2 thoughts on “What is going on on the spot?”

  1. The reporter learned from the Shanghai Police on the 15th that recently, Shanghai's first case using the "Internet Red anchor live broadcast" form to sell counterfeit registered trademark products in the form of "online celebrity anchor".
    The police in many places in Zhejiang captured 5 fake -selling criminal gangs, investigated 8 denominating den, and seized more than 3,000 pieces of various types of products such as bags and clothing of counterfeit brands on the spot. More than 50 criminal suspects such as female, 27 years old), 41 of them have been approved by law.
    It reports that on the afternoon of August 28 this year, in a live broadcast room in a clothing company in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Liao Mou, a well -known Internet celebrity anchor, is frequently tried on various women's clothing products. Tens of thousands of fans are watching this through the Internet to watch this. Live live broadcast. Liao Mou was still trying to penetrate the product in the live broadcast room in the previous second, but in the next second, he entered a group of plainclothes police officers. With Liao's confused expression, the live broadcast stopped.
    The police said that according to statistics, Liao Mou's live broadcast room averaged more than 200,000, and the average sales of the average sales exceeded one million yuan (the same below). After becoming a "head anchor", Liao Mou was favored by merchants. He had to broadcast live for more than 10 hours a day, and the income could reach 30,000 to 40,000 yuan.
    Extension information:
    The online red live broadcast with fake goods often occur
    . In July of this year, Yangzhou TV exposed a Simba disciple "Egg Egg Pot Friendship" a Thailand with the goods Latex pillows, some consumers report that the origin of the commodity is not Thailand, but Qingdao. The price of the product after live broadcast is reduced from 48 yuan to 16 yuan, suspected of false propaganda.
    . The net red instantly became a hot object of discussion. Later, some people discovered that the net red personal Weibo showed the content of the designs of luxury brand clothing, shoes and bags, etc. Known as the "version of the version".
    A eggs are also blunt, "What do you have to buy more expensive clothes and shoes and bags, send it to me by private messages, I will buy it, I will buy it for you." Some netizens leave a message to point out the net red egg egg Starting from selling fake goods, he worked for him and was responsible for the delivery of the warehouse and was arrested by the police. She is still at ease now, and she will continue to appeal for her back.
    Reference information Source: China News Network -Internet celebrity anchor live broadcast site was arrested in Shanghai's first net red live fake case

  2. Hello, I am glad to help you with the problems you encountered. Here are my personal views. I hope to help you. If you have any mistakes, you can forgive me! Essence
    It reporters have investigated fakes, which is also equivalent to killing chickens and monkeys. Similar to the 315 Burger King incident, after this incident, many large restaurants began to temporarily hold the Buddhist house, began to clean up, pay attention to the waiter's appearance, and strictly check the quality of food. Once there is something wrong with one of the travelers, there will be a chain reaction immediately. The entire industry will become vigilant, such as paying attention to those sneaky people, maybe reporters may be to sneak out.
    No matter which industry is. There are policies and countermeasures. Even if they seize the anchor selling fakes through special means today, they have safeguarded the consumer rights and interests of this part of the customers, but other unsatisfactory anchors are still at ease. This situation is not eliminated. It is really conscience. Selling the goods on the live broadcast may be the anchor that the anchor is genuine, but consumers buy fake goods. There are many cases.
    and in order to sell products, many anchors will invite some water forces to lead everyone to place orders to evoke consumers' desire to buy. Just like there is a policy on the above policies, after the wave of sale of fake anchors, some fake anchors will choose not to sell the goods in order not to hit the muzzle. Be more vigilant. They will make judgments based on national policies and network wind direction and other factors. How can they not be caught? Even if it is caught, how to elu is suspected.
    The reporters are still very powerful now, and their business ability is super strong. They also make great contributions on the road to maintaining consumers, so I still want to thank you, the risk of being threatened to reveal the secrets of everyone. However, with the emergence of online police and the release of online regulations, I believe that it won't be long, and there will be much less anchors selling fakes, and the Internet will become a lot cleaner. All in all, when you look at the anchor to bring the goods, you must polish your eyes. If you encounter fakes, please report it in time. Thank you very much for your patience. If you have help, please adopt it. I wish you a happy life! Thanks!

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