Blockchain "sneaks" into the judicial scene

As an important breakthrough of core independent innovation, the integration of blockchain with digital society is accelerating, especially in the field of judicial application of innovative practices are constantly emerging.

Recently, jiangsu Higher People's Court said that jiangsu court blockchain nodes have stored electronic materials, business information and other data 3.779 million copies, 83 courts on the chain. Up to now, the people's courts in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shijiazhuang have set up blockchain platforms in the "blockchain + judicial" application field.

Several interviewees told China Business News that since the legality of electronic evidence of blockchain preservation was recognized for the first time, the application of blockchain has achieved initial results in promoting the solution of difficulties in obtaining evidence, storing evidence and authentication. At the same time, with the acceleration of the pace of exploration, the domestic focus of judicial blockchain exploration is shifting from pure technical research to the direction of scene fusion.

7d722123fecbe02764e834388e3dfdc0All kinds of subjects are pouring in one after another

In the information age, electronic evidence has emerged in large quantities, but problems such as data loss, incomplete data and even tampering have followed.

In the process of exploring the optimization of electronic evidence storage and online verification of up-chain evidence, Internet courts and a group of blockchain technology companies took the lead in seeing the potential value of blockchain in solving electronic evidence problems as a technology that can build trust mechanism.

According to typical Internet cases released by the Supreme People's Court (hereinafter referred to as the "Supreme Law"), the legal effect of blockchain electronic storage was recognized for the first time in China in 2018. According to the introduction of the case, the Hangzhou Internet Court held that Zhejiang Shuqin Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Shuqin Technology") adopted the blockchain technology in accordance with relevant standards to store and fix the electronic data, ensuring the integrity of the electronic data, so it confirmed that the electronic data can be used as the basis for determining infringement.

In 2018, The Beijing Internet Court constructed the "Tianping Chain" judicial blockchain platform, and realized automatic execution through blockchain smart contract technology for the first time in 2019, integrating on-chain data with off-chain judicial information system.

The above cases also successfully ignited the enthusiasm of all parties to explore the judicial application of blockchain. Courts, original blockchain technology companies, judicial appraisal centers, notary offices and Internet companies have carried out the work of building judicial blockchain platform, and industry organizations, entity enterprises and financial institutions have also joined in as node participants.

Ma Chenyun, CEO of Beijing Trust Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Trust"), the Supreme Court judicial chain distinguished expert, introduced to reporters, the industry is currently facing the judicial field of blockchain applications are mainly divided into two categories: the first category is directly led by the Supreme Court, the Internet court and other judicial blockchain platform; The second category is the services provided by technology companies in conjunction with notary offices, judicial appraisal centers, law firms, etc., such as issuing blockchain electronic data storage report services.

"The first type of application defines access specifications and evidentiary content requirements, which work with the court system to enable rapid verification. If the second type of application is not connected with the court's alliance chain, then the court needs to recognize the authenticity of its evidence, which is slightly less efficient and effective." Ma Chenyun explains.

Chen Haoming, co-founder of Shuqin Technology and head of digital Political and legal Affairs Division, said that access to the judicial chain set up by the court directly connects electronic evidence with the court system, which directly determines whether to realize the rapid verification and non-inductive verification of blockchain electronic evidence.

337803fd4d2018b2655fa8134975fe78It's all about who's closer to the business

"Only the requirements derived from the first line of business practice are real requirements, and the application scenarios derived from them are more viable." Boring chain technology co-founder KuangLiZhong said that although blocks the accelerating convergence speed chain and judicial scene, but there are still some pain points, points, such as in the technical side, the real pain points and have insight into judicial practice thinking block chain technology, technical route is feasible, convenient and able to output a line business people use solution is very rare.

Under the background of increasing participants, a consensus has gradually formed in the industry: in the judicial blockchain application represented by electronic storage, the key to competition is not technology, and other factors besides technology may be more worthy of attention in the future, such as the comprehensive ability of operation scenes and ecology.

Ma Chenyun said that after several years of exploration, the technology has become increasingly mature for the judicial application of blockchain. Even if there is a technical threshold, it will not be a key barrier. In the future, the key link to form competitive advantage may be ecological competence. "Simple alliance chain construction as a service direction can not really play the value of the chain, from the confirmation of rights to authorization, and finally to rights protection, this series of services is the ultimate demand of users."

Chen Haoming also admitted to reporters that evidence preservation is still a tool category in nature, and it is easy to fall into the homogenized competition and "price war". Even if it is vigorously promoted in optimizing and improving the smoothness of user experience, there will not be a particularly obvious distinction. "Technology won't be the most critical barrier," he says. "Deep understanding of the business will be the key to building a moat."

"The deeper we get into the business, the more we find the diversity of judicial blockchain work in different fields." Taking the financial scene as an example, Chen Haoming pointed out that the financial credit business is often accompanied by overdue disputes, widely involved subjects, complicated electronic evidence, difficult identification, high cost and other problems. In the traditional way, all the evidence should be printed and then sealed, and the court should also manually review the paper evidence after receiving it. Faced with the need to improve the efficiency of case handling, Shuqin technology links up the data in real time in the process of bank lending to form a standardized scheme. In case of default, it sends the evidence archiving combination to the court in a systematic way. For the court, quick verification and verification can be carried out.

New model of collaborative governance

Some senior executives of the original blockchain company believe that in the "judicial + blockchain" fusion scenario, there has been a problem of coordination among all parties. "Because the judiciary has always been at the 'end', the value of its play is often indirect social benefits, direct economic benefits in the short term is not prominent, the attraction of decision makers is limited."

And judging from some current practices, this situation is becoming "the past". At present, the effectiveness of blockchain technology in the judicial field is not limited to litigation. For example, Shijiazhuang Financial Court uses blockchain technology to lead the construction of the "E-finance small-amount dispute litigation source governance platform". Starting from the source of the dispute, it adopts the layered concept of filtering, diversion and screening to realize layer by layer diversion governance, providing innovative ideas for saving judicial resources and litigation source governance.

At the end of May, the Supreme People's Court mentioned in the Opinions on Strengthening the Judicial Application of blockchain that the role of blockchain should be fully played in promoting judicial credibility and serving social governance. Built in 2025, the people's court and the social from all walks of life to each block chain alliance of sharing, data check, reliable operation, smart contracts, cross chain synergy based support ability improved, such as judicial block chain across chain alliance into the economic and social operation system, active service business environment optimization, economic and social governance, risk prevention to dissolve and industry innovation and development, To serve the construction of Safe China, Rule of law China, digital China and Good Faith China, and to form a world-leading application model of blockchain in the judicial field with Chinese characteristics.

"Internally empowered judicial trial and externally empowered social governance are also important ideas for our current application." Ma Chenyun said.

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