Weekly line change line is a foregone conclusion this week continue to meet high short


The last trading day of the weekend today, so early in the morning of the rhythm of it will be a key point to determine the contour line change of rhythm, given current trends, short-term average weekly broken bits, and run in the bottom of the rail, which is a potential signal, means that the rest of the trend, in the case of no accident in next week's market trend is still bearish, Short on the high or the first choice.

Although there were several consecutive trading days of shock in the daily line, hovering around the 5 moving average, the formation of a shock repair process, the price oscillates back and forth, alternating between long and short, so as to repair some oversold index attached to the chart. In particular, we commonly used MACD, short energy column reduced, the price of the currency in the range of oscillations. Such rhythm points continue until a certain period of time, effective direction selection will be made. In the daily chart, BTC is under pressure below the 5-day average of 40500. Above, note that the 10-day average is also near 40900. Ye Qiu will sell short here and keep the average price at 40700-800, and the target will be 39400-38500 below the breeze. , of course, you want to focus on morning at 8 o 'clock at the same time in line state, though short, but at the same time to prevent after 4 o 'clock in the morning to the morning at 8 o 'clock this time node, date line, contour line change status to judge the market trend, Ye Qiu hint everyone here, if in the morning at eight o 'clock in the morning in line after the currency price breakthrough 40900 in line, the short-term cycle is expected to go a continuation of the rhythm of the rebound. Above also pay attention to 41800 multi - space boundary!

Etheric synchronization for the time being, pay attention to 3100 line, also is the time cycle node change line state to determine the trend of next week, temporarily suppress in 3050-3100 average area, Ye Will be in this area respectively short, beat weekly level change line, and the morning 8 o 'clock change line, depending on the actual change line situation and decide to stay! If the line turns Yang again for line and break through 3100, will go further rebound.

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