Where will Dogecoin go in the future?

USDC publisher Circle has filed a banking application to Acquire Twitter. What's the future of Dogecoin?

There are actually two scenarios, because Musk wants to buy Twitter and take it private for $54.2, and that's the last offer he made.


There are two scenarios for this. The first scenario is that Musk privatises Twitter and then puts Dogecoin into Twitter. In this case, Dogecoin will skyrocket and become at least the top three cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, maybe below Ethereum, which will be higher than USDT anyway.

Another scenario is that Musk fails to privatize Twitter, which is highly likely. Why is that? Because I remember Musk talking about taking Tesla private, and then tesla's stock price went through the roof, and then there was nothing else going on, so it was just done. And then this time he came up with a private Twitter, which is a little harder. Why is that?

That would be tough, given the $40 billion-plus in cash he would have to fork out to privatize Twitter. But Twitter's board has received musk's offer and will review it. Goldman sachs, on the other hand, advised them to review the proposal. If that happens, dogs today are worth investing in.


But on the other hand, if it doesn't work out, then dogecoin is now a bargain. There will be a lot of entry opportunities this year, because dogecoin initially went up to $0.70, and a lot of people are trapped in it, which means they won't cut the meat. Those who could cut the flesh had already been cut, and the rest had lost so much that they could not. So the price of dogecoin is already quite low, I think it can be bought.

So if you are interested in Dogecoin, I think you can buy it on the dips in this volatile time. It has been down for so long, right? Its negative news, in fact, a lot of negative news about cryptocurrency is not able to move it.

The same is true of bitcoin. There has been a lot of negative news recently, and nothing particularly good news. The bottom line is that bitcoin bottomed out at $32,000 and hasn't fallen since, and now it's stuck around $40,000. Anyway, in accordance with the previous kind of big drop in a market, now is more moderate. According to the previous look at a lot of cryptocurrencies, it fell to a certain extent, and then a succession of bad news, sudden hits, it does not fall. In fact, bitcoin is now the same situation.

USDC issuing company Circle submits application for banking business

Then let's talk about another news. The issuing company of USDC is considering submitting an application for banking business. In fact, I think USDC is a little safer than USDT.


If you want to hold stablecoin for the long term, it's better to hold USDC because their accounts are more transparent, so USDC is better. On the other hand, USDC's circulation on Ethereum has exceeded $40 billion, which has surpassed USDT. This is also a scandal of the original USDT's reserve, which has always been caused by such scandals. This is why USDC's circulation can surpass USDT. And then whether it's USDT or USDC. The increasing issuance indicates that there is indeed more and more money in the cryptocurrency market. USDT, on the other hand, issued its stablecoin on Kusama. In fact, this news is important, but Kusama's price has not gained much attention.

Currently USDT has only issued its USDT tokens on ten chains, Kusama being one. Future Boca Ecology definitely is, why I think because Kusama and Boca it is a common chain, if you publish USDT on KSM or Boca, many other projects, all of the above parallel slots can access this USDT. In the future poka and Kusama will be connected in the same chain, they will be connected in the central chain, and they will be able to access it at that time. So whether or not USDT supports Boca, boca will definitely have access to USDT in the future.

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