Is the meta-universe the next Internet?

The term "next Generation Internet" is not a new term. Every few years since the Internet became commercially available more than 30 years ago, there has been a new technology called "next Generation Internet", and every time it is different.

For example, the "next generation Internet" in the 1990s was IPv6, the "next generation Internet" after 2000 was Web2.0 and NGN, and the "next generation Internet" around 2010 was mobile Internet, Internet of things and SDN, etc. The next generation of Internet around 2016 will be industrial Internet, value Internet and VR wearable Internet. Now the "next generation Internet" is Web3.0, metasexes, digital and smart cars.

It has been clear for more than 30 years that the thriving "next generation" of the Internet has been fiercely competitive. This shows not only that the concept and content of the Internet are constantly changing, but also that the technology of the Internet, which is in its 60s, is still going strong despite having many children and grandchildren.

In order for the metasexes to succeed as the next generation Internet, the most critical thing is that the core technology line should not be damaged, because the technology with a hard vote can reject the candidacy.

61e49a1ed32d45362416474449e3a740VR glasses have a long way to go before they replace smartphones as the new gateway to the Internet. VR glasses, for example, are technically difficult to solve the problem of vertigo caused by wearing them for a long time. Second, the weight of VR glasses is 10 to 20 times the weight of ordinary glasses, and it will take more than 10 years to reduce the weight of VR glasses to 1/10 of the current weight. Third, the battery life of VR glasses needs to be improved; Fourth, VR glasses can only bring the sense of immersion of vision and hearing, but lack the sense of touch, taste and smell required for immersion.

Represented by Web3.0 economic yuan universe, although technology is relatively mature, or technology is evolving, but the digital native commercial, financial and economic system, compared with the real world is so revolutionary, so one of the biggest challenges facing is how to reduce the impact on the real world, and how the real world of business, financial and economic system harmonious coexistence.

AR/VR as the representative of the experiential meta-universe, the current damage is technical; The economic metaverse represented by block chain, NFT and Web3.0 is mainly legal and regulatory.

Is the meta-universe the wind of technology or the pit of capital? The meta-universe is a technology that is likely to succeed. It is the wind of technology, but the pit of capital. It is very likely that the meta-universe will become the core of the next generation of Internet, but it cannot be the end of the Internet, as there are also industrial Internet, Internet of things, cloud-native micro-service networking, data interweaving and AI interconnection.

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