What should I pay attention to when buying a diamond ring? First understand it, so as not to what issues

1 thought on “What should I pay attention to when buying a diamond ring? First understand it, so as not to what issues”

  1. Buying a diamond ring must first determine the budget, and then select your favorite brand, favorite style and diamond ring according to the budget. If you buy it secretly for your girlfriend, you must pay attention to the size. When my husband bought the man I bought for me in my life, I could customize a Darryring diamond ring and accidentally buy it, but fortunately, I can change the size for free Essence Next is the material for choosing a ring. Select 18K gold for more than one carat; Finally, pay attention to checking the diamond ring certificate. In the classification of minerals, the platinum elements are natural platinum, including the natural element minerals of 铱, 铑, 钯, and platinum. Platinum elements are equal crystal systems, and single crystals are very rare. Occasionally, small grains of cube or octopus are occasionally produced. Generally, there are irregular granular, branches, grape -shaped or block -like forms. The color and strip marks are silver -white to steel gray; metal luster, opaque. There is no ruling, a sawtooth -shaped fracture, with ductility. For electricity and heat conductors. Natural element platinum is a rare valuable metal element in the crust, and the element symbol is PT. Natural platinum mineral names are natural platinum. It is a monocular mineral of natural element platinum, and its chemical formula is PT. The proportion of natural platinum is 15.5 to 21.5; the discount rate is 56.5 to 60.0.

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