3 thoughts on “What gold is a diamond ring?”

  1. The quality of a diamond is determined by the 4C of the diamond. The 4C of the diamond, that is, the carat, clarity, color, and cutting of diamonds. The weight of the diamond is now fixed, which is 0.6 carats. Then we must look at it from three aspects. Of course, the effect of color on diamonds cannot be ignored. The color of diamonds is an important decisive factor in its value. It is the best colorless. The deeper the color, the worse the quality. Use D -E -F -G -H -I -J -K ... Z to classify. That is, there is no color (colorless) to light yellow. D is the top color (D is the first letter of Diamond). D -F is a colorless level. G -H is a near -color level. The diamonds from K will gradually become yellow. Basically, there is no sense of collection and wearing. The clarity classification is divided based on the location, size and quantity of the inner content. Rare or flawed diamonds are very rare, and their prices are extremely expensive. Cutting on the price of diamonds is huge, usually the same quality, color, clarity, and cut diamond price difference is within 3%; while the same quality and color-grade diamonds, the price difference is 20%-30%; different cutting work is different; The price difference is 30%-40%. For example, a 1-carat color, net, and cutting diamonds are 70%-80%compared to 1 carat color, clarity, and slightly worse diamond. "From this point of view, the superiority of diamond cutting can affect the price of diamonds by about 30%. It is the most factor that affects the price of diamond prices in the" 4C "standard evaluating diamond level. According to relevant experts, diamond cut (CUT) It is the ultimate criterion that reflects the quality of diamonds, and the only human factors affecting the price of diamonds. Diamond cutting can show its dazzling fire color than clarity and color grade. Diamonds have no light, because the diamonds are eight -faces and duodenal rough before cutting molding. Excellent cutting through accurate calculation, careful design and perfect cutting has a lot of weight loss of diamond rough. Keep the weight as much as possible, and do not cut according to the standard of diamonds. Therefore, diamonds of the same color, quality, and weight may be about 30%due to different cutting. Its jewelry brand with diamond-based products. Its biggest advantage is that tens of thousands of global naked diamond libraries per day allow you to find a diamond that belongs to you. At the same time, the price is only 30%-50 of the price of the mall. %. Heng Defu's products arrived in the hands of consumers in the most affordable way, and directly allowed all benefits to consumers and allowed you to enjoy the real benefit during the shopping process. Beijing Hengdifu Address: Beijing Taifeng Huizhong Building 506, West Street, Zhuangkou West Street, Xuanwu District, Municipality 506

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