What should I pay attention to when traveling abroad?

In addition to visa security issues, etc., what emergencies do you often encounter in tourism life?

4 thoughts on “What should I pay attention to when traveling abroad?”

  1. To travel abroad, the first is to pay attention to your own safety and avoid accidental injuries. Second, pay attention to the safety of property. Do not bring too much cash. It is best to bring less gold and silver jewelry jewelry. In case of stolen or lost, the local police cannot help. My friends were stolen in Paris, and the police didn't care.
    . Pay attention to diet hygiene. Although it is not a problem in developed countries, if we do not adapt to water and water or cold food, once it is troublesome, it is recommended to bring some common medicine with you.
    four, see what insurance you buy? Some can only ensure medical care, but some are also well -guaranteed. Not only do you have medical care, but the loss of property and traffic delays can be guaranteed.
    Recommended a few good sales insurance for good protection network:
    Ixing security association "Asia" luxury guarantee plan
    CDALE travel around the world's global travel Schengen visa overseas travel insurance plan
    Overseas Travel Guarantee Plan for Overseas Traveling

  2. With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people choose to travel abroad. So what should I pay attention to when traveling abroad? Let's take a look together.
    The first is the passport, you must remember to bring it. If you can carry it with you, you must keep it properly. There are other documents and cards, etc., be sure to put it well. If you are gone abroad, it will be troublesome.
    The foreign currency exchange is also necessary, otherwise the renminbi in other countries is not universal. Our national customs stipulates that each person allows to carry no more than 20,000 yuan, or a cash or equivalent value of $ 5,000; if it exceeds the limit, it must be reported to China Customs before going abroad.
    The people choose to follow the travel group when traveling abroad. Well, it is important to choose a tour group. Be sure to choose a tour group from regular channels. It is best to choose a higher reputation, and the service is better. Be sure to stay with the tour group when you go abroad, do not fall behind.
    The travel abroad will definitely buy some souvenirs, but when choosing a shopping location, it is best to choose a place where locals often go instead of alone at tourist attractions. It is not cost -effective to prevent the price of souvenirs sold to passengers.
    The items must be stored well. The wealth is not exposed, so I should be as low as possible when I go out to prevent being stared at by the thief. If things are really valuable, you can choose to put it in the safe of the hotel in the hotel. The key must be kept well.
    In the temporary location, be sure to bring the cards where you live on your body. If you do n’t know the language abroad, you can see the card on the car and let him take you to live. place. After arriving, first understand the surrounding environment, conditions, price, etc.
    The understand of local customs, knowing what can be done and which can be done after you are there. When you arrive abroad, you must strictly ask yourself, and you cannot lose garbage anywhere. Foreign friends should also be polite and not to shame the country. Control your temper and don't conflict easily.
    If you encounter trouble abroad, we can prevent it first, such as documents, you can back up. Then if you encounter an emergency, don't be too panic, you can determine the solution according to the actual situation. If you can't solve it yourself, you can contact the embassy.
    The luggage must be optimistic. If you want to go out, you must go together, do not go out alone.

  3. Women must wear earrings on the street to travel to Spain. Female compatriots need to wear earrings on the street. If they do not wear earrings, they will be joked like a normal person without clothes. Don't break the glassware to travel to Hungary. Whether it is a shop or dining, don't break the glassware. If anyone accidentally and breaks the utensils, it will be considered a precursor to reverse transportation. You have become an unpopular person.
    do not touch the ox in India, Nepal, Myanmar and other countries. The ox is the "god cow" of the gods. "God Cow" approached around, and the best food should be delivered. On the New Year's Eve, a cattle worship ceremony should be held; when you encounter a "god cow" in the road in the highway, pedestrians, vehicles should avoid, bypass, the Nepalese government will be oxen It is determined to be "national beast". If you hurt or whip it, you will be fined and sentenced. The Japanese avoid "eight chopsticks" Japanese people have eight taboos with chopsticks: 1. Licking chopsticks; 2. Calling chopsticks, holding chopsticks in hand, and not eating, looking around on the table; 3. Move the chopsticks and move a dish after a dish. Move another dish, do not eat and eat vegetables; 4. Twist chopsticks, twist the chopsticks, lick the rice grains with your tongue; 5, insert the chopsticks and insert the chopsticks on the rice; Eat; 7. Cross the chopsticks and ride the chopsticks on the bowl and dish; I hate it and ask private things. If you travel to the United Kingdom, you must not ask others, "Where do you go, have you dinner?" The Chinese think that the British will think you are rude. They hate others. After asking their personal life, the British are even more taboo to talk about men's salary and women's age. Even how much the furniture of his family should not ask. These are the secrets of his personal life. Essence
    Western people hate the "13" Westerners extremely disgusted the number "13". They try to avoid it on any occasion. The 12 in the floor is 14, and the dining table 14th in the banquet hall is close to the 12th. On the 13th, Westerners were disturbed. Westerners believed that 13 was a unfortunate and dangerous number. It originated from "Last Dinner". Jesus and disciples had dinner together. The 13th person was a disciple Judah. Thirty silver coins betrayed Jesus and nailed Jesus to the cross. This story spread widely and has a deep impact. Westerners hate Judah, so the number "13" is regarded as a "unfortunate symbol." So travel to the West to understand this taboo. To travel to India or the Middle East, you can only use your right hand to eat and pick up things. You must not use your left hand. Because people in these countries usually take a bath with their left hand and go to the toilet, the left hand is unclean. Therefore, picking up food with the left hand is the greatest impolite to the owner.

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