Blockchain needs to rise to the throne

When the development of blockchain industry enters a new stage of development, we see a series of blockchain applications landing. This is true in both the metasverse and web3.0. Undoubtedly, such a new revolution triggered by the landing and application of blockchain is definitely a hot spot in the current market. Whether it is the capital market, or the head of technology enterprises, almost all will focus on this.

All of a sudden, the block chain, which had been forced to retreat to a dead end, regained its vitality, and the players, who had been suffering from the failure to find the correct way and method to land the block chain, also found a new breakthrough. How to connect their own blockchain projects with the meta-universe and Web3.0, and how to break through the original development bottleneck of blockchain with them has become an important topic that every blockchain player must focus on.

Indeed, meta-universe, Web3.0 as a breakthrough, can let the blockchain has entered a dead end to revitalize and vitality, can let those who have lost confidence in the blockchain players regain confidence, can let people re-realize the blockchain itself contains huge development opportunities and wealth dividend. However, if we only focus on the surface concepts represented by the metasomes and Web3.0, and do not really make a breakthrough from the underlying blockchain technology, then such a new wealth boom triggered by the metasomes and Web3.0 will still be difficult to last, and the development of blockchain will still face more variables.

When yuan blocks of the universe, of web3.0 represented chain concept began to hot, we need to realize the block chain plays an important function and role, and we need to use such a chance to build up our strength for the development of chain blocks, we need to build a whole set of block chain of ecological system, we need to construct a set of block chain complete ecological system. To start with, find the right path for blockchain, rather than just seeing it as a gimmick and a concept that will end up in the ground.

5830651cc39e767a71092191b34d940eBlockchain needs to be reinvented

As concepts such as the meta-universe and web3.0 continue to emerge, we are seeing more and more new technologies connected to both, whether "software technology" or "hardware technology". As the tide of new technologies rushes in, we see the metadverse and web3.0 not as a new species, but as a collection, or even a hodgepodge of new technologies. If the meta-universe and Web3.0 are just a "big laundry list" of new technologies, then their development has always been disorganized and difficult to sustain.

As the metasemes and web3.0 begin to be covered by more and more new technologies, what we need is to abandon such a positioning dominated by the collection of new technologies, and to look at them with a clearer perspective, find their key technologies, and start their new development. In my opinion, in this process, the most important point is to establish the status of blockchain, rather than regard blockchain as a similar existence with other new technologies.

Only in this way can the development of the concepts we are seeing now, represented by the metaverse and web3.0, be sustained and long-lasting. If we fail to establish the role of blockchain in this, and allow the concept of new technologies to overwhelm the meta-universe and web3.0, their development will inevitably reach a conceptual dead end. Lack of landing and application, lack of closed loop of business, and merely a existence born and dead by capital.

We can see the same vein of development in the Internet age. In fact, in the Internet era, there is not only the Internet, in addition to the Internet, there are information transmission technology, big data technology and many other technology types. However, one of the most important reasons why we call it the "Internet era" is that the Internet technology integrates these technologies together for our use, and constructs a complete ecology and forms a complete set of commercial closed loop. Just because of this, the development of the Internet era has experienced the PC era and the mobile Internet era, and ultimately has a profound impact on people's production and life.

The same is true for blockchain. Indeed, we are now seeing a number of concepts represented by the meta-universe and web3.0 that have been embraced by the capital market; Yes, we can also make a lot of money with these concepts, but we also need to see more of these concepts, represented by the meta-universe and web3.0, are still fragmented and isolated.

Before the connection and integration of these separate concepts, the era we live in is always chaotic, always disorganized and always driven by capital. Once the patience of capital is no longer, then, now seemingly hot industries and fields, will inevitably face the risk of reshuffle.

To solve this problem, what we must do is to establish the function and status of blockchain in the age of blockchain, just as we established the function and status of the Internet in the age of the Internet. Truly let block chain become the integrator of the new technology of the scattered, make block chain of new technology in the scattered in unicom bridge, only with the power of block chain to combine these technologies together, only with the help of the power of the chain block, the isolated, fragmented new field, new concept together; Only by building a complete set of commercial closed loop with the power of blockchain can we get rid of the current development state of extreme dependence on capital and truly enter a new stage of development.

2ffdcd5fe094e541a7373ea070fc68e8How does blockchain take the throne?

Finding ways and means to reshape the status of blockchain, so that it is no longer a vassal, is not only related to the development of the blockchain industry itself, but also the development of many new industries derived from it. In this context, it is of great practical significance to discuss how to return to the dominant position of blockchain and how to establish the dominant position of blockchain. The author believes that in order to establish the dominant position of blockchain, it is necessary to start from the following aspects.

First, blockchains need to be connected with new technologies. There is no denying that we are in the midst of an explosion of new technologies. Every day brings new technology, every day brings new technology evolution. The derivation and evolution of new technology not only opens up a new thinking window for us, but also opens up a new way for us to think about the development of the industry. However, we also need to see that the new technology is still fragmented, still isolated. Therefore, in order to return to the dominant role of blockchain, we must connect the blockchain with new technologies, so that different new technologies can be put to full use, and new development can be achieved.

So how do you connect new technologies with blockchain? The author thinks that the most important aspect is to let the new technology return to the essence, let the new technology return to the bottom and foundation. When we get back to the basics of the amazing new technologies, it becomes very clear that they are not magical things, but are constructed by different elements, such as numbers and data.

What blockchain technology really solves is the problem of digital and data transmission. If we can use blockchain technology to connect these new technologies together, if we can use blockchain technology to merge previously separate and isolated technologies together, then the dominance of blockchain may be unknowingly established. Without blockchain, new technologies are still messy and inefficient, but only with blockchain can they change, they can operate efficiently, and they can have new development.

Second, blockchains need to connect new applications. Whether it's the meta-universe or web3.0, at the end of the day, they all belong to the category of blockchain applications. It is undeniable that these new applications of blockchain do provide us with new possibilities to solve problems that we wanted to solve in the past but had no good solutions. At the same time, we should also see that these new applications are still isolated and fragmented.

How to get the most out of these new apps? The author believes that the most important point is to realize the integration and connectivity between these new applications, and integrate these isolated and fragmented applications together. Just imagine what kind of world we will face when metasexes, Web3.0, NFT and other new applications realize convergence and connectivity, and when these new applications truly integrate people's production and life together. It is no exaggeration to say that when these new applications are connected, we can truly move from the Internet era to a new era. In the past, we encountered in the Internet era of those pain points and problems, can be fundamentally resolved.

How do you connect these new applications? In my opinion, we should start with block chain. Blockchain technology is one of the main threads to integrate previously fragmented new applications into a complete ecosystem. In such an ecosystem, users can not only get new experiences, but also get corresponding rewards. At this time, we now see so many applications, is not a half-baked project, but a perfect commercial closed loop.

At the end of the day, it's all about blockchain technology. With block chain technology underlying sexual, penetrability to construct the link between different applications, when such a link was established, the moment we can see those fragmented and isolated applications, can truly become a complete ecological system, can truly become a self evolution, can truly become an existence of everyone can live with.


When the rise of new concepts represented by the meta-universe and Web3.0, we see the decline of blockchain. Obviously, such a development model is not sustainable, such a development model is abnormal. In order to solve this problem, we need to restore the status of blockchain and make it the internal momentum driving these emerging industries. As a relatively the basis and the underlying technology, block chain will need to connect to the new technology, connect the new application, new technology and new applications in the chain of blocks under the support of better development and evolution, form a complete ecological system, form a complete set of business closed loop, and finally, block chain can truly boarded the "throne".

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