What are the quality problems of gold jewelry?

There is a small hole on the surface of the newly bought gold ring. Is it a matter of quality?

5 thoughts on “What are the quality problems of gold jewelry?”

  1. 1. The top of the cabinet gold and thousands of gold jewelry, which contains the nominal value of the gold content that is inconsistent with the actual detection results.
    2, the jewelry does not engrave the material name, material content, and manufacturer code according to standards.
    3, the jewelry does not have the quality of the inspection agency detection.

    The expansion information:
    The production management method of gold jewelry:
    1, standard gold jewelry
    refers to gold products produced according to national standards, including sufficient gold and thousands of gold; Standard gold decoration fixed -point sales units refer to the jewelry gold shops or department stores that comply with these measures to comply with these measures and organize the assessment of the Fujian Baoding Association.
    2, price management
    (1) Working expenses: The fixed -point sales store is priced by itself according to the complexity of the gold jewelry process and the market conditions;
    (2) retail management expenses: including taxes and fees, store rental , Workers, capital occupation, other (such as hydropower) and other basic expenses, the average cost of the industry is expressed in the form of retail rates.
    (3) Gold price: Compared with Shanghai Gold Exchange No. Ⅰ standard gold real -time price conversion sufficient gold and thousand -foot gold real -time sales price.
    3, publicity and popularization
    In the use of the media to promote the knowledge of standard gold jewelry to consumers, purchase the degree of damage to the interest of non -standard gold ornaments and the harmfulness of wearing non -standard gold ornaments, and guide sales. Propaganda costs are allocated by fixed -point sales units.
    4. Protecting interests
    In order to maintain the legal interests of standard gold decoration fixed -point sales units, the Fujian Baoshan Association invited the government law enforcement department to pay attention to the sales of non -standard gold ornaments; Fujian Baodie Association sued the District Court on behalf of the industry's interests.
    5. Organization
    The first batch of participating units (gold shops) is of course the member unit of the Fujian Provincial Standard Gold Professional Committee. In order to prevent units that lack integrity to enter the organization, units applying for "standard gold decoration" are approved by the organization of more than two -thirds of the members of the organization.
    6. Defense treatment
    The members of the Standard Gold Professional Committee violated the gold content regulations of the third gold ornament of this "Measures", and the first compensation of 10,000 yuan in liquidated damages, which violates it for the second consecutive consecutive time. The qualifications of their members are canceled and announced in the media.
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia_ Golden Jewelry

  2. The most serious is of course the component problem. Whether the goldenness is qualified
    The second is the mark problem. ————————————————————————
    "trachoma", that is the problem of gold production technology. In serious words, It belongs to the quality issue, the landlord can find the merchant to ask for a replacement

  3. What does gold trachoma mean? I want to ask everyone, I just bought a gold bracelet about 20 grams, which is the kind of wide -end board chain. The bracelet process is peach heart. It ’s meant to look at it for two days before I looked at the workmanship. As a result, there were part of the printed printed on the peach heart. There were a few peaches. Intersection I want to change the number of grams again, but I don't want to pay depreciation. What should I do? Will the merchant agree to change it?

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