2 thoughts on “Who has information about Hong Kong?”

  1. The full name of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Region (HKSAR) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong has clearly become the Central Plains territory since the Qin Dynasty. Hong Kong's development of port development. In the 1980s, China and Britain implemented the promising issues of Hong Kong. In 1984, the "Sino -British Joint Statement" was signed in 1984, and it was decided that on July 1, 1997, the People's Republic of China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong. China promises to implement one country, two systems in Hong Kong. Hong Kong will maintain the capitalist system and the original lifestyle, and enjoy the high autonomy of all affairs other than diplomacy and national defense, which is "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong and high autonomy."
    Is after World War II, the rapid development of Hong Kong's economy and society has not only become one of the "four Asian dragons", but also one of the richest and most economical and living standards in the world. Hong Kong is an important financial, service and transportation center in Asia. It is famous for its clean government, good public security, free economic systems, and perfect rule of law. The changes in history have evolved from a small fishing village with only 5,000 people in that year into an international metropolis with the reputation of "Oriental Pearl" today.

    [Historical Revolution]
    The history of Hong Kong can be traced back to the Neolithic era 5,000 years ago. After Qin Shihuang unified China, he established three counties in the South China Sea, Guilin, and Xiang County in the south. Hong Kong belonged to Panyu County, Nanhai County. As a result, Hong Kong was under the jurisdiction of the central government. Hong Kong in the Han Dynasty belonged to Boluo County, Nanhai County. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Hong Kong (331 AD) Hong Kong was affiliated with Baoan County, Dongguan County. During the Sui Dynasty, Hong Kong was affiliated to Baoan County, Nanhai County, Guangzhou. In the second year of the Tang Dynasty to Germany (AD 757), Bao'an County was changed to Dongguan County, and Hong Kong was still affiliated with Dongguan County. During the Song and Yuan dynasties, the mainland population moved south to Hong Kong, prompting Hong Kong's economy and culture to develop greatly. In the first year of Wanli of the Ming Dynasty (1573), Hong Kong belonged to Xin'an County.
    I Hong Kong is an excellent deep -water port. It was once known as one of the three major natural seaports in the world. In the early years of the British, the Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong had the potential to become an excellent port in East Asia. The Qing government won this place in order to develop its maritime trade in the Far East, thus its history of Hong Kong becoming a British colony. From 1842 to June 30, 1997, Hong Kong was the British colony. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China.
    [Three unequal treaties]
    This has been China's territory since ancient times. In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War, forcing the Qing government to sign the "Nanjing Treaty" in 1842 to cut Hong Kong Island. In 1856, the British and French forces launched the Second Opium War, forcing the Qing government to sign the "Beijing Treaty" in 1860 to cut the southern end of the Kowloon Peninsula, which is south of the current street. After the Sino -Japanese Sino -Japanese War, the British also forced the Qing government to sign the "Special Tip of the Hong Kong Border" in 1898. Later called "New Territories"), the lease period was 99 years.
    [annual table of major historical events]
    January 26, 1841: After the first Opium War, Britain occupied Hong Kong Island. Afterwards, the Qing government tried to recover with force. Multi -purpose, but the Qing Dynasty could not defend territorial integrity.
    August 29, 1842: The Qing government signed an unequal "Nanjing Treaty" with the United Kingdom to cut Hong Kong Island to Britain.
    October 24, 1860: China and Britain signed an unequal "Beijing Treaty", which cut the north -either region south of the Jiulong Peninsula Boundary Street to Britain.
    June 9, 1898: The British forced the Qing government to sign the "Special Strip of the Hong Kong Boundary", which leased the north of the north of the boundary street of Kowloon Peninsula and 262 islands nearby. End on the 30th).
    December 25, 1942: During World War II, the Japanese army invaded Hong Kong and the British British army in Hong Kong could not resist. At that time, the governor of Hong Kong Yang Muqi reluctantly announced the surrender. Hong Kong was occupied by Japan and started the "Japanese rule of the Japanese rule" for three years and eight months.
    September 15, 1945: After the defeat of Japan, signed a book reduction in Hong Kong and withdrew from Hong Kong.
    December 19, 1984: Sino -British signed a joint statement on Hong Kong issues, and implemented the implementation of the "one country, two systems" after Hong Kong in 1997.
    July 1, 1997: Hong Kong became the special administrative division of the People's Republic of China. According to the Basic Law, Hong Kong retains the original economic, legal and social system, and has remained unchanged for 50 years. The implementation of the "one country, two systems". In addition to the prevention of defense and diplomacy, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region enjoys a high degree of autonomy.
    [Source of place names]
    The origin of the origin of the place name of Hong Kong, there are two widely circulated statements.
    The saying 1: Hong Kong's name is related to spices. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Hong Kong was affiliated with Dongguan, Guangdong. Starting from the Ming Dynasty, a small harbor in southern Hong Kong Island was known as the "Hong Kong" for transsing the spices of the South Guangdong spices. It is said that the spices transferred in Hong Kong at that time were superior to the "Hainan Raise". Many local people in Hong Kong also used the spices as the industry. Hong Kong was well -known with its spices. Soon this kind of spice was listed as the tribute of the tribute emperor and created the incense and fragrance industry that was hesitant at that time. Later, the cultivation and transportation of spices gradually slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly firmed, but the name of Hong Kong was retained.
    The saying 2: Hong Kong is a natural harbor. There are streams and sweetness nearby. Sailors who come and go at sea often come here to take water to drink. Over time, Ganxiang's stream is famous. It is called "Xiangjiang", and the small harbor that is collected by Xiangjiang in the sea has begun to be called "Hong Kong". When a group of British people boarded Hong Kong Island, they went ashore from this harbor, so they also named the entire island with "Hong Kong". To this day, "Xiangjiang" is still the other name of Hong Kong.
    [Geographical Overview]
    I Hong Kong is located at 114 ° 15 ′ east longitude and 22 ° 15 ′ north latitude. It is located along the South China coast. Region, and 262 islands (outlying islands). Hong Kong is connected to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and the south is the Wanshan Islands in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province. Hong Kong and Macau in the west are relative to 61 kilometers, 130 kilometers north and 1200 kilometers from Shanghai.
    The area of ​​the three parts of Hong Kong is about 78 square kilometers; about 50 square kilometers of the Kowloon Peninsula; about 968 square kilometers of New Territories and 262 outlying islands, with a total area of ​​about 1095 square kilometers, which is slightly larger than Shanghai. One -sixth, and one thousandth of only one thousandth in China, the total jurisdiction of land and waters is 2755.03 square kilometers, and the waters rate is 59.9%. Hong Kong has developed less than 25%, and the area of ​​country parks and nature reserves is as many as 40%.
    [Hong Kong Climate]
    The subtropical climate in Hong Kong. It is hot and humid in summer, the temperature is about 26 ~ 30 ° C; it is cool and dry in winter, but rarely drops below 5 ° C. It was raining from May to September, and sometimes the rain was quite heavy. Between summer and autumn, there are typhoon blowing. July to September is the season with more typhoons in Hong Kong. The average annual rainfall of Hong Kong is 214.3 millimeters, and the rainfall is in August for a maximum month.
    [Resource and Products]
    The natural resources are lacking due to the restrictions of the natural environment. More than 60 % of Hong Kong consumption of fresh water relies on Guangdong Province. There are a small amount of iron, aluminum, zinc, tungsten, green pillars, graphite, etc. Hong Kong is adjacent to the continent, with a wide ocean face and many islands. There is a unique geographical environment for fishery production. There are more than 150 kinds of commercial value in Hong Kong, mainly red shirts, nine sticks, big eye fish, yellow flower fish, yellow belly and squid. Hong Kong's land resources are limited, forest land accounts for 20.5 % of the total area, grassland and shrubs account for 49.8 %, wasteland accounts for 4.1 %, swamps and mangrove land account for 0.1 %, cultivated land account for 6.7 %, fish ponds account for 2 %, urban suburban construction and development and development and development Land accounts for 16.8 %. A small amount of agriculture operates a small amount of vegetables, flowers, fruits and rice, raising pigs, cattle, poultry and freshwater fish. Nearly half of agricultural and sideline products need to be supplied by mainland China.

    The system of one country and two systems was the creation of the Hong Kong issue that year, and it was also the cornerstone of Hong Kong's continuous prosperity. Hong Kong has its own logo, which is the district flag and district emblem. At the same time, Hong Kong also has other social forms and economic models with mainland China.
    [Unique Social and Economic]
    The Hong Kong maintains its original social system and economic operation model after returning, Hong Kong has an independent judicial system, Hong Kong issued and circulated its own currency Hong Kong dollars, and independently issued stamps (The label of the stamp is "Hong Kong, China"), in the international sports competition, participating in the event of international sports in the name of "Hong Kong, China". Hong Kong participated in the World Trade Organization and many other international organizations as an independent "Hong Kong China". Hong Kong runs its own mature fiscal and financial system, and has its own entry and exit policy. As of the end of 2007, citizens or residents in 170 countries and regions around the world can enter Hong Kong with visa exempt from visas.

    In the 10 years after the return, the economic structure of Hong Kong has been significantly transformed: the proportion of manufacturing accounted for the proportion of local GDP, from 8.3%in 1997 to 3.5%in 2006. The proportion of the service industry accounted for GDP from 78.8%to 87.4%. From 1997 to 2006, the average net output value of all service industries in Hong Kong increased by 2.4%per year. In the past 10 years, the number of employment in Hong Kong has continued to transfer from manufacturing to the distribution industry, finance, insurance, real estate and commercial services, as well as community, society and personal service industries.

    [Religious beliefs]
    The religions in the world are almost believed in Hong Kong. The Chinese mainly believe in Buddhism and Taoism. There are more than 360 temples in Hong Kong, 40 public temples, and 24 temples in Tianhou. In 1841, the Roman Catholic Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Bishop Memorandum has been set up. In 1991, there were about 258,000 Catholics in Hong Kong. The Catholic Church has schools, hospitals and social service centers in Hong Kong. Christianity was introduced to Hong Kong in 1841, and there are more than 50 denominations and 285,000 believers. It also set up schools, hospitals, and social service centers in Hong Kong. Other religions include: about 50,000 Islamic fairers, more than half of them are Chinese, about 12,000 Indian tutors; and a few Sikhism and Jewish fairers.

    [Overview of economic and trade and international status]
    I Hong Kong is a free port. Except for smoke, spirits and power fuel (gasoline, diesel, etc.), Hong Kong does not impose tariffs on other imported items Essence Hong Kong's economy is known as free trade, low tax rates and young government intervention. Hong Kong has been selected as the world's most free economic system in the world for many years in a row. The Nobel Prize winner Milton Flimin is a model of Hong Kong as a free economy. Hong Kong is a financial center, international shipping center, and regional trading center in the Asia -Pacific region and even the international shipping center. It is an irreplaceable superior position in many countries and regions in neighboring countries and regions. To this day, Hong Kong has become the 11th largest trading entity in the world. Based on throughput, Hong Kong's container (container) port is one of the most busy container ports in the world. Based on passenger volume and international cargo processing, Hong Kong International Airport is one of the busiest airports in the world. Based on the trading volume of foreign banks, Hong Kong is the 15th largest bank center in the world. Based on the turnover, Hong Kong is the sixth largest foreign exchange trading market in the world. Based on a market value, the Hong Kong stock market is the second largest market in Asia.
    I Hong Kong is one of the transportation and tourism centers in the Asia -Pacific region. The transportation network composed of railway, small wheels, bus, etc., almost extended to almost every corner of the port. Hong Kong is an important international business port and the shipping industry is developed. There are shipping exchanges with 460 ports in more than 100 countries and regions, forming a perfect maritime transportation network with Hong Kong as the hub, the routes to the five continents and three oceans. There are more than 20 routes from Hong Kong to around the world. Hong Kong is also the door to business and travel in the Mainland. In 2005, the number of Hong Kong residents returned to the Mainland about 62.7 million, and the number of passengers entered the Mainland through Hong Kong for 4 million passengers. There are 128 rounds of ships, about 100 flights, more than 400 trains and 40 200 vehicles daily shuttle in Hong Kong and the Mainland.
    I Hong Kong is one of the international financial centers, and financial institutions and markets are closely related. The government's policy is to maintain and develop a complete legal structure, regulatory system, infrastructure and administrative system, provide a fair competitive environment for participants, maintain the stability of the financial and monetary system, so that Hong Kong can effectively compete with other major financial centers to compete Essence Hong Kong's geographical location is superior. It is a bridge connecting the jet lag in North America and Europe. It is closely linked to the Mainland and other Southeast Asian economic systems. It has established a good communication network with around the world. Therefore, it can become an important international financial center. In addition, funds can be freely inflow and out of Hong Kong, which is also an important factor.
    I Hong Kong is the world's 11th major trading economic system, the sixth largest foreign exchange market and the 15th bank center. The size of the Hong Kong stock market ranks second in Asia. Hong Kong is also the main export place for clothing, clocks, toys, games, electronics, and certain light industrial products. The total export value is ranked global.
    This economy is mainly based on the service industry, which is closely related to mainland China and other regions of Asia -Pacific. Popular places for the exhibition. In 2005, Hong Kong was the world's eleventh service export place. The main industries related to service trade include tourism and tourism, trade -related services, transportation services, financial and banking services and professional services.
    [Main Economic Data]
    GDP: 1472.3 billion Hong Kong dollars (2006)
    Pimmournal GDP: 214,710 Hong Kong dollars (2006) Growth: 6.8%(2006)
    According to the International Monetary Fund in 2005, Hong Kong's per capita local product (PPP) was 34,111 US dollars, ranking 9th in the world, ranked first in Asia, and surpassed the four major economies of Western Europe. The system; according to the international exchange rate, it is 25,555 US dollars, ranking 26th in the world, and Asia ranked 5th, second only to Qatar, Japan, the UAE and Singapore. Looking at the various industries in Hong Kong, the proportion of the total value of the service industry is the highest. In 2005, the figures were 91%. 12.7%.
    The banking industry in Hong Kong is very developed. In the 1970s, Hong Kong people had the saying that "more banks were more than rice shops" described as many banks on the streets of Hong Kong, which means that the number of banks is more than buying rice. As of July 2006, there were 134 licensed banks in Hong Kong, 32 restricted licensed banks, and 33 indirect deposit companies. In addition, 88 foreign banks have representative offices in Hong Kong, with a total of about 1,300 branches. These foreign banks come from 37 countries, of which 71 are the world's largest 100 banks. Banks in Hong Kong are engaged in retail and wholesale banks, such as receiving deposits, trade financing, company finance, financial activities, valuable metal trading and securities brokerage business.
    [Stocks and debt markets]
    In the market value of capital, the Hong Kong stock market is one of the world's largest stock market. As of the end of May 2006, there were 1,144 listed companies listed in all limited companies in Hong Kong trading and settlement, with a total capital market value of 941 billion yuan (US $ 1206.5 billion). The Hong Kong stock market ranks second in Asia, second only to Japan.
    This debt market in Hong Kong has developed into one of the most circulating markets in the Asia -Pacific region. The central settlement system of the debt instrument was established in 1990. It is managed by the Hong Kong Financial Administration and provides settlement and custody services for debt securities issued by foreign exchange funds and bonds and private institutions.
    In September 2006, the average daily turnover of foreign exchange funds and bonds was HK $ 36.3 billion. As of the end of September 2006, the amount of non -repayment foreign exchange funds and bonds were approximately HK $ 130.4 billion. In the first half of 2006, the amount of debt securities issued by private institutions reached HK $ 112 billion.
    [Commercial exchanges with the Mainland]
    The mainland is the largest trading partner in Hong Kong. In 2005, China -Hong Kong Trade accounted for 45%of the overall value of Hong Kong's overall trade. The Mainland is also the main source and the largest market for Hong Kong to re -export goods. About 90%of the re -export goods in Hong Kong are from the Mainland or in the Mainland as the destination. Hong Kong is also the center of financial and other commercial support services in the Mainland, especially South China. It provides diversified financial and other commercial support services for the Mainland, such as banking and financing, insurance, transportation, accounting, and sales promotion.

    [Social Security]
    This is a safe city with good public security. Passengers should avoid carrying a lot of cash, and valuables can be stored in the hotel's safe. If you encounter a problem, you can find a police officer on the street to help. Hong Kong has a world -class, friendly, honest and efficient police force, which is more than 30,000 people, making Hong Kong one of the safest cities in the world. If citizens or tourists encounter emergency accidents such as fire alarms, thieves, or injuries, they can call the police. In some more secluded places, there is a small orange -yellow telephone box, which is called the "emergency help hotline" call device. There are buttons. You can directly notify the center of the case without dialing. Whether it is a machine or other public calls to call 999 alarm is free.
    The Hong Kong government adopts various effective means to maintain Hong Kong's public security. For example, the Hong Kong Immigration Department adopts advanced appearance recognition technology developed and developed by Hong Kong. In 2007, it was successfully blocked by more than 1,000 criminals trying to mix with Hong Kong with makeup or cosmetic surgery. Residents in many countries and regions around the world can enter Hong Kong with visa exemption, but Hong Kong also continuously reviews its entry and exit policies to prevent the entry of various bad people. In 2007, the entry ports in Hong Kong rejected the entry of 23,000 people. In 2006 and 2007, Hong Kong canceled citizens or residents from ten countries and regions (mostly in South Asia and Africa) for visa -free visas to Hong Kong.

    [Hong Kong celebrities and culture]
    although Hong Kong has only millions of people, many celebrities who make Hong Kong people proud. China's first sports world champion Rongguo is an authentic Hong Kong resident born in Hong Kong. He returned to Mainland China in the 1950s. He won the men's singles championship in the 25th World Cup Table Tennis Championship in 1959. The glory of the country. Li Lishan, a Hong Kong athlete born in Changzhou, Hong Kong and grew up, won the gold medal for Hong Kong to win the waves in Hong Kong at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. It is another sports celebrity who inspired Hong Kong citizens One, the only Olympic gold medal in Hong Kong's return to Hong Kong made contemporary Hong Kong people very unforgettable. In terms of culture, Hong Kong writer Jin Yong (Cha Liangzhang) has been popular for decades with its martial arts novel series that is popular with Chinese readers around the world. He is the most outstanding representative writer of the new martial arts novels and is known as the "Taishan North Dou" of martial arts novel writers. Hong Kong writer Li Bihua, Yi Shu, Lin Yanni, Liang Fengyi, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng, Huang Zhan, Ni Kuang, etc. are well -known cultural celebrities in modern and contemporary in Hong Kong, Asia, and even the Chinese world.
    [Hong Kong Education Today and the past]
    If education is one of the largest projects in Hong Kong's public expenditures, and budget spending accounts for about one -fifth of the total frequent public expenditure. The government has a student funding plan to ensure that students do not lose the opportunity to be educated due to economic problems. The education system in Hong Kong is roughly divided into the following parts:
    Preprint education: through private kindergartens and kindergartens, provide opportunities for preschool children to learn to get along with groups.
    In Nine -year Free Education: Establishing official or allowances in Hong Kong to fund middle and elementary schools, providing six -year primary schools and three -year junior high school courses for school children in Hong Kong.
    The high school and preparatory courses: Establish two -year high school (middle fourth, middle and fifth) to provide students with the most basic education before work; establish a two -year preparatory course (middle six, middle and seven) Preparation of previous courses.
    Starting in September 2007, Hong Kong has implemented a new [three -three -four] system, that is, three years of junior high school, three years in high school, four years of college, and the tradition of the previous British universities (three years). The four -year system.
    Higher education and training
    This higher education includes legal universities, legal colleges, registered colleges, vocational training bureaus, and general colleges. The organizational institutions that hold special education in Hong Kong can be roughly divided into the following categories:
    The statutory university refers to the consent and passed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in conjunction with the Executive Council. Legal universities regulated by the independent law. Until now, there are ten legal universities in Hong Kong, namely the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong Education College, Hong Kong Open University and Hong Kong Tree Tree Ren University.
    The road to the only private university in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, the road to Hong Kong University is particularly not easy. The school was originally called Hong Kong Shuren College. In 1971, Hu Honglie and Zhong Qirong couple were founded. The position of the dean of the Social Sciences, her husband Hu Honglie put all the wealth he earned when he was a barrister, and bought a school with a 700,000 Hong Kong dollar. In order to obtain the name of "university", the two founders were hard -working in order to obtain the name "university". Finally, on December 19, 2006, the Hong Kong Chief Executive and Hong Kong Executive Council passed the official name of the Hong Kong Executive Council to formally recognize their university status and become Hong Kong and become Hong Kong. The first private university.

    I Hong Kong Disneyland
    This Disneyland in Hong Kong is the fifth Disneyland in the world. It is located in Xinao in Lantau Island. Paradise and other Disney Paradise -based theme parks.
    I Hong Kong Disneyland includes four theme areas: American town streets, adventure world, fantasy world, and tomorrow world. Each theme area can bring endless wonderful experiences to tourists. In the small town streets in the United States, you can enjoy the nostalgic buildings of the American market, various elegant antique cars, and taste various Chinese and Western cuisine foods; in the adventure world, through the huge river, pass through the African prairie, enter the mysterious Asian mysterious forest When you arrive at the small island of Taishan, brave pilots will lead tourists to explore the magical realm of nature; the world of fantasy full of joy is the fairy tale world in the dream, the beautiful and kind Princess White Snow, the innocent and lively little flying elephant, the innocent and cuteness Bear Bendney, the protagonist in each fairy tale can bring joy and fantasy; the world of tomorrow can allow people to experience the thrilling journey of space and explore the universe.
    The Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel and Disney Hollywood Hotel are equipped in the park. In addition to providing accommodation for visiting the park, you can experience the fun of fairy tale world and movie world in it. Surprise everywhere.
    [Food, food, and residential travel in Hong Kong]
    The shopping
    This is a free port, known as "shopping paradise". Most of the goods have no tariffs. The place of production is cheap. There are large shopping malls in various districts in Hong Kong, such as Taikoo City, Shatian New City Plaza, etc. In addition to large department stores, there are various types of shops and restaurants. Some more amusement equipment, which is a good place for shopping and leisure. Some industries are in concentrated operations, so customers can have more choices. Among them, such as computers and related products, the "Gordon" and "Golden" shopping malls neighboring in the deep -water subway station are the most concentrated. There are many household appliances and cameras in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay, but it is advisable to purchase it with reputable stores (such as the Hong Kong Tourism Association Red Sailing Labels) or large department stores. Hardware Machinery Store is concentrated in the three streets of Guangdong Road, Mong Kok Metro Station. Garden Street, from Mong Kok Road to Prince Road, is a paradise for fruit, fashion and daily necessities. In the several streets of Tongcai Street behind Guaju Laojie, it is the famous "Women's Street". The situation is similar to the temple street on both sides of the Tianhou Temple of Yau Ma Ma. However, the latter is mixed with cooked food and fortune -telling vendors at night, and Cantonese opera singing at the temple is also a popular civilian nightclub.

    [Famous Squades are colorful]
    This of Hong Kong culture and historical sites spread throughout each corner. If you want to feel the characteristics of Chinese and Western cultures in Hong Kong buildings, you can also participate in the "Ancient and Modern Architecture Roaming" sponsored by the Hong Kong Tourism Development Bureau.
    Religious and cultural attractions
    The Wenwu Temple, Tiantu Temple of Causeway Bay, and St. John Cathedral on the Hong Kong Island; the tomb of Huangdaxian Temple in Kowloon, Houwang Temple, Ciyun Mountain Guanyin Temple, Jiulong Mosque; Buddhist temples, Chegong Temple, Pengyingxian Hall, Banyuan Spring, Daofengshan Christian Church; Zhulin Zen Temple in Tsuen Wan, Dongpu, Tiantu Temple in Tsuen Wan; Qingshan Temple in Longmen, Qingsong Guan, Miao Fa Temple; Lingdu Temple in Yuen Long, Lingdu Temple in Yuen Long Yunfu Xianguan; Saigon's Buddhist temple Tianhou Temple, Oyster Chong Car Gong Temple, Lantau Island Baolian Temple, Changzhou Beidi Temple, Pingzhou Tianhou Temple, etc.
    The folk cultural attractions
    The ancient tombs of Jiulong City, Songcheng, Songwangtai, Li Zhengwu in Kowloon; Song Diyan, Red Mansion, Zeng Dagu, Six Villages in Shatian; House, Haikan Village House; Dr. Yoshida Shinada, Jintian Yoshiki, Mizutou Village Miscelona, ​​Juxing Building, Xiamen Village Deng's Ancestral Hall; Saigon Kiln Folk Museum, etc.; Old turrets such as Longdao Buddhist Temple.
    private museums
    This Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Donghua Third House Cultural Museum, Baoliang Bureau History Museum, Hong Kong Medical Museum, etc.
    marts opened by the government
    The Hong Kong Cultural Museum, Pingshan Deng Cultural Museum, Three House Museums, Shangyao Folk Customs Museum, Hong Kong Film Architecture, Hong Kong Art Museum, Tea Set Cultural Museum, Hong Kong History Museum, Museum of History Museum, History Museum, History Museum, History Museum, Museum, Luowu Folk Museum, the Han Tomb Museum of Li Zhengwu, the Hong Kong Maritime Defense Museum, the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Hong Kong Space Pavilion, the Hong Kong Space Museum, the Hong Kong Visual Art Center, the Hong Kong Cultural Relics Exploration Museum, the Sun Yat -sen Memorial Hall, the Ge Lianghong Fire Wheel Exhibition Hall.
    The country parks and coast parks
    The 23 country parks and four coastal parks in Hong Kong allows citizens and tourists to enjoy the charm of nature in Hong Kong.
    although Hong Kong is a modern city, more than a quarter of the land in the territory is still the countryside. In order to protect and develop the suburbs, the Hong Kong government has opened country parks. On the one hand, it is to protect nature, and on the other hand, it provides Hong Kong citizens and tourists with navigation and educational facilities in the countryside. Coastal Park was drawn out of the islands by the sea. The top of the mountains of the country park has grass slopes and forests. The coast of the coast park has a shallow beach rock shore. Overlooking from the seaside of the coastal park or over the mountains of the country park, the mountains and rivers of Hong Kong can be seen in the mountains and the scenery.
    The country parks and coast parks in Hong Kong are free. Among the country parks in Hong Kong, Baxianling Country Park is one of the more famous one. Baxianling is named Bazai because of eight mountains. This park is one of the most challenging ridges in Hong Kong. The best choice is from the pond from north to south to Shaluo Cave, where there are picturesque villages, forests and fields with picturesque villagers, forests and fields. Baxianling also has a touching story. In 1996, the teachers and students of a middle school in Hong Kong went to the outing of Baxianling Country Park. At that time, some students did not deal with the fire after the barbecue, which caused a mountain fire. The two teachers and a group of students were fire. In a cliff, the two teachers who led the team were unwilling to leave all the students from evacuating the danger in order to save the students. As a result, they were unfortunately busy. In order to commemorate the two teachers, the Hong Kong government built a spring wind pavilion in Baxianling. The name of the Chunfeng Pavilion is to remember the two teachers in the spring and rain, and save people. There is an introduction to this incident in the Chunfeng Pavilion, and there is a very touching couplet. After seeing the Chunfeng Pavilion, I will feel the warmth of Hong Kong.
    It in the coastal park, the more famous is Dongpingzhou Coast Park. There are diverse marine ecology there. Fish and more than one hundred marine vertebrates. In terms of marine plants, there are more than forty kinds of seaweed in Dongpingzhou Coast Park. On its coast, the brown, red and green seaweed beds are the crown of Hong Kong seaweed bed. The park is clear and the naked eye can clearly see corals and fish underwater. rn 【香港八景】rn 香港的旧八景为:旗山星火、仙桥雾锁、赤柱朝曦、鸭洲帆影、宋台怀古、扶林曲径、浪湾水软、 Carpy Yeyue. With the changes of the times, three attractions of the old eight scenic spots have been completely changed, and some other attractions have gradually become old. The eight scenic spots in Hong Kong are:
    (1) "Qishan Star Fire", which is the first scene in the eight scenic spots. Hong Kong Island is like the magnificent lights of Wanjia's lights.
    (2) "Stanley Morning Xi" means that whenever the dawn is at the beginning, the rising sun is rising. This scene is also called "Stanley Chaoyang" and "Stanley Chao Xi".
    (3) "Shallow Water Danhua" refers to the beautiful spring scene composed of the shallow water bay and the rhododendrons of the thousands of purple red red.
    (4) "Tiger Tower Langhui" refers to the hexagonal white tower in the courtyard of the tiger and leopard villa. When the sun is sunrise, it is full of the magnificent landscape of the sun.
    (5) "Happy hoof sound" refers to the grand horses of the fast valley, and the horseshoe sounds touched the hearts of thousands of horses.
    (6) "Carmen Moon Night", refers to the beauty of the Moonlight in the Moonlight in the Gate of Carnis Gate at night.
    (7) "Disposal Slip in the Sun" refers to the broken stubbornness of the Kowloon City and the scenery in the blood of the blood. Since the Kowloon City Hall has been completely demolished in recent years, this scenery has also become history and replaced by replacing it. It is Jiulongzhai City Park (the best garden).
    (8) "Songtai Huai Gu" refers to the Songwangtai Park near the former site of Kai Tak International Airport in Hong Kong. It records the last scene of the history of the Song Dynasty.
    In addition, the scenery of the Shima Qingzhou Island of the setting sun, the "Shi'ao Fengtao" intertwined by the wind and waves, the car on the Mercedes -Benz on the Panshan Highway of Hong Kong Island, the hazy "stone piped smoke and rain and rain "Wait, it is also a portrayal of Hong Kong's beautiful and moving scenery today.

  2. The full name of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Region (HKSAR) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Hong Kong has clearly become the Central Plains territory since the Qin Dynasty. Hong Kong's development of port development. In the 1980s, China and Britain implemented the promising issues of Hong Kong. In 1984, the "Sino -British Joint Statement" was signed in 1984, and it was decided that on July 1, 1997, the People's Republic of China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong. China promises to implement one country, two systems in Hong Kong. Hong Kong will maintain the capitalist system and the original lifestyle, and enjoy the high autonomy of all affairs other than diplomacy and national defense, which is "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong and high autonomy."

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