Where does the Hetian jade seeds sold on Taobao enter the goods from

1 thought on “Where does the Hetian jade seeds sold on Taobao enter the goods from”

  1. The Hetian jade seeds sold on Taobao are the goods that come from Yulong Kashgar.
    The and Tianyu Mountain materials are produced on the iceberg source of the Yulong Kashi River. In the river bed at the foot of the mountain at the source of the Yulong River, there was indeed a raw material for the mountains that was brushed off by the water.
    On good Hetian jade seed material, shape, whiteness, leather color and moisturization are good to be called boutique. The seed material is formed after the grinding and flushing of the riverbed for thousands of years. If it can collect a seed with excellent shape and less flaws, it is really rare. It is not very appropriate to use the beautiful seed jade in the material shape. It can be carved into a variety of exquisite devices, and the same things can be done a lot.

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