The impact of digital currency on payment system

With the continuous development and progress of science and technology, China and even the world have undergone unprecedented great changes, no matter in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation, the mode adopted now is beyond our imagination in the past. And people consumption is also had big earth-shaking changes the mode of payment, since the ancient times, humans started trading method based on content in content, then in order to facilitate trading created a coin, so people began to use money to trade, and until now, the electronic science and technology rapid development, people's way to trade and great changes have taken place, the emergence of digital currency, The emergence of digital currency has a huge impact on the payment system.

▲ Digital Currency

Changes in payment instruments
With the advent of electronic technology and the use of non-cash payment instruments, the physical cash flow in the market in China and even the world has gradually decreased, showing a downward trend over the years. Take Japan, where cash payments fell from 27.3 percent to 21.8 percent between 2000 and 2004. And our country is not to mention, do not know from when, people have almost no paper money, everyone is using wechat or Alipay scan code payment, and there are many lending projects on the network, such as the well-known flower bai, borrow bai are the use of network means of lending. Since ancient times, people have exchanged physical things for physical things. In the barter period, goods of equal value were exchanged for corresponding goods. When money is exchanged for goods, money of equal value is exchanged for goods; Today, we will usher in the era of digital currency in exchange for goods, which will be a big change in human history.

▲ Digital Currency

The impact of digital currency on payment system
The impact of digital currency on the payment system is undoubtedly huge, but at present, there are still few major projects in the virtual currency market. The transactibility of digital currency as an asset also makes traditional finance very awkward. It seems that everyone will think that digital currency is a scam, and the lower the cost, the higher the profit, but is this really the case? If mainstream exchanges increase virtual currency transactions, it is a tragedy that traditional finance is difficult to turn over. Virtual currency is as valuable as paper currency stored in the central bank. However, at present, there is a problem that major exchanges may raise the price maliciously, and malicious speculation may occur in the high premium coin trading market. Therefore, it is a big problem for a platform to be successfully launched. Pay attention to the blockchain industry, know a lot of digital currency based on the various phenomena derived, of course, there are also stir-fry and then illegal fund-raising was cheated away, the return rate of the blockchain investment industry has begun to decline in China, all by the market has rarely appeared, mostly since the announcement of the pull.

▲ Digital Currency

If a more widespread digitisation of the renminbi emerges, it could be extended to the digital currency market. In fact, we don't just feel the convenience of a cashless life, but the arrival of more opportunities. But at present, the team of blockchain companies is scattered in different parts of the world. That is because there are new leeks in the coin circle and they are out of control, so the coin circle is crazy. In a tightly regulated environment, if blockchain companies have a unified registration place and open branches, it will not affect the existing market. This kind of slow development, large-scale operation, profit maximization. The war on cyber finance is accelerating. The digital currency Bitcoin, as a cutting-edge technology tree, has been constantly improved, and the future is also worth looking forward to.

Digital currency is a technical means to establish and perfect financial instrument system such as electronic bill of exchange, stock and bond trading by means of computer network. Compared with traditional financial system, it has the characteristics of payment intermediary, right confirmation intermediary, financial intermediary, agency intermediary, financial service intermediary and digital asset management intermediary. Digital currency generated by means of payment serves as the auxiliary settlement means of the financial system. Meanwhile, blockchain technology can be used to realize the traceability of transaction information, the double payment means of cross-border transactions in different locations, and the storage of funds in blockchain settlement accounts, so as to realize the remote payment between digital currency and physical currency. And holders can get dividends from financial institutions. In fact, the promotion scope is wider, for example, the real economy, such as logistics, transportation and e-commerce. The acceptance of e-commerce logistics only a few years now have achieved monopoly. Similarly, the mobile Internet FMCG industry has also realized the monopoly of the e-commerce industry. Because the promotion cost is lower, the operation cost is lower than the traditional real economy, so it can support the real economy until now.

▲ Digital Currency

The benefits of digital currency
With the continuous progress of electronic technology, the human world is facing unprecedented great innovation, no matter from which aspect, it can be said that the Internet has changed us. And the form of money also began to innovate, the emergence of digital money. The emergence of digital money can be said to be the human form of transaction to a new form. If digital currency is used to conduct transactions, the way of transactions will be more transparent and de-intermediate, and more secure.

Digital currency if full use, so it will not come out of the blue, if the central bank issued digital currency, is only the account number change, so there must be no good, this kind of behavior of terrible nature would be tantamount to printing money, and if the water flooding economic inflation occurs, inflation will lead to rising prices, if really happened, Then this is a really tricky business. So digital currency does not appear out of thin air, then there must be something to replacing it, is also have the same value with the digital currency equivalent exchange, if you really want to implement digital currency as the best method is to use social circulation of cash for digital currency equivalent exchange, that is more advantageous to the comprehensive promotion of digital currency.

The biggest advantages of a digital currency must be its security, de-intermediation and transparency. If we don't use cash in the future, then we don't have to worry about the money in our wallets, as long as we protect our phones. As for the direction of digital currency, I think it will be very clear, because if digital currency is used, the whereabouts of every transaction will be clearly recorded on the Internet, and it will be extremely difficult for anyone to secretly take away or use public funds. The use of digital currency will make every account clear, which is also helpful in the investigation of corruption.

But to say that the digital currency is only good, that is not necessarily the case, the economy is related to people's livelihood, when the currency has become a virtual number, so if there are criminals hack into the system, change the account number, then everything will be in chaos. This means that if you have the ability to hack into the system, the balance of your account is at your disposal, which is a scary thing.

▲ Digital payment system

The development prospect of digital currency in investment industry
The development prospect of digital currency in the future should be good, bitcoin, ether, pie and most of the currency in the next few years are appreciation space. Ether, bitcoin, flatbread, litecoin is best not to touch, this kind of currency maker operation has a very deep means, even after holding three years at least doubled, bitcoin is the best advice before July, the price is not low, now has doubled, ether can stay, the future rise is not small. Bitcoin is now falling like a dog. I don't see much value in investment. Everything else can wait until the trend matures. Investment opportunities for everyone are sometimes opportunities, sometimes traps, seize the opportunity to rely on luck, if you just want to be safe, the suggestion can wait until other currencies fall from the highest point, and then invest. Investment must judge the price, sometimes the price drop is only temporary, it is very important to choose the right platform.

But for beginners is very strange, the market as a trading platform, poundage is slightly different, currency price difference one kilometer, will cause you to buy the early late may have no effect, no bonus, a currency corresponding currency price information is unknown to the public, the market can be said to be no advantage with the a shares.


▲ Digital Currency

Be sure to know the market before buying. There are a lot of hotspots and a lot of heat in blockchain. Take the currency of fire currency now, why not a shares? Why aren't stocks rising? When P2P is regulated, it is estimated to be a big opportunity. The currency circle is just stimulating consumption at the moment, but now it is not necessary to put into action. If you're not stir-frying now, you'd better not. Admission is not suitable, of course, now is never a one-way ticket investments now are not suitable for the admission, the reserves had better more than 300000, the risk is higher, and the current market, must not back up, cash will be a huge risk, is simply the investment was good, of course you will fry can invest together to see how much you want to make, if we can only make a zero If you spend money, you can hold it, why not? If it is for investment, it is a good habit to fry money, and it is also a good way to invest.

Investment must be more cautious and less active, and there must be risk tolerance, investment or to find a way of investment they are willing to adhere to for a long time, the key is to see whether they are appropriate to do this investment can be invested, after all, there is a return is valuable.

▲ Digital Currency

And now our transaction currency is going to change from physical money to digital money. Some experts predict that paper money will disappear in the future and all money will be converted into digital money. Then the only way for us to pay may be scanning code or transferring money. Not long ago, Lanzhou Bank issued a notice that it would carry out the project of withdrawing money with wechat or Alipay on ATM, which means that the bank is also slowly making changes in accordance with the development of The Times. Start with WeChat on ATM or pay treasure to withdraw money this project is the Gospel of the lazy, because you save a lot of trouble, for example, if you are a bank card a lot of people, you need at the time of withdrawal in you a heap of bank card find the one you want, think this was a huge and complicated work. Start with WeChat on ATM or pay treasure to withdraw money this project also can say is the person who have a bad memory of salvation, if you are a person who have a bad memory do you have such experience, is to forget bank card in the credit card slots, said it's not a big thing, said little not small, to small said as long as you fill do a bank card, At the big end of the scale, it would be useless to regret the loss of your money. If banks were to launch a major sweep of deposits and the like, paper money might indeed disappear.

No matter from which point of view, the full implementation of digital currency in the future is a general trend. Currency can be said to be the only means of payment for a country and even the world. No matter other countries say China, the advent of digital currency is also just around the corner. The era of digital currency supported by intelligent technology will soon follow. When we fully use digital currency, it means that we will become more dependent on the Internet and mobile phones. As mentioned before, we can handle all our daily necessities with a small mobile phone. However, if digital currency comes out and the payment system becomes online payment, we will become more dependent on mobile phones. So it's fair to say that the phone has become part of the human body. In any case, China's central bank is actively planning the issuance of digital currency, digital currency is unstoppable, China's payment system until human society will have tremendous changes.

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