What is the cheapest commodity in Guangdong and Yiwu?

2 thoughts on “What is the cheapest commodity in Guangdong and Yiwu?”

  1. The wholesale market is a form of dense trade. If it is simply in the market size, the size of the wholesale market in Yiwu is much larger than that of the Guangdong market, because the products of the Yiwu market are densely covered. Guangdong is different. The market in Guangdong is almost scattered in various places, and it is mainly professional markets. One market and industry. Market, Panyu is the luggage market, and Guangzhou also has the toy gift market. The wholesale market in Yiwu is relatively concentrated. It is in Yiwu City, Binwang Market, Yiyuan Market, International Trade City Phase I, Phase II and Surrounding Surrounding Streets. , Daily necessities, etc., there are 17 large categories and 1738 small categories.
    The price and quality, in general, the quality and price of similar commodities in Guangdong are higher than Yiwu. The price advantage of the Yiwu market is difficult to shake in terms of national perspective, but the quality has been criticized by people. Guangdong products can complement Yiwu in this regard.
    It's purchase, just like what it is said upstairs, it depends on what product is. The price system is very large. It is not a one or two sentences.
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