Metaverse and design revolution

At the beginning of this year, the author proposed to establish a meta-universe research institute under the International Design Science Society, which has received positive response from many experts and scholars at home and abroad. On March 28 this year, the International Society for Design Science (ISDS-META) was founded.

About 30 years ago, the famous scientist Qian Xuesen had a vision of virtual reality and the meta-universe, and named it "Lingjing". He is therefore honored as the "father of the meta-universe". As Qian Xuesen's Alma mater, Shanghai Jiao Tong University became the leader of the establishment of the Institute of Meta-cosmos and hosted the international conference on "Meta-cosmos and Innovative Design" on May 28 with the support of all parties, laying the foundation of the "building" of the International Society of Design Sciences.

So, what is the meta-universe? How do design scientists intervene in the meta-universe? What should the INTERNATIONAL Society of Design Sciences Metasexes do about it?

Metaverse is the "hot" word of the moment and promises to become one of the most recognizable and popular words in technology and everyday social life. However, there is no consensus on the definition of the metadverse. The author holds that the meta-universe is not simply the virtualization of reality, but the realization of digitalization; The meta-universe is not an entirely virtual world, but a digital new world; This digital new world is not only the digitalization of the physical world, nor is it only the digitalization of the virtual world, but the new world of the integration of virtual and reality. Through digitalization, this new world of integration can be upgraded to create and generate value in a higher dimension.

64ea0771dbca779fedcaad9b09c7d396Fifty-one percent of respondents to Microsoft's annual Work Trends Index survey believe they will be doing at least some work within the next two years in a meta-cosmic environment, known as a "metaboundary," with a higher percentage open to the idea; Only 16 per cent of respondents said they could not imagine working in the metadogon in the future. Today, while certain sectors of society still rely heavily on physical presence and interaction, I believe the journey to a virtual workspace is shorter than the 16% of respondents think. Indeed, there are already signs of such a trend: COVID-19 is driving a change in the way work is done, with digital solutions being integrated into workflows, giving rise to new models of "cloud" or hybrid work,

From the perspective of human development history, the meta-universe makes the perception of the boundary between the real physical world and the virtual world increasingly blurred, which may give birth to a new form of civilization. It is impossible to define or even describe this new civilization, but it must be exciting and fascinating, and not just a few inventions and technological breakthroughs.

"Everything can be designed." Design is one of the earliest practical activities of mankind, which continuously promotes the development and progress of human society. As between philosophy and other humanities and science and engineering science, special art of innovation leading value between disciplines, design is a natural formation, stick the future development trend of human society and the development needs of the emerging interdisciplinary, art, science, technology, humanities, social, business, such as multiple attributes.

Our design in real life has to be subject to the properties of the physical world and matter itself, but in the "metacarding", these constraints can be completely eliminated and free creation can be achieved. For the design industry as a whole, the meta-universe may be rewriting the rules of design and driving a profound design revolution.

It is based on the above understanding that THE International Society for Design Science (ISSA) took the lead in establishing the IsSA Meta-universe Society, calling on and encouraging talents in related fields to meet the challenges in the new environment of the meta-universe and create a new design logic, design system and design method. We hope that the scientific and technological communities and the industrial community will work together in good faith, not only to realize cutting-edge innovation and breakthrough in the research and development of key core technologies, but also to advance the layout in the humanities and social sciences, and accelerate the integrated innovation and application of related scenarios in the meta-universe.

The author believes that the so-called meta-universe is the virtualization of the real world and the realisation of the dream world, which can be realized with the help of digitalization. What elements of the real world need to be virtualized, how, and what kind of fantasy world needs to be realized? In my opinion, to find the answers to these questions is our mission and responsibility of the international Design Science Society.

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