it will be respectful to follow the Scholarship. There is no need to change the national sound, and the state of the country is not consistent with the Vatican.
    In Q: Everyone keeps the Sanskrit without turning the Sanskrit, and the ghost can achieve the goal. It doesn’t matter if people do n’t understand, but the curse is made of people. Understand the idea of ​​important spells, what are the ways to find? (Lu Huiliang)
    Answer: The ability to study Sanskrit, that is, explain its intention, and the sorrow of Prand Prajna in the biography of the biography, and there are also injection people, but their righteousness is not around. However, the method of holding the curse is that the three secrets are corresponding, and their own incredible force. Although it does not understand its institutions, those who take it will be able to travel far away.
    Q: The first ancestor of the Zen, the Lord of the Zen, after collecting the law, once announced that "the Buddha's system, I wait for it; those who are not produced by the Buddha, I will wait for no system." Tantra is created by the fourteenth ancestral dragon tree. Except for the Great Suns and King Kong Dings of the Tot Buddha, all regulations and regulations are formulated. Is there any resistance to His Holiness Ka Ye? Although those who have seen sex can be called the Buddha, Dragon Tree is also a sees, of course, the Buddha. However, the Buddha referred to the Lord Jiaye is a good dear of the Buddha. (Zhao Chao)
    Answer: His Holiness Ka Ye, although there is this language, and the Buddha's produced, did not have a collection at a time, so there are many assemblies. As for the Dharma rails, the original intention of teachers, you may wish to follow anywhere and change less. For example, the three clothes of China are different from the printing soil; the one -leg kneeling is not good today; the red nectar of the tantra is replaced by tea with tea; To one of the words of the cloud Buddha, there is a difference between Tibetan Tongtong. The most obvious one is also known as the Buddha.
    Q: Please instruct the ceremony of chanting the great tragedy in detail! (You Caihua)
    : The rules of the mantra must be taught by the Diamond Master. However, the ten small spells and the great tragedy mantra, etc., are designated as jungle and daily lessons, that is, they are not taught by the master and recite themselves. As a result, the laws are not particular about the law. But you can recite your holdings, and there are also spiritual response! There are three ways to ask the Great Tragedy Mantra: First, for worshiping the law, there is a parameter. Second, it must be taught by Master Diamond, hand -printed, thoughtful thoughts, and recitation spells. Third, but sincere, you can always read it, you don't have to ask for rituals. (Affordable Mantra Mantra Park) When reciting, both hands are closed, the right finger is buckled between the roots of the left two fingers, and then the left finger is added above the right finger, and the sentence "Papa Night Mo Na's mother -in -law" sentence, The two fingers are about to expand; the sentence "Scho Tuo Night Mother -in -law", exhibiting two or four fingers; Finger; recite the final sentence "Nanwu Drink 怛 啰 啰 啰 啰", and the two middle fingers are inserted in the lower left and right of the left and right; Emperor, Shuo Xun 娑 娑 娑 皤 诃 诃 诃 诃 诃 诃. This seal does not need to be taught by the guru, but also the public.
    Q: The practice of "secret" seems to be the same as the Indian yoga part, such as holding, knotting, sitting, repairing qi, clearing, etc. (Li Mingyang)
    : The tantra in the Dharma is called the yoga sect, which is also known as yoga. Yoga Chinese is the corresponding meaning. As for the yoga art of India, the district has not been heard, and the same is difficult. To the cloud holding the curse, sitting, qi, why, you can refer to the previous answer. Each has its own meanings, and each has its own expressions.
    Q: What is the difference between the "broken tiles" and "big handprints" of Tibetan secrets? Repairing the pulse, Timing point, is the principle of wake up the fire? (Li Mingyang)
    Answer: Those who do not learn secret, do not have to ask this, one law has a ritual of a law, the concept of sealing wants to hold the spell, the laws and other laws, simply, are puzzled. It is not the scope of this column. The middle pulse and the bright point are two things, but there is a relationship. Tantra pays attention to the pouring of Diamond Master, and is taught by himself. The district is dense, inherently inherently aware of the solution, but not a master, so it is not spread. There is a red dense person in Daxi in Taoyuan, and there are those who have passed on the Huang secrets in Taipei.
    Q: "The Makes of Different Terms of the Buddha's Heart" rolls down four or four sides, changes to the mantra, is there a handprint when you read? (Guo Wuyu)
    Answer: All the secret laws are based on the principle of observation of the three curses and the behavior of the behavior. Later generations only hold one end of the curse, but sincerity can also be felt.
    In Q: "The Against the Essentials of the Buddha's Heart" is the four or six sides of the hungry ghost that when it is in the morning and everything. (The academic person in the morning and twilight once) (Guo Wuxi)
    Answer: At all, it is not limited to some time. The layman's twilight, why not.
    In Q: Do you need to think about it? For example, King Kong Jingyun "can't help but give me the giving" without thoughts or not to think about it?
    : The imagination is different from the "unsuccessful giving" as shown in the Diamond Scriptures. The significance is different. Do not misunderstand it. Do n’t think about eating. However, we should continue to hold the curse to remove the magic.
    Q: your journal has the sense of writing the great tragedy curse. Please record the idea of ​​the Great Tragedy Mantra. I wonder if I agree? (Qiu Fuhui)
    Answer: There are two methods for learning spells. One: According to the dense ceremony, he was poured by Diamond Master, and then taught himself. The scholar practiced according to his voice. This is regular. Two: Drip Diamond Master, you must not be everywhere, or ask the person who has recited the practice, regardless of his pronunciation, but only respect the repairs, which is convenient. The former has imagination, knot seals, and pinyin, which can be described as "chanting". The author can only write on the paper and cannot be pronounced on the paper.
    Q: It is said that India has the supreme yoga classic. If you practice in accordance with the law, you can get free. The evidence is complete, bright, and pure. After obtaining the permit, he gave birth to a great wish with compassion, and set up sacred life to learn in Hong Kong, Nanyang Singapore and other places, and often use the "God's Football" -the body, instructing disciples in various places to practice the law, or when all disciples are settled, Show, or display in a dream. Is this actually? What is the result proved by the His Holiness? (Li Mingyang)
    : There are many Dharma doors, which are generally the two sects, yoga classics, that is, the secret teaching method, the dense law, the teaching of the beard roots, the achievements of the achievements, the opportunity to achieve the speed of achievement speed On the contrary, the achievements are late, but the laws are different from each other. As for the purity of the mind, the sense of denseness and sense is also sense, and the denseness is achieved, and the meditation is the generation. He has never participated in the parties, so he dares to deliberately test high.
    Q: One foot tall, one foot high, how can you call the magic? Learning Buddhism said that in the middle of the cloud: Every day, you must recite the sorrowful mantra, which can eliminate the magic barrier. Whenever the lotus friend encounters it, he retreats, and hope to reveal the method of removing magic in detail! (Lin Kuanxiu)
    Answer: Dao is my heart, the demon is also my heart, and the magic is the magic, and the truth is true. It is reasonable to say that, the magical is the magic, and the magic is moved by Shun Shi, and it is not moving by Shunshi. In order to advance the Tao, retreating is the magic, which is the heart that is the heart, not to the foreigner. The Len Yan Mantra and the Great Tragedy Mantra, Gu Ke but magic, how can the six -character Hong Ming not be demon? If the mind is not chaotic, the Tao is still incomparable, and the way of Anh is still demon, but the layman asked the magic method, that is, the heart is not chaotic.
    : There are Zhongyin Salvation Secrets in the Tibetan secret. What is its effectiveness? Is it effective to do it? (Jie Garden)
    : There is no reason for the denseness and the mature effort, and the method of kung fu is valid. If the kung fu is not familiar, the law method is invalid, the effectiveness and incompetence, the person who cares about the law, not in the law.
    Q: I heard: The light mantra of the Tantra, the person who holds the mind is very sure. Is it beneficial to the study of the Pure Land? Is it stealing? (Bai Zhangwen Shi)
    Answer: Da irrigated light mantra, curse sand in the law according to law, is specially used as a blessing, but the person who holds the law should also be beneficial. Grasping the life refers to the blessing person. Tantric rules, taught by people, are righteous and unknown.
    Q: What is the "broken tile" of Tantra? Please advise. (Chen Guanren)
    Answer: "Breaking tiles" is the way to open the top, so that the consciousness comes from the top and get close to Amitabha. This is the case, the end of the dying, and the Pure Land Law in the Tantra. (There are many ways to "break the tile", but you must be taught by Diamond Master to repair it.)
    : or you can dream of the sanctuary and the Buddha and the Buddha, or there are Nothing can be seen by Ren Ren Ren chanting. I wonder what is the difference? How is the two? (Wu Ming'an)
    : The practitioner is better at no dreams. But I do n’t persevere, I often have dreams. Those who can't see the second question are also different. If any dream is not good, if there is a messy dream but no realm, it will be a specialty.
    : The Dharani sutra is used to cover the dead body of the deceased. Due to the magical curse, there must be a pure land. Do you want Dade to bless the effectiveness? (Li Fumin)
    Answer: Tantric ritual, everything must be blessed, which is corresponding. Whether it is effective or not, is it sincere to respect.
    Q: What is the difference between Tantric "red secret" and "Huang Mi". (Lu Jing'an)
    : The red secret begins with the lotus priests of the Lotus, and talks about the practice. Huang Mi Shi was a master of Zong Khapa, and he was mostly the second. Scholar clothes were yellow, so he taught him in Huang. What the law should be learned, each has its own strengths, each with its own.
    Q: "White God Mantra" Scholars are suspected to be forged by "outside the road". In fact, is this curse forgery? (Lu Jing'an)
    : This curse is generally popular, but it is not loaded in Tibet, so it is false. And the organization of this spell is mixed with Brahma and is even more suspicious. Fine taste, the opening is recitation of conversion, the end is the return, but the middle is a curse. What is the words, we must see that the Sanskrit sound is obtained, so that it can determine that it is foreign and wrong.
    : Those who learn the secret should be taught by the "Diamond Master". Whether "King Kong" refers to "living Buddha". (Lu Jing'an)
    : Diamond Master, who has a living Buddha, can do it without a living Buddha.
    : The secret mantra is a secret order in the army. It cannot be explained. Why is the "certain" mage, which is also the "explanation of the great tragedy mantra", seventy -four sentences, and the seventy -three gods. Is this actually? (Lu Jing'an)
    : The secret is not turned over. The graphics of the Great Tragedy of a certain version of the Great Tragedy, whether the Sanskrit sound is deeply interpreted, (the curse is not the Sanskrit) is wrong. The study is shallow, and the words are unbelievable.
    Q: "Len Yan Shen Mantra" is very uncomfortable. Is it possible to hold the last eight sentences "Zheng Leng Yanxin Mantra"? Is there a difference between these eight sentences and the entire spell? (Lu Jing'an)
    : If you solve your meaning, you must not taste it. There is a special person who holds the six -character mantra.
    Q: Does the twelve classics of the three Tibetan include "dense multiplication"? (Li Mingyang)
    : Including the secret department.
    Q: Is the "Tantra" method declared by Shizun's pro -proved, what is the classic if it is? (Li Mingyang)
    : There are many methods in the secret department.
    In Q: What does the "evil karma created by the Buddha" in Mengshan Shi Shi Shi Sutra mean? (Jiang Kuanyu)
    Answer: This is one of the Huayan Scriptures, and later generations are used as confession. Mengshan was used to eat, and it was originally a relief hungry ghost. Those who read this are intended to dispel the obstacles with the sin, and then eat with food to enter the swallow.
    : If there is no mage leader in Mengshan, can the two be held at home? (Zhai Mengqiu)
    Answer: Mengshan applies food, which is the method of Tantra. But to do Buddhist things, we must be sincere, on the surface, and there may be the blame of slow law.
    : Mengshan Shi, who reads in the twilight class, please explain the reasons and significance of Mengshan Shi in compassion? (Master Hong R n Answer: Mengshan is the mountain of Sichuan. There is a mage in the Song Dynasty, and the monk is in the tin. According to the law of the secrets, the mantra is cursed to eat, and to help the suffering.
    : How should I think when holding the Great Tragedy? (Zhai Mengqiu)
    : Everyone has thoughts. Those who specialize in the secrets are made, and they have their own masters. They do not know that they are not being poured by the Diamond Master. The Ten Mantra of the Great Tragedy Mantra, etc., secretly disclosed for a long time, as long as you recite it, you don't have to look at it.
    : The tea table provided in front of the Buddha is giving, the incense table is held, the flower watch is humiliated, the fragrance table is advanced, the candle watch is wisdom, and the cake and fruit table are meditated. What is this reason? (He Meizhi)
    Answer: Water -long flowing is general, breeding all things, so it is giving. Tu Xiang and dirt, cool body and mind, so hold the ring. The flowers bloom like laughing, and if there is no 故, so the expressions are tolerance, the incense is burned, the farther the heart, so the table is refined. The candlelight is bright, and the darkness is removed, so the wisdom. Cakes and fruits, the Taoist Zen made food, so it is meditated.
    : The master has been in secret for the year, and dare to ask if there is a spell to relieve the mantra. After learning resentment, it will be bitter. (Li Dingchao)
    : The law is equal, the integration is multi -purpose, and each can be relieved. There are many disclosure of secret spells, but they can be sincere, but they are not poured by the guru. If you are dishonest, although you are unprepared and unpleasant, your heart is unjust.
    Q: Tantra does not quit, you can still eat it, what is it? (Wu Renhui)
    Answer: It is not difficult to solve the stage at the stage. And Tantra is not completely unprecedented, and it is better to say something.
    Q: In the past, Shakya Rulai used the Buddha's top god mantra to eliminate the love and desire of the girl, which made her a refined forest. And make the general beings refine the tunnel? (Zhou Huide)
    Answer: The two hearts of love and hate are the messenger of unknown. The blessing of the secret curse is to have all kinds of causes, and then they can be achieved. The theory of spell power is also the mantra of the Buddha. Although there is a dense monk and the virtues of the dense, and its achievements have not proved the Buddha, the curse power cannot be compared with the Buddha. Jushi is still improving himself, so you don't have to want to want him to be lucky.
    Q: Mantra, mortal does not know its true meaning, what is often read? Then this spell, the translation of this word is inconsistent, why take? Why? Is there any hindrance to read spells? (Hao Chuansen)
    : The spell is the method of Tantra. The language is not exclusive to Sanskrit. Dharma is more different from the mouth, and the difference is not different. The world language system is complicated, and the translation is not the same. It is not surprising, that is, the English translation today is also similar. It must not be wrong, and we must pass the Sanskrit, otherwise you will recite your ears.
    : The Six Characters of the Buddhist Tantric Six Characters Daming Mantra "唵 唵 吽 吽 吽" and "唵 dumb" outside why use this spell as a symbol to treat people's houses. (Lu Liyi)
    : If the words are tantrics, although Buddhists, those who have not entered the altar are puzzled, so they are out of the way. Those who learn from outside, mostly people who do not learn ambiguity, and their actions cannot be pushed by reason.
    Q: If the six -character Daming God Mantra, if you are holding the person, what should you read? Do you have a handprint when you read? (Lu Liyi)
    : The first word was originally the two -in -two -in -the -morton, reading like a hum, and today I took the semi -sound, obviously wrong. Yu Xu's pass from the mouth of Diamond Master, the length and height change, the same is similar. But although this six -character is dense, it is equivalent to the transmission. Just recite it and go, all the curse is printed, and no scholars do not have to. Ziyun's word mantra, who knows a few words, never speaks, cannot be answered. The only kind of mantra is recited, and one is recited.
    Q: Yoga, double cultivation, that is, life can achieve many achievements, which can cater to the psychology of "scientific verification" of general intelligence, and pray for the president to try to vigorously advocate it. (Li Mingyang)
    : Dharma is the Dharma. It has the spirit of independence. It does not have to be based on his learning. Why should it involve science? In the universe, those who have a regular system are scientific, but they are only attached to their heads with their heads. The Dharma system is particularly fine and science. The layman is scientific in the scholar. As for Taiwan's instructions to advocate Yoga, I am unhappy, so I only know the fur, so I feel it is difficult to say, and forgive me.

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