5 thoughts on “What is gold for gold”

  1. You can use toothpaste.
    It toothbrush can be dipped in some toothpaste to wash the golden jewelry. During the process of brushing, do not be too strong. If there will be some dirt at the dead angle, you can pick it out with a toothpick. If you do n’t pick it out, it will become dirty. Rinse the ring with warm water.
    The some users will choose to go to the jewelry shop for cleaning. This is a relatively secure way, but it is also more troublesome. If it wasn't for cleaning in the shops that once purchased jewelry, there would be few shops to clean them.
    Pucting information:
    1. When storage, use a velvet cloth to wrap and put it in the jewelry box to avoid rubbing and damage to each other.
    2, the gold is relatively soft and easy to deform, so do not pull the necklace, rose gold pendant and other accessories to avoid deformation.
    3, the pure gold necklace will have a chemical reaction when it encounters water and silver, and white spots appear. When cleaning, you can restore the original color as long as you grill under the alcohol lamp for a while.
    4. Avoid contact with high volatile substances such as perfume and glue, otherwise it will easily cause the gold necklace to fade.
    5. When swimming, remove the gold necklace to avoid chemical changes in the surface layer after encountering seawater or pool water.
    Reference materials Source: Baidu Encyclopedia-Gold

  2. 60 ml of clear water are prepared into a cleaning agent, put the jewelry into the bowl into the cleaning agent, and two hours later the golden head

    is washed with water. [It is best to use pure water] Wipe wrapping and wrapping

  3. Gold cleaning method:
    1. Use a small toothbrush to dip some toothpaste, wash the gold jewelry, and then rinse it with water to restore the gloss as new; you must think of a small toothpick with a dead ends, otherwise the more dirty and dirty , Especially the gold ring, often with operators, is easy to stick to dirty things.
    2. You can get some cotton swabs to dew water and wipe the golden jewelry;
    3. The second method may not be wiped out of the jewelry corner, then use the remaining rice water in the home to buy rice. , Soak a bubble jewelry, not only soak the dirty things, but also increase the brightness;

  4. 1 Protecting the gloss of gold jewelry, you can apply a thin layer of transparent nail polish

    2 to make a cleaning agent with salt and vinegar, and use it to wash the pure gold jewelry. But the long -term

    3 Wipe with a toothpaste or scrub with the hot rice soup with hot rice

    4 If there is a black silver film on the gold jewelry, it can be equipped with a cleaning agent; salt salt is salt; 2 grams, 7 grams of baking soda, bleaching powder

    8 grams, 60 ml of clear water are prepared into cleaning agents, put the jewelry into the bowl and pour the cleaning agent. After two hours, the golden head

    This is washed with water [It is best to use pure water] and then wipe it with a soft cloth.

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