The first stop of the metauniverse opportunity -- virtual man

In this year's New Year concert, Teresa teng and deep zhou sang a he had never sung "big fish", nice, good-looking, and then comments area brush is full of stars, we went to the late ranked the most is my brother, said he hopes to mount the stage of the Spring Festival gala Leslie cheung, so at this time, if you also think that only yuan universe concept you really likely to miss the tuyere of the decade, In the past two years, Zhang Yimou has also said that there will be no large-scale artistic performances in this year's Winter Olympic Games. Instead, there will only be fewer people but not empty, empty and romantic with science and technology. Therefore, the beginning of the meta-universe shows its significance and value to all of us, which is called virtual man.

A recent graduate of lad, pinched face thousands a month do division on the hot search, simply in the universe is your game and yuan, if you want your own face, the role of need configuration parameters in the game, he will be in accordance with your pictures give you this parameter, then you can into your face, and his face service for you about two thousand pieces, If you don't want to use my face to face to a star, such as photos of Lisa let knead face division to knead into a false face, yuan universe or the game probably need eight to twelve hours, this one is about fifteen thousand yuan, and recently also see there are a lot of pinched face teacher recruitment information, believe that the jobs in the next three to nine months will demand, So interested partners can learn about it.

6797cca7731d361d9d972c1d3ff97211, of course, this is just one yuan universe small section, we use the data to look at, now the world has the development of the universe, first, the latest Christmas shopping festival, sale of electronic products is the highest quest2 on the day of the sale amount to more than 960000 vice, so just a few months there have been tens of millions of global RMB players into the world of the universe; Second, Apple officially launched its AR glasses last September. VR is a sealed glass that takes you into the virtual world. AR is a frame similar to ordinary glasses that allows you to enter the virtual scene in the real world. The third is that Musk officially announced that bcI has been tested on pigs, and that bCI will be used on humans in 2030, when we don't have to wear any wearable devices, and when we plug into bCI, we open our eyes and we enter the universe.

So why do we embrace the meta-universe? In a word, after yuan of the universe is like our country north guangzhou emerging of a city, the earlier you enter the city, the sooner you buy, the sooner you work, the sooner you social, you in yuan social economic civilization of precipitation in the universe, the more so in September this year, is expected to when our RMB digital laid ends, When our AR and VR devices allow us to choose independently, and when Tencent, Ali and other top Internet companies confirm the right of NFT, it is very likely that the meta-universe world belonging to China will be officially opened.

Trill is brushed again so maybe two years later, we don't go sliding upwards, but the world of the universe into a yuan, we could see the little sister of virtual dance in trill, everyone take VR glasses, we suddenly entered a new city called yuan universe world to experience it pleasant surprise for all of us.

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