The philosophical implications of blockchain

Throughout our economic society and development, science and technology are the primary productive forces and determine the nature of the relations of production. But the situation is: the rapid progress of Internet, technology of iterative, the contribution of individual in the whole growing, but adapted to the structure of the relationship, the income distribution has not changed much, even the most advanced Internet companies, individuals and organizations still is one of the traditional relationship between employer and be, income distribution still cannot response contribution ratio. ,

Imbalance of the productive forces and the productive relations have everywhere, the relationship between the centralized organization and super individual imbalance has been very prominent contradiction, it is also a lot of the media of a root cause, the progress of technology, make the individual more and more like the company, the company is more and more not attract individual charm, in a nutshell, Such relations of production are no longer suitable for the development of the current productive forces, and even constrain the productive forces and stifle innovation, so change is at hand.

The emergence of blockchain is a necessary trend and product of social progress and change. It is also very consistent with the philosophical principle of "long union must be divided". Any thing that is not conducive to development is unreasonable, there will be a reasonable existence to replace and change.

c40ba3cd751a9a87d7fb5e14849a4ecaCent long must close, close long must divide, this is a kind of law, if use this kind of law to see everything everything, became a kind of philosophy. From the perspective of time, Zhang Shousheng takes the Internet as an example:

In the past, AT&T had a near-monopoly on network resources in the US due to Circut Switching, a network technology; * THE invention of THE TCP/IP protocol, which made AT&T no longer the dominant player, promoted the integration of long time must be separated;

After the information Internet lasted for a period of time, the whole information did not have a systematic organizational structure, which made it difficult to find information. At this time, Google emerged to centralize information collection and integrate it after a long time.

The first generation of Internet is information exchange, while the second generation of Internet needs value exchange, and the core of value is to have a consensus. The emergence of blockchain, a distributed network technology, promotes this kind of integration for a long time.

How clear thinking, how simple eight words to block chain appeared a reasonable philosophical explanation.

In the living world, moving toward order is an action that reduces entropy, but the entropy of the whole system is still increasing. In the world of blockchain, calculation by Hash function consumes peripheral energy on the surface and weakens its own entropy, but increases the entropy of the surrounding system. The result is that everyone has reached a consensus, and the acquisition of consensus is the core of blockchain.

So, according to this philosophy, a decentralized, integrated Internet revolution is bound to come.

PC Internet era, Internet users understand the Internet, learn to use the computer this process lasted a whole decade; In the era of mobile Internet, netizens naturally accept smart phones, and it only took 5 years to fully enter the era of mobile Internet. And the blockchain value of the Internet era, it is not difficult to predict that the mobile Internet era will come faster, more rapid. One day in the coin circle, one year in the world, this is a well-known quotation in the blockchain world, the difficulty coefficient and risk coefficient of blockchain investment, there is no exponential increase, at least is a multiplier growth.

In the face of a wealth explosion of new things, who can smell the scent faster; Who can discover the business opportunities through learning faster? Who gets into action faster; Who can stand on the top of the pyramid when the lowest threshold of the industry, such an opportunity, life can have several times? We bumped into him. We couldn't miss it.

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